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Current weekly ad Super1Foods - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Super1Foods 03/19/2025 - 03/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

ey ak ra STC Ce) TFs] Or Blackeye Peas - 15 0z uta ut) EL ae Hellmann's Mayonnaise 20-30 02 Limit 2 Items Per Transaction 147 97¢ * Co Cae = Te oa TT (TS Ae 4-57 0z me a Limit 4 Items Per Transaction st Goldfish ce STE hele les Pepperidge Farm - 5.9-7.2 0z MCU ae ict la el) ee ce) =. Sweet Sue Chunk White Chicken 5 0z Limit 3 Items Per Transaction General Mills Bars, Biscuits, « Brownies Or Fruit Snacks Selected Varieties & Sizes Limit 5 Items Per Transaction 17 PEACH SLICES Laie 27 == TC Cues aati 14.75-15.25 oz Ute ae et ata) nA 367 a CELE LaLs ey CTA Elle RYAe A Ce ae eta eer P| Ss BAT re Country Crock ye] CFL) iv 49 0Z Limit 3 Items Per Transaction 4 1 tt Pelutie Bae tht aa] Corn Muffin Mix 8.502 1 & CELL ES a eek acta Mrs Baird's Or Sara Lee Butter Bread Donuts - 10-11 oz Or Bread - 20 oz Coe. FW LOe Sy 9° Classico Pasta Sauce 15-24 oz Folgers < Folgers > Clamie Ro. (ee Ground Coffee 22.6-25.9 oz 1 Le aL 1497 ft TTT ait} Tee R ete aelg Friskies Cat Food Purina - 15-18.5 Lbs Or Friskies - 1€ Limit 1 Item Per Transaction Hidden Valley Ranch Dressings 16 oz Chis) pas Nabisco === Chips Ahoy! Cookies ery ae ley Family Size - 9.31-19.5 oz Gatorade Thirst Quencher Selected - 8 Pack/20 oz Bottles lan = pour Ta PEM Ett Or Bounty Paper Towels Tissue - 12 Mega Rolls Or Towels - 6 Double + Rolls td oT Py a Assorted Cough, Cold Or ; Sinus Relief Products including Vicks, Sinex, DayQuil And NyQuil Sie Te COMI Ec sae UO Rs Pons Cun me tt rat 1% aan Te Pees ae, _—— Hormel Cad TT 2 ied Chili a ¢ Ue oneyg aye oe General Mills shania Cereal : Selected Varieties - Large Size - 12-18.2 oz a fl Jv i Coca-Cola Or Sprite Selected - 6 Pack/16.9 oz Bottles StarKist Tuna Or BME Reet-1 ect) ho = 2.6 oz

Latest weekly ads

ey ak ra STC Ce) TFs] Or Blackeye Peas - 15 0z uta ut) EL ae Hellmann's Mayonnaise 20-30 02 Limit 2 Items Per Transaction 147 97¢ * Co Cae = Te oa TT (TS Ae 4-57 0z me a Limit 4 Items Per Transaction st Goldfish ce STE hele les Pepperidge Farm - 5.9-7.2 0z MCU ae ict la el) ee ce) =. Sweet Sue Chunk White Chicken 5 0z Limit 3 Items Per Transaction General Mills Bars, Biscuits, « Brownies Or Fruit Snacks Selected Varieties & Sizes Limit 5 Items Per Transaction 17 PEACH SLICES Laie 27 == TC Cues aati 14.75-15.25 oz Ute ae et ata) nA 367 a CELE LaLs ey CTA Elle RYAe A Ce ae eta eer P| Ss BAT re Country Crock ye] CFL) iv 49 0Z Limit 3 Items Per Transaction 4 1 tt Pelutie Bae tht aa] Corn Muffin Mix 8.502 1 & CELL ES a eek acta Mrs Baird's Or Sara Lee Butter Bread Donuts - 10-11 oz Or Bread - 20 oz Coe. FW LOe Sy 9° Classico Pasta Sauce 15-24 oz Folgers < Folgers > Clamie Ro. (ee Ground Coffee 22.6-25.9 oz 1 Le aL 1497 ft TTT ait} Tee R ete aelg Friskies Cat Food Purina - 15-18.5 Lbs Or Friskies - 1€ Limit 1 Item Per Transaction Hidden Valley Ranch Dressings 16 oz Chis) pas Nabisco === Chips Ahoy! Cookies ery ae ley Family Size - 9.31-19.5 oz Gatorade Thirst Quencher Selected - 8 Pack/20 oz Bottles lan = pour Ta PEM Ett Or Bounty Paper Towels Tissue - 12 Mega Rolls Or Towels - 6 Double + Rolls td oT Py a Assorted Cough, Cold Or ; Sinus Relief Products including Vicks, Sinex, DayQuil And NyQuil Sie Te COMI Ec sae UO Rs Pons Cun me tt rat 1% aan Te Pees ae, _—— Hormel Cad TT 2 ied Chili a ¢ Ue oneyg aye oe General Mills shania Cereal : Selected Varieties - Large Size - 12-18.2 oz a fl Jv i Coca-Cola Or Sprite Selected - 6 Pack/16.9 oz Bottles StarKist Tuna Or BME Reet-1 ect) ho = 2.6 oz

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