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Current weekly ad Smith’s Food and Drug - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Smith’s Food and Drug 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

BDO2_2234_SMOFO Use each coupon up to 5 times a Uso In! ; 5 : ele eRe vaileis) in one transaction with Card. digital coupons. 5 Trt Sls *When you buy participating items in the same transaction with Digital WwW | v | BD) | G | TA [L (ee) U PO IN} S these tags. Coupon. Participating item varieties and sizes may vary by store. EARN 2X REWARDS POINTS WHEN YOU SPEND ‘30 qe on participating items with Card. Visit PointsRewardsPlus for details eek! —_ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Super Moist-w | m ! = cr ne = 4 99 Sits“ Kroger 2.99 bit , i -1.00 Orange Juice 50° on - . Dannon Oikos off Select Varieties, ie j /EA* or Light & Fit DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Not From Concentrate, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER orrer f Betty Crocker Favorites Cake 15.2520. 0zorDannon OF Brownie Mix Two Good Greek Yogurt, Greek Yogurt 52 fl oz Select Varieties, S S 4-Pack, 5.3 oz 99 49 5.3 07; Select Varieties 1.79 bits 2.69 bits ot, (Goldtist 71.00 om 2.89 ets icra couron oree ((Z0(AKTE. DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1.00 “set “i. Off) DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 29 69 $ Pringles \s ___|| Pepperidge Farm 3 8 39 Select Varieties, AYN! Goldfish Crackers 4,945.57 o7 UUM Select Varieties, L Kellogg's Pop Tarts 8 oz Select Varieties, 8 ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER coat > 7 7 . Tl] ow B . an. yeaa , Aap 00m 00 oi Cheez-lt iy Dea) ees gu rer Gall Park Beet} | pina ay orrer reakfas 0} Crackers at sainchwiches Se select Varieties, $ Select Varieties, 106-15 02 820 ct 99 49 9-12.4 02 or SNAP'd or i Putf'd Crackers, 5.75-7.5 02; a Select Varieties with, See ae oe ee Cara j @ : : vy i Card DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 oss : 2156 Outshine Fruit Bars Select Varieties, ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 2,90 OFFER $629 34 49 oor card Private Selection Sliced Pepperoni or - Oscar Mayer _ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. oe One Salami Cracker Cuts % Uploaded or Summer Sausage, Select Varieties, 14.02, Lunchables ee Select Varieties, e Deli 9 9 * 14.1-15.6 oz inn J a na ———. 1 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. COUPON OFFER - > Freschetta Pizza cen! ») ? 17.65-30.88 07 or 599 win, 2.49 bits 3 Farm Rich Appetizers, TTA 16-24 oz or Dannon -1.00 on Kool Aid, -1.00 on: Haagen-Dazs Danimals Smoothie, DIGMALCOUPONOFFER CountryTime,or _ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. coffee I as 12-Pack, 3.1 fl.oz or Tang Power Drink me ce Cream Red Baron Stuffed Crust S 19-20 07 or Bang 14 fi oz or Ice Cream Bars, 3 ct Pizza, 20.68-21.9 oz; Energy Drink, 16 fi oz; iS or Dreyer's Ice Cream, 1.5 qt; Select Varieties 99 Select Varieties 1 49 Select Varieties I 6 With s AD Cara -1.00 i DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 6.99 Bir $599 Samp, D “1.00 on: a DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. Don A 599 JEA* DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 2,00 oo 124 J 16: on 07 Bottles Dannon Greek Dove Body Wash original 22 fi oz or Bar Soap, Yogurt ———_= 4 ct; Select Varieties oe 2 5.3 0; ) Lipton Tea ier: } Seat Varieties, ) vit Ee Card } 300... ay DIGITAL COUPON OFFER yw ed with, with Ne . 1 , Pampers Diapers 26.99 ors = aaa! eres Downy Unstopables 2.00 on: Super Pack -3.00 on: Tide Liquid = or Gain Fireworks | DIGMTALCOUPON OFFER 50-104.ctor _DIGITAL COUPON OFFER = $F 20.1 0z or Downy Liquid Easy Ups Training La undry 115 fl oz or Pods or Power Pods, or Infusions Fabric s Pants Super $ Dete rgent 32-57 ct or Gain Liquid Laundry Softener, 101-164 fl oz; Pack, 56-74 ct; Detergent, 154 fi oz: Select Varieties Select Varieties 9 99 Select Varieties 99

Latest weekly ads

BDO2_2234_SMOFO Use each coupon up to 5 times a Uso In! ; 5 : ele eRe vaileis) in one transaction with Card. digital coupons. 5 Trt Sls *When you buy participating items in the same transaction with Digital WwW | v | BD) | G | TA [L (ee) U PO IN} S these tags. Coupon. Participating item varieties and sizes may vary by store. EARN 2X REWARDS POINTS WHEN YOU SPEND ‘30 qe on participating items with Card. Visit PointsRewardsPlus for details eek! —_ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Super Moist-w | m ! = cr ne = 4 99 Sits“ Kroger 2.99 bit , i -1.00 Orange Juice 50° on - . Dannon Oikos off Select Varieties, ie j /EA* or Light & Fit DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Not From Concentrate, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER orrer f Betty Crocker Favorites Cake 15.2520. 0zorDannon OF Brownie Mix Two Good Greek Yogurt, Greek Yogurt 52 fl oz Select Varieties, S S 4-Pack, 5.3 oz 99 49 5.3 07; Select Varieties 1.79 bits 2.69 bits ot, (Goldtist 71.00 om 2.89 ets icra couron oree ((Z0(AKTE. DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1.00 “set “i. Off) DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 29 69 $ Pringles \s ___|| Pepperidge Farm 3 8 39 Select Varieties, AYN! Goldfish Crackers 4,945.57 o7 UUM Select Varieties, L Kellogg's Pop Tarts 8 oz Select Varieties, 8 ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER coat > 7 7 . Tl] ow B . an. yeaa , Aap 00m 00 oi Cheez-lt iy Dea) ees gu rer Gall Park Beet} | pina ay orrer reakfas 0} Crackers at sainchwiches Se select Varieties, $ Select Varieties, 106-15 02 820 ct 99 49 9-12.4 02 or SNAP'd or i Putf'd Crackers, 5.75-7.5 02; a Select Varieties with, See ae oe ee Cara j @ : : vy i Card DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 oss : 2156 Outshine Fruit Bars Select Varieties, ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 2,90 OFFER $629 34 49 oor card Private Selection Sliced Pepperoni or - Oscar Mayer _ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. oe One Salami Cracker Cuts % Uploaