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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 05/28 to 06/03 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 05/28/2024 - 06/03/2024


Products in this weekly ad

CW] Smoked Meat SiC Assorted 2 07. Aa Takis POT ERT A TTen EN Tae assorted 9.88-9.9 o7., ASST MOC ee TINY ACAI TENE STEEL A TCUn OU variety 15.5 07., $2.99 Comes TIN} years CCT Energy Drinks Assorted 12 02. Buy 2 Get 1 Free Bai Drinks AOU Ag ES CUn yan EC) CEM aR) 4 for 5 veces LG AN OULNN 8 assorted 12-16 0z,, $1.49 ea. before savings 4 forss ST tS LEWIS. EIU] Tissues Nate /Xe TIC Irish Spring ores CN ES Ba e@ IT yaa SU SNE C Ny Noseel Kea rae] Colgate Toothpaste, DES g ak: "i Body Wash a TTR Cy Assorted 5.1-33.81 02. orlct. rAd} AF REET) Tissues a caea oa ATU RYU eel Nalcem loa 2 for ‘6 Softsoap Hand Soap Select 11.25 02. 52 2 for $5

Latest weekly ads

CW] Smoked Meat SiC Assorted 2 07. Aa Takis POT ERT A TTen EN Tae assorted 9.88-9.9 o7., ASST MOC ee TINY ACAI TENE STEEL A TCUn OU variety 15.5 07., $2.99 Comes TIN} years CCT Energy Drinks Assorted 12 02. Buy 2 Get 1 Free Bai Drinks AOU Ag ES CUn yan EC) CEM aR) 4 for 5 veces LG AN OULNN 8 assorted 12-16 0z,, $1.49 ea. before savings 4 forss ST tS LEWIS. EIU] Tissues Nate /Xe TIC Irish Spring ores CN ES Ba e@ IT yaa SU SNE C Ny Noseel Kea rae] Colgate Toothpaste, DES g ak: "i Body Wash a TTR Cy Assorted 5.1-33.81 02. orlct. rAd} AF REET) Tissues a caea oa ATU RYU eel Nalcem loa 2 for ‘6 Softsoap Hand Soap Select 11.25 02. 52 2 for $5

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