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Current weekly ad Homeland - Valid from 08/30 to 09/05 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Homeland 08/30/2023 - 09/05/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Sunbeam or Wonder $398 Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns ai lee : AY , : oe) . : 4 a: TE ee we | Jal ; RS Calpe: : wy a te sar Chb Crack Wa a ~& po: rackers i 71370: : Nabisco SaraLee Toasteds Crackers: Pay Piz Crack Classic White or =: Best Choice 802 or : ae White Sandwich: Peanut Butter TownHouse Crackers : "S459 Oreo Cookies Bread : 80 2° Selected Variebe i Kool Aid, : F; MiO or Crystal Light: Country Time or Tang. : | Liquid Enhancer or: coomter : | Kool-Aid o Tang $4 uid Drink Mix Capri Sun or i Country Time Drinks: Cheezit $que 2° : Nestle Splash $2 Flavored Water on : 2. =, ; ’ JR gy Bete hs \ hh & Oe ; ri a e Kraft Daddy Hinkle's —~ Velveeta Shells & Filippo Berio : Instant Meat AL “ ; Cheese or Deluxe Extra Virgin Olive Oi! = Marinade Steak Sauce Macaroni & Cheese: Dinners ago 22°: S790 Spee: $400 Diner 2 sy > 7 ‘ q z i Oy. General Mills Picante, Taco Sauce | $7 cereal : $2 or Salsa : SACRETORS al i oe Nel Best Choice Candy Marshmallows : Ie) Microwave Popcorn: a 25 at oe Cee ee R Loon g DELIVERY El ; eststkraers Maree Ce ate % Emplo' Ya M eae oilseed rake

Latest weekly ads

Sunbeam or Wonder $398 Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns ai lee : AY , : oe) . : 4 a: TE ee we | Jal ; RS Calpe: : wy a te sar Chb Crack Wa a ~& po: rackers i 71370: : Nabisco SaraLee Toasteds Crackers: Pay Piz Crack Classic White or =: Best Choice 802 or : ae White Sandwich: Peanut Butter TownHouse Crackers : "S459 Oreo Cookies Bread : 80 2° Selected Variebe i Kool Aid, : F; MiO or Crystal Light: Country Time or Tang. : | Liquid Enhancer or: coomter : | Kool-Aid o Tang $4 uid Drink Mix Capri Sun or i Country Time Drinks: Cheezit $que 2° : Nestle Splash $2 Flavored Water on : 2. =, ; ’ JR gy Bete hs \ hh & Oe ; ri a e Kraft Daddy Hinkle's —~ Velveeta Shells & Filippo Berio : Instant Meat AL “ ; Cheese or Deluxe Extra Virgin Olive Oi! = Marinade Steak Sauce Macaroni & Cheese: Dinners ago 22°: S790 Spee: $400 Diner 2 sy > 7 ‘ q z i Oy. General Mills Picante, Taco Sauce | $7 cereal : $2 or Salsa : SACRETORS al i oe Nel Best Choice Candy Marshmallows : Ie) Microwave Popcorn: a 25 at oe Cee ee R Loon g DELIVERY El ; eststkraers Maree Ce ate % Emplo' Ya M eae oilseed rake

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