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Current weekly ad Winn-Dixie - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Winn-Dixie 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

3b Bag Gala Apples _ DazzleGreen 8 less Grapes Bazne Dazzle Bi Color Seeaess ‘ Grapes * $2. kiosk . 1 ert & $ Mix & match § ’ $. 99 ee oo Mimi Gourmet a " or Angel Sweet - $4? i atch Tomatoesrint 1 pest edCusertomatoes HE ie O's California Peaches, 4Pk Hass Avocados Biccheres, Bisciberries we tet Nectarines or Red or Black Plums ee eee or Raspberries 6 oz 7, 12/. SR49 oO a ; 5 f = ‘\€ Mix & match D : Y 4 ‘ 2 tb Bag SE Grocers Baby Cut _ +. Green Bell Peppers Carrots eae Bella Red, Yellow o¢ Ovange Bell Peppees Mushrooms 8 o: 3b Bag Navel Oranges Starfruit or Large Mangos Pers Shake osrooms 3 200+ $4478 Large temons79¢e Green Shin Avocaden’ fork sooo CEE «2 2 4 Mix & match (cso f= y Collards, Mustards, Turnip Greens 21 Bag Orgenlc Peaches Ub Pouch Medjoo!DoubleDates | or Nec | Organic Yetlow or Zucchini Squash Green Giant Microwave Vegetables 3 Grocers in Shel Jumbo Peanuts 24 oz reece rere of lack | of Cucumbers 2 ct Sionealor $10 $2990 Seedtess Grapes $299 Vib Bag Organic Baby Cut Carrets+3 for $5 Fisherman's Wharf Shriop Bolthouse Farms Juice 15.2 oz Fresh Pineapple Chunks ee reece concen Wings Sed CR ee 1Goz * 16-20 or 21-30ct raw or Inthe produce dept Fro ber Stuffed Chicken Breast 00x 41 Soak cooned pte Ben? pies ° ap Mix & match A GLUE BEL KECREAM F (ie. ew Ex a Blue Bell Ice Cream 16.02 0° a Rolls 15 ct or Lindy’s ttalianice 6 ct Fisher Boy Fish Sticks 44 ct Mayfield Ice Cream 1.5 gt 5 9on2 General Mills Cereal 8.9-11.7 oz irds Eye Corn onthe Cob6-12ct Select varieties 10 $5.79 002 5 5.19 002 SE Grocers Potato Chips 5 oz or microwave popcorn 6 ct All pri am Nin 5 WNT Offers valid W oe EEE AE) SO VISA ES me 4 coinstar =~ UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ITEM VARIETIES AND SIZES MAY VARY BY STORE. ‘We Brier the igh tore! Quatiieof Merchande. Seba Desir. 2082

Latest weekly ads

3b Bag Gala Apples _ DazzleGreen 8 less Grapes Bazne Dazzle Bi Color Seeaess ‘ Grapes * $2. kiosk . 1 ert & $ Mix & match § ’ $. 99 ee oo Mimi Gourmet a " or Angel Sweet - $4? i atch Tomatoesrint 1 pest edCusertomatoes HE ie O's California Peaches, 4Pk Hass Avocados Biccheres, Bisciberries we tet Nectarines or Red or Black Plums ee eee or Raspberries 6 oz 7, 12/. SR49 oO a ; 5 f = ‘\€ Mix & match D : Y 4 ‘ 2 tb Bag SE Grocers Baby Cut _ +. Green Bell Peppers Carrots eae Bella Red, Yellow o¢ Ovange Bell Peppees Mushrooms 8 o: 3b Bag Navel Oranges Starfruit or Large Mangos Pers Shake osrooms 3 200+ $4478 Large temons79¢e Green Shin Avocaden’ fork sooo CEE «2 2 4 Mix & match (cso f= y Collards, Mustards, Turnip Greens 21 Bag Orgenlc Peaches Ub Pouch Medjoo!DoubleDates | or Nec | Organic Yetlow or Zucchini Squash Green Giant Microwave Vegetables 3 Grocers in Shel Jumbo Peanuts 24 oz reece rere of lack | of Cucumbers 2 ct Sionealor $10 $2990 Seedtess Grapes $299 Vib Bag Organic Baby Cut Carrets+3 for $5 Fisherman's Wharf Shriop Bolthouse Farms Juice 15.2 oz Fresh Pineapple Chunks ee reece concen Wings Sed CR ee 1Goz * 16-20 or 21-30ct raw or Inthe produce dept Fro ber Stuffed Chicken Breast 00x 41 Soak cooned pte Ben? pies ° ap Mix & match A GLUE BEL KECREAM F (ie. ew Ex a Blue Bell Ice Cream 16.02 0° a Rolls 15 ct or Lindy’s ttalianice 6 ct Fisher Boy Fish Sticks 44 ct Mayfield Ice Cream 1.5 gt 5 9on2 General Mills Cereal 8.9-11.7 oz irds Eye Corn onthe Cob6-12ct Select varieties 10 $5.79 002 5 5.19 002 SE Grocers Potato Chips 5 oz or microwave popcorn 6 ct All pri am Nin 5 WNT Offers valid W oe EEE AE) SO VISA ES me 4 coinstar =~ UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ITEM VARIETIES AND SIZES MAY VARY BY STORE. ‘We Brier the igh tore! Quatiieof Merchande. Seba Desir. 2082

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