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Current weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets - Valid from 08/07 to 08/13 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets 08/07/2022 - 08/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

TOPS CARES FOR YOUR FAMILY’S HEALTH! • Skin Care • Nail Care Health & Beauty Products • Sanitary Protection • Allergy Relief • Digestive • Cold & Cough • Pain Remedies Selected Varieties 15 % • First Aid • Oral Hygiene • Ear & Eye Care Off • Shave Aids • Body Wash • Bath Items WITH 2$5 7 2$8 Dial and Tone Bar Soap Gillette Disposable Razors Colgate Total Toothpaste 69 for WITH for WITH WITH Liquid 7.5 oz., Dial Bar 3 pk. or Tone 2 pk., Selected Varieties Selected Varieties, 4.8 oz. tube Selected Varieties, 2-12 ct. pkg. Softsoap Body Wash See Most Sunday Papers For Additional Savings EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE WITH 20 fl. oz. btl. 419 EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE WITH MIX OR MATCH MIX OR MATCH Sundown Vitamins WITH Nature’s Bounty Vitamins & Gummies Selected Varieties, 50-400 ct. btl. Osteo Bi-Flex Supplements Tums Antacids Selected Varieties, 28-96 ct. btl. Selected Varieties, 30-350 ct. or 2 fl. oz. btl. Selected Varieties, 28-120 ct. btl. HOUSEHOLD ESSENTIALS 649 WITH 5 4 Persil Laundry Detergent 99 49 40 fl. oz. btl. 4$5 for WITH WITH WITH Xtra Laundry Detergent Clorox Disinfecting & Scented Bleach Arm & Hammer Dryer Sheets 136.4-157.5 fl. oz. btl. 40 ct. box Splash-Less 77 fl. oz. btl. or Regular 81 fl. oz. btl. 2$6 2$7 1249 Ziploc Storage Containers Ziploc Food Storage Bags Angel Soft Bath Tissue for for WITH WITH WITH Selected Varieties, 2-8 ct. 999 Quart 19-24 ct., Gallon 14-19 ct. or Pint 19 ct. box, Also Includes Sandwich or Snack Bags 90 ct. box 16MR=64RL, 540.4 sq. ft. pkg. back to the dorm 25% 25% Puffs Plus Lotion Facial Tissues Simply Done School Supplies Sheets or Rugs Pens, Pencils, Rulers, and More 4x6 Rugs or Twin, Full, Queen or King Sheets 25% 849 999 Farberware Kitchen Gadgets or Libman Mops and Brooms Energizer Max Batteries Simply Done Disinfecting Wipes Off WITH Off WITH 6 pk., 744 ct. box Off WITH Selected Varieties loves pets WITH WITH WITH 8ct., AA or AAA, 9v 2ct, C or D 4ct 4 pk., 300 ct. pkg. BABY’S FIRST STEPS 329 Remmy 16 99 WITH Blue Buffalo Life Protection Cat or Dog Food 5 lb. bag 699 Blue Buffalo Dog Treats Pampers Baby Wipes WITH WITH 168-216 ct. pkg. 16 oz. pkg. SAVE anextra$10 instantly WHEN YOU PURCHASE 2 PARTICIPATING HUGGIES ITEMS BELOW 7 Blue Buffalo Wet Stew Dog Food Cat’s Pride Lightweight Litter WITH 12.5 oz. can 2X ON ALL* RETAIL GIFT CARDS PERFECT FOR STUDENTS OR SUMMER FUN! 1 oz. pkg. 449 2 79 WITH Gerber Yogurt Melts Best Friend of: Peter S. Tops Warehouse Associate 99 Purchase must be made in a single transaction. 2899 WITH WITH Huggies Giga Pack Diapers 10 lb. jug Goodnites, Pull-Ups, Little Snugglers & Little Movers, 28-84 ct. pkg. 5X Coupon Valid Now Thru 8/13/22 WHEN YOU BUY ANY CHOICE OR SPAFINDER GIFT CARDS Limit 1 with this coupon & your . Not to be doubled or tripled. Limit one coupon per customer. Valid at participating Tops Friendly Markets. Expires 8/13/22. *Excludes Tops Gift Cards, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Gas Cards, [Shell, Exxon Mobil, Speedway, Gulf, Irving Oil, BP], Telecom (Tracfone, Verizon, Sprint, Net10, AT&T. BOOST, Simple Mobile, T Mobile, Total Wireless, Virgin Mobile) and General Purpose Reload (Green DOT, NetSpend, Paypal, Reloadit). Subject to availability. See gift cards for details, terms, conditions and (if applicable) fees. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. The gift cards featured are not sponsors or otherwise affiliated with TOPS. Product offer may not be available in all states. Choice and Spafinder Gift Cards are issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC. All These Great Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your CLR 5 OSG-C 5 OSG-M 5 OSG-Y 5 OSG . Not All Items Available In All Stores. 0813 PAGE 5 OSG

