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Current weekly ad Menards - Valid from 03/19 to 03/30 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Menards 03/19/2025 - 03/30/2025


Products in this weekly ad

FF SUP OSE Sd Ass IL munanas PO Ue) \°Q fe 4 A I E! ‘a Hy Cen ae hep i O S i) . 12 0z. cans 574-8677-8681 By While Supplies Last! R f yeahs 6.73 9 od ee Uren 11% REBATE* _0.74 fy SY ETE COM lca sa) he jalge 599 Oe Paya i Een Eas ea Co Sees CA 11% REBATE* 0.68 9 PRICE = F49 LS ak ae 6-pack Summer SALE PRICE 9.54 Sausage “*:: 11% REBATE* 1.05 573-9518, 9519 PRIce ~Q49 819 REBATE pean Baik 574-7126, 7131 (Onion)Ring SALE PRICE 8.98 Skin Crisps =: 11% REBATE* _0.99 273-6211, 573-6942, 6943, 7077 PRICE 99 oe SALE PRICE 3.92 ABIENS 12-Pack Pop Tarts® 2‘: 11% REBATE* 9 43 Ass — . 573-2582-2587 PRICE 49 Seasonin SALE PRICE 3.92 . 349 enone Pace ae 0.43 REBATE 13-4602. 8583, 8922 SALE PRICE 4.48 AGIEBR 349 ‘ 11% REBATE* 0.49 9 49 12-pack PRICE #pQQ — AFTER 399 REBATE* 017-57 07, ‘SALE PRICE ne 11% REBATE* 0.99 pabaaaediaiese TS Seana ies 799 bitsy Ng SALE PRICE 11. im} Savers®, Ait :J.\ Sal) (le Seite fillde 99 Valais ei Jell SALE PRICE 4.48 575-8215-8217 ryan gam 11% REBATE*0.49 ary 7 REBATE* BORGIR} PRICE 99 [vite Suppes Last] ae 98 02. coy Zz ny M1 Q 7 F ae a z Ps = n?,} E ea wa Pee peed OT at EIS stan | Es eI # 58 ‘ a | Prete bes weet: PRICE® 3.92 Men's —SALEPRICE_ «5.61 Moisturizing SALE PRICE 18.97 Lig 11% REBATE* 0.43 Products 11% REBATE* a Lotion 11% REBATE* 2.09 iqui HandScap PRICE 9.49 349 575-5096-5099 price = 99 499 575-480, 482, sos, FI Pace 488 1 6° 575-6423, 6424 REBATE* 11.5 02. ae ae “Price After Rebate” is the Price or Sale Price, minus the savings you can receive from an 11% Mail-in Rebate* in the form of an in-store MEAGLD’ merchandise credit check. The 11% Rebate* is not a point-of-sale discount on the advertised items. See page 2 for details.

Latest weekly ads

FF SUP OSE Sd Ass IL munanas PO Ue) \°Q fe 4 A I E! ‘a Hy Cen ae hep i O S i) . 12 0z. cans 574-8677-8681 By While Supplies Last! R f yeahs 6.73 9 od ee Uren 11% REBATE* _0.74 fy SY ETE COM lca sa) he jalge 599 Oe Paya i Een Eas ea Co Sees CA 11% REBATE* 0.68 9 PRICE = F49 LS ak ae 6-pack Summer SALE PRICE 9.54 Sausage “*:: 11% REBATE* 1.05 573-9518, 9519 PRIce ~Q49 819 REBATE pean Baik 574-7126, 7131 (Onion)Ring SALE PRICE 8.98 Skin Crisps =: 11% REBATE* _0.99 273-6211, 573-6942, 6943, 7077 PRICE 99 oe SALE PRICE 3.92 ABIENS 12-Pack Pop Tarts® 2‘: 11% REBATE* 9 43 Ass — . 573-2582-2587 PRICE 49 Seasonin SALE PRICE 3.92 . 349 enone Pace ae 0.43 REBATE 13-4602. 8583, 8922 SALE PRICE 4.48 AGIEBR 349 ‘ 11% REBATE* 0.49 9 49 12-pack PRICE #pQQ — AFTER 399 REBATE* 017-57 07, ‘SALE PRICE ne 11% REBATE* 0.99 pabaaaediaiese TS Seana ies 799 bitsy Ng SALE PRICE 11. im} Savers®, Ait :J.\ Sal) (le Seite fillde 99 Valais ei Jell SALE PRICE 4.48 575-8215-8217 ryan gam 11% REBATE*0.49 ary 7 REBATE* BORGIR} PRICE 99 [vite Suppes Last] ae 98 02. coy Zz ny M1 Q 7 F ae a z Ps = n?,} E ea wa Pee peed OT at EIS stan | Es eI # 58 ‘ a | Prete bes weet: PRICE® 3.92 Men's —SALEPRICE_ «5.61 Moisturizing SALE PRICE 18.97 Lig 11% REBATE* 0.43 Products 11% REBATE* a Lotion 11% REBATE* 2.09 iqui HandScap PRICE 9.49 349 575-5096-5099 price = 99 499 575-480, 482, sos, FI Pace 488 1 6° 575-6423, 6424 REBATE* 11.5 02. ae ae “Price After Rebate” is the Price or Sale Price, minus the savings you can receive from an 11% Mail-in Rebate* in the form of an in-store MEAGLD’ merchandise credit check. The 11% Rebate* is not a point-of-sale discount on the advertised items. See page 2 for details.

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