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Current weekly ad Strack & Van Til - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Strack & Van Til 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

10% OFF WINE When you buy 6 botties 750 mi. or 1.5 ltr, from our extensive collection of fine domestic and imported wines Approachable Locally crafted wines that let w ce Yellow Tail 750 mi Oliver ~ oh mit. Select Varieties ma 750 ‘Select Varieties sages Ee Sutter Home has introduced more Americans to wine on the | table than any | other, and our philosophy remains the same: “a great product for a Gnarly Head Jair price. “4 ae ee Wines that are NATIONAL aa e 1S SEPTEMBER 7TH! Miller elias 779 0NSua |||) 9) Tasers Vou. 12 pk. Gans or Bottles | seater : Set ae @a. Select Varieties Jack Daniel's gees Country Cocktails fh. Variety 10 oz, 12 pk. Bottles Seagram's : Escape Lagunitas, Topo Chico, i Variety 1 37 Leinenkugel's m1 409 9 White Claw 129k. ne Bottles ‘12 pk. Cans or Bottles 12 pk. Cans Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties Pee, Busch Miller, Se orona, Regular Co Coors Q | Michelob 2 4? Modelo 99 §orLight sees 18”? a tn ts ea. | See tes 297 LS o) "ee AHA, Powerade Lipton ; has Peay: 3/310) | Powe Water 5/35) ine 12pk. bY Dr. Pep has 3343 Select Varieties Select Varieties a. on 2 4 re pk. (om { iN aval < uw i 8 .2 | & ; Evian Vita Coco Old Orchard Natural Coconut Water Spring Water 16.9 02. st Varieties Tite. Body Armor 28 02. Coca-Cola, 3/ 5 Water Rockstar Sprite 7As602 pk 1602 2Utr. WHEN YOU BUY 3 Select Varieties Select Varieties.

Latest weekly ads

10% OFF WINE When you buy 6 botties 750 mi. or 1.5 ltr, from our extensive collection of fine domestic and imported wines Approachable Locally crafted wines that let w ce Yellow Tail 750 mi Oliver ~ oh mit. Select Varieties ma 750 ‘Select Varieties sages Ee Sutter Home has introduced more Americans to wine on the | table than any | other, and our philosophy remains the same: “a great product for a Gnarly Head Jair price. “4 ae ee Wines that are NATIONAL aa e 1S SEPTEMBER 7TH! Miller elias 779 0NSua |||) 9) Tasers Vou. 12 pk. Gans or Bottles | seater : Set ae @a. Select Varieties Jack Daniel's gees Country Cocktails fh. Variety 10 oz, 12 pk. Bottles Seagram's : Escape Lagunitas, Topo Chico, i Variety 1 37 Leinenkugel's m1 409 9 White Claw 129k. ne Bottles ‘12 pk. Cans or Bottles 12 pk. Cans Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties Pee, Busch Miller, Se orona, Regular Co Coors Q | Michelob 2 4? Modelo 99 §orLight sees 18”? a tn ts ea. | See tes 297 LS o) "ee AHA, Powerade Lipton ; has Peay: 3/310) | Powe Water 5/35) ine 12pk. bY Dr. Pep has 3343 Select Varieties Select Varieties a. on 2 4 re pk. (om { iN aval < uw i 8 .2 | & ; Evian Vita Coco Old Orchard Natural Coconut Water Spring Water 16.9 02. st Varieties Tite. Body Armor 28 02. Coca-Cola, 3/ 5 Water Rockstar Sprite 7As602 pk 1602 2Utr. WHEN YOU BUY 3 Select Varieties Select Varieties.

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