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TOPS CARES FOR YOUR FAMILY’S HEALTH! • Skin Care • Nail Care Health & Beauty Products • Sanitary Protection • Allergy Relief • Digestive • Cold & Cough • Pain Remedies Selected Varieties 15 % • First Aid • Oral Hygiene • Ear & Eye Care Off • Shave Aids • Body Wash • Bath Items WITH 2$5 7 2$8 Dial and Tone Bar Soap Gillette Disposable Razors Colgate Total Toothpaste 69 for WITH for WITH WITH Liquid 7.5 oz., Dial Bar 3 pk. or Tone 2 pk., Selected Varieties Selected Varieties, 4.8 oz. tube Selected Varieties, 2-12 ct. pkg. Softsoap Body Wash See Most Sunday Papers For Additional Savings EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE WITH 20 fl. oz. btl. 419 EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE WITH MIX OR MATCH MIX OR MATCH Sundown Vitamins WITH Nature’s Bounty Vitamins & Gummies Selected Varieties, 50-400 ct. btl. Osteo Bi-Flex Supplements Tums Antacids Selected Varieties, 28-96 ct. btl. Selected Varieties, 30-350 ct. or 2 fl. oz. btl. Selected Varieties, 28-120 ct. btl. HOUSEHOLD ESSENTIALS 649 WITH 5 4 Persil Laundry Detergent 99 49 40 fl. oz. btl. 4$5 for WITH WITH WITH Xtra Laundry Detergent Clorox Disinfecting & Scented Bleach Arm & Hammer Dryer Sheets 136.4-157.5 fl. oz. btl. 40 ct. box Splash-Less 77 fl. oz. btl. or Regular 81 fl. oz. btl. 2$6 2$7 1249 Ziploc Storage Containers Ziploc Food Storage Bags Angel Soft Bath Tissue for for WITH WITH WITH Selected Varieties, 2-8 ct. 999 Quart 19-24 ct., Gallon 14-19 ct. or Pint 19 ct. box, Also Includes Sandwich or Snack Bags 90 ct. box 16MR=64RL, 540.4 sq. ft. pkg. back to the dorm 25% 25% Puffs Plus Lotion Facial Tissues Simply Done School Supplies Sheets or Rugs Pens, Pencils, Rulers, and More 4x6 Rugs or Twin, Full, Queen or King Sheets 25% 849 999 Farberware Kitchen Gadgets or Libman Mops and Brooms Energizer Max Batteries Simply Done Disinfecting Wipes Off WITH Off WITH 6 pk., 744 ct. box Off WITH Selected Varieties loves pets WITH WITH WITH 8ct., AA or AAA, 9v 2ct, C or D 4ct 4 pk., 300 ct. pkg. BABY’S FIRST STEPS 329 Remmy 16 99 WITH Blue Buffalo Life Protection Cat or Dog Food 5 lb. bag 699 Blue Buffalo Dog Treats Pampers Baby Wipes WITH WITH 168-216 ct. pkg. 16 oz. pkg. SAVE anextra$10 instantly WHEN YOU PURCHASE 2 PARTICIPATING HUGGIES ITEMS BELOW 7 Blue Buffalo Wet Stew Dog Food Cat’s Pride Lightweight Litter WITH 12.5 oz. can 2X ON ALL* RETAIL GIFT CARDS PERFECT FOR STUDENTS OR SUMMER FUN! 1 oz. pkg. 449 2 79 WITH Gerber Yogurt Melts Best Friend of: Peter S. Tops Warehouse Associate 99 Purchase must be made in a single transaction. 2899 WITH WITH Huggies Giga Pack Diapers 10 lb. jug Goodnites, Pull-Ups, Little Snugglers & Little Movers, 28-84 ct. pkg. 5X Coupon Valid Now Thru 8/13/22 WHEN YOU BUY ANY CHOICE OR SPAFINDER GIFT CARDS Limit 1 with this coupon & your . Not to be doubled or tripled. Limit one coupon per customer. Valid at participating Tops Friendly Markets. Expires 8/13/22. *Excludes Tops Gift Cards, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Gas Cards, [Shell, Exxon Mobil, Speedway, Gulf, Irving Oil, BP], Telecom (Tracfone, Verizon, Sprint, Net10, AT&T. BOOST, Simple Mobile, T Mobile, Total Wireless, Virgin Mobile) and General Purpose Reload (Green DOT, NetSpend, Paypal, Reloadit). Subject to availability. See gift cards for details, terms, conditions and (if applicable) fees. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. The gift cards featured are not sponsors or otherwise affiliated with TOPS. Product offer may not be available in all states. Choice and Spafinder Gift Cards are issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC. All These Great Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your CLR 5 OSG-C 5 OSG-M 5 OSG-Y 5 OSG . Not All Items Available In All Stores. 0813 PAGE 5 OSG

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