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Current weekly ad United Supermarkets - Valid from 01/21 to 01/28 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad United Supermarkets 01/21/2025 - 01/28/2025


Products in this weekly ad

FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO FEEL BETTER Temporada de Respriados y Gripe! ENCUENTRA TODO,EO QUE NECESITAS PARA SENTIRTE MEJOR. Prices Effective Through February 11, 2025 e = | MucinexDlf — = ca Mucine> 08 inex conan gus orn ee | | Serene Signature Care™ Vapor Inhaler or CTE: Theraflu or Medicated Mucinex es Robitussin Chest Rub Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 14 ct. or 6 oz. Tylenol Alka- Signature Cold Head 4 Seltzer Plus Care™ 9 Congestion or 4 Children’s or Coricidin for Cough Drops Sinus Motrin 24 ct. or 12 oz. 30.ct. Selected Varieties, 24 ct. 402. = Weer = A Se eran ©.= ie ae otters Ces Mucinex = Children’s Liquid or Dost se Le Signature Care™ —— Mini Melts g°9 Cold & Flu Daytime or Nighttime Selected Varieties Safetussin 12 02. or 24 ct. 402. or 12 ct. 4-807. ws SGI Signature Care™ be 99 Allergy Tablet 99 Signature Care™ 39 99 Delsym or Liquid-Gels Allergy Tablets Afrin No Drip Cough Syrup 25 - 30.ct. 24 ct. Selected Varieties, 15 ml. 5 oz. Mucus Relief Spray Pain Relief 14ct. 1.5 oz. 100 ct. a annie Care™ Tylenol 7 Signature Care™ P Saline Nasal 10” Extra Strength 599 Chloraseptic 6 0z. AirFizz at Btn Ce) 99 2 Signature Care™ ri Signature Care™ Benehistamine 99 Signature 9 AirFizz - Veridian ais or Cough/Runny 4 es Tussin Effervescent 0 Thermometer Nose 40z. 4oz. Tablets 10 ct. OFF Selected Varieties sg 99 ciorox Clorox SELECT® St crananan Care™ 99 Germ-X Disinfecting Facial Tissue Hand Sanitizer Hand Soap Wipes 75 ct. for 60 - 160 ct. 2oz. 1202. 01222025-AMG- BA

Latest weekly ads

FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO FEEL BETTER Temporada de Respriados y Gripe! ENCUENTRA TODO,EO QUE NECESITAS PARA SENTIRTE MEJOR. Prices Effective Through February 11, 2025 e = | MucinexDlf — = ca Mucine> 08 inex conan gus orn ee | | Serene Signature Care™ Vapor Inhaler or CTE: Theraflu or Medicated Mucinex es Robitussin Chest Rub Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 14 ct. or 6 oz. Tylenol Alka- Signature Cold Head 4 Seltzer Plus Care™ 9 Congestion or 4 Children’s or Coricidin for Cough Drops Sinus Motrin 24 ct. or 12 oz. 30.ct. Selected Varieties, 24 ct. 402. = Weer = A Se eran ©.= ie ae otters Ces Mucinex = Children’s Liquid or Dost se Le Signature Care™ —— Mini Melts g°9 Cold & Flu Daytime or Nighttime Selected Varieties Safetussin 12 02. or 24 ct. 402. or 12 ct. 4-807. ws SGI Signature Care™ be 99 Allergy Tablet 99 Signature Care™ 39 99 Delsym or Liquid-Gels Allergy Tablets Afrin No Drip Cough Syrup 25 - 30.ct. 24 ct. Selected Varieties, 15 ml. 5 oz. Mucus Relief Spray Pain Relief 14ct. 1.5 oz. 100 ct. a annie Care™ Tylenol 7 Signature Care™ P Saline Nasal 10” Extra Strength 599 Chloraseptic 6 0z. AirFizz at Btn Ce) 99 2 Signature Care™ ri Signature Care™ Benehistamine 99 Signature 9 AirFizz - Veridian ais or Cough/Runny 4 es Tussin Effervescent 0 Thermometer Nose 40z. 4oz. Tablets 10 ct. OFF Selected Varieties sg 99 ciorox Clorox SELECT® St crananan Care™ 99 Germ-X Disinfecting Facial Tissue Hand Sanitizer Hand Soap Wipes 75 ct. for 60 - 160 ct. 2oz. 1202. 01222025-AMG- BA

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