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Current weekly ad IGA - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad IGA 03/19/2025 - 03/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Hh i th PES VALID: MARCH 18 THU om 25, 2025 roe nite i is ESE ceisl 2 00 Classic oe og ie WES Crust, Tombstone se KF ere ee a2 ANS IRR Aaya Sala cats) ae Nee 10.68-20 0z Sa EL) Tele PTS ont ONLY AVAILABLE IN SELECT DELI LOCATIONS Ready to Eat . Bone-In Wings 5Ct. Yh 10Ct. 59 on 1099 40 Ct 21°9 Roya aE aes CUM ey Select Varieties g Progresso Soup 14/36) eee] corre Ee] Bx) Fresh 1&9 Broccoli Crowns 16 0z. Select Varieties Ken’s Steakhouse Salad Dressing Riana Mn Plea 6-12 Roll Select Varieties ae Fiora Bath Tissue \use ¥ or Paper Towels ‘o he tld iol 10 i S ate i i ata. 10 ea AMR eT RECIPE! Select Varieties PLA] 4 Walt Ne Ree ay 15 Pk./12 Oz. Cans a Seer lle Soa TNE UT ae) % oe on 7, @) SS Cay SN a Ula ORY. an Varieties EWES Potato or Kettle Chips Naan a elit HEL dT TTT

Latest weekly ads

Hh i th PES VALID: MARCH 18 THU om 25, 2025 roe nite i is ESE ceisl 2 00 Classic oe og ie WES Crust, Tombstone se KF ere ee a2 ANS IRR Aaya Sala cats) ae Nee 10.68-20 0z Sa EL) Tele PTS ont ONLY AVAILABLE IN SELECT DELI LOCATIONS Ready to Eat . Bone-In Wings 5Ct. Yh 10Ct. 59 on 1099 40 Ct 21°9 Roya aE aes CUM ey Select Varieties g Progresso Soup 14/36) eee] corre Ee] Bx) Fresh 1&9 Broccoli Crowns 16 0z. Select Varieties Ken’s Steakhouse Salad Dressing Riana Mn Plea 6-12 Roll Select Varieties ae Fiora Bath Tissue \use ¥ or Paper Towels ‘o he tld iol 10 i S ate i i ata. 10 ea AMR eT RECIPE! Select Varieties PLA] 4 Walt Ne Ree ay 15 Pk./12 Oz. Cans a Seer lle Soa TNE UT ae) % oe on 7, @) SS Cay SN a Ula ORY. an Varieties EWES Potato or Kettle Chips Naan a elit HEL dT TTT

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