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Current weekly ad United Supermarkets - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad United Supermarkets 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

CARNICERIA Y MARKET Para Todos Carnitas de Cut Pig ~ z) =~ Puerco Feet 9 c = frees 3202. a é % La me! Al Pastor ; , Signature Farms® ds Qed —¥ 73% Lean Sa _— Seasoned Ground Beef Beef Fajitas Sold in a 5 Ib. roll for $14.95 : 7s With Fresh Vegetables Waterfront a 4 zs ‘ eee BISTRO® \ Gab Cakes Vikan ss =) Crab Cakes \ ak ES) oz OSS Signature SELECT® Bar S Smoked Whole \ Breakfast Sausage or Honey Ham Catfish 4 5 ——. All Varieties, 16 oz. All Varieties, 16 oz. J. ~ Previously Frozen 3.97 Fi: DIGITAL © DEAL Roma Tomatoes Fresh Fresh or Jalapefio Cilantro i. Tomatillos a : eT Sausage 1 Ib. ona Stick Menudo Krab Salad Salchicha Ahumada Bucket cm ~ Tostadas => Caseras iT et ener ae ° Salchichon “@ 4 ? Pumpkin ae Chimex f \\ i / Cake Roll fam Bologna \ / yo. t American Cheese eo1e20e2 Ane aa?

Latest weekly ads

CARNICERIA Y MARKET Para Todos Carnitas de Cut Pig ~ z) =~ Puerco Feet 9 c = frees 3202. a é % La me! Al Pastor ; , Signature Farms® ds Qed —¥ 73% Lean Sa _— Seasoned Ground Beef Beef Fajitas Sold in a 5 Ib. roll for $14.95 : 7s With Fresh Vegetables Waterfront a 4 zs ‘ eee BISTRO® \ Gab Cakes Vikan ss =) Crab Cakes \ ak ES) oz OSS Signature SELECT® Bar S Smoked Whole \ Breakfast Sausage or Honey Ham Catfish 4 5 ——. All Varieties, 16 oz. All Varieties, 16 oz. J. ~ Previously Frozen 3.97 Fi: DIGITAL © DEAL Roma Tomatoes Fresh Fresh or Jalapefio Cilantro i. Tomatillos a : eT Sausage 1 Ib. ona Stick Menudo Krab Salad Salchicha Ahumada Bucket cm ~ Tostadas => Caseras iT et ener ae ° Salchichon “@ 4 ? Pumpkin ae Chimex f \\ i / Cake Roll fam Bologna \ / yo. t American Cheese eo1e20e2 Ane aa?

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