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Current weekly ad Dot's Market - Valid from 04/01 to 04/07 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Dot's Market 04/01/2024 - 04/07/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Nae a, Sign up today to earn points We la eM CURIE OIE Ur ein One| el Ute ] Pde aaeo ce ami Beef Loin Boneless 3, g 9. Fresh 81% Lean New York Ground Chuck or Strip Steak Ground Chuck Patties s Dot's Own Boneless Marinated Chicken Breast 6.49. ae ae as boll Need \e Frozen andes Fresh Meats . Ureued pe Pe Pork Slab Spare Ribs acon 2 per pack 99:, eA 2.99. Garden Salad Mix Tomatoes % E ExtraLarge 1202. pkg. Onthe Vine ; — Cantaloupes $ S rn 2h48 50 2/54 Progresso Soup Green Dairy Fresh 18.5-19 02. Cabbage Shredded Cheese 80z.pkg. HOT MEALS 3.99 6.99. i Hillshire Farm SaraLee Chicken Breast at Great Prices! en thks » 490 9.99, % 1 3.99 Mild Cheddar fam, Hot &Fresh : Cheese Original Broasted fimoin iy Cocke Chicken Ma 5 99 4 Piece Box Equal Parts . b Provolone 3 49 Cheese . Kentucky Legend 6 gg Sliced Bacon . b = W6oe Dot's Own Hot el ; Pulled BBQ Beef Two Piece Mixet . east Chicken Dinner 2/ S3E a par. we 4 gg, , } . With 2 Sides anda Roll ElMonterey Lee : Dot's Own Breakfast Burritos oo Ham Supreme 4502. = tering Cross Pointe/Centerville PRICES INTHIS AD GOOD MON., APRIL 1—SUN,, APRIL 7,2024 2274 Patterson Rd.-937-253-6169 118 W.FranklinSt.-937-848-6751 —_101E. Alex Bell Rd. Suite176-937-496-5657 [7 "| Tues 5 WED "| 8 ft 6 SUN Coa Due eal 7

Latest weekly ads

Nae a, Sign up today to earn points We la eM CURIE OIE Ur ein One| el Ute ] Pde aaeo ce ami Beef Loin Boneless 3, g 9. Fresh 81% Lean New York Ground Chuck or Strip Steak Ground Chuck Patties s Dot's Own Boneless Marinated Chicken Breast 6.49. ae ae as boll Need \e Frozen andes Fresh Meats . Ureued pe Pe Pork Slab Spare Ribs acon 2 per pack 99:, eA 2.99. Garden Salad Mix Tomatoes % E ExtraLarge 1202. pkg. Onthe Vine ; — Cantaloupes $ S rn 2h48 50 2/54 Progresso Soup Green Dairy Fresh 18.5-19 02. Cabbage Shredded Cheese 80z.pkg. HOT MEALS 3.99 6.99. i Hillshire Farm SaraLee Chicken Breast at Great Prices! en thks » 490 9.99, % 1 3.99 Mild Cheddar fam, Hot &Fresh : Cheese Original Broasted fimoin iy Cocke Chicken Ma 5 99 4 Piece Box Equal Parts . b Provolone 3 49 Cheese . Kentucky Legend 6 gg Sliced Bacon . b = W6oe Dot's Own Hot el ; Pulled BBQ Beef Two Piece Mixet . east Chicken Dinner 2/ S3E a par. we 4 gg, , } . With 2 Sides anda Roll ElMonterey Lee : Dot's Own Breakfast Burritos oo Ham Supreme 4502. = tering Cross Pointe/Centerville PRICES INTHIS AD GOOD MON., APRIL 1—SUN,, APRIL 7,2024 2274 Patterson Rd.-937-253-6169 118 W.FranklinSt.-937-848-6751 —_101E. Alex Bell Rd. Suite176-937-496-5657 [7 "| Tues 5 WED "| 8 ft 6 SUN Coa Due eal 7

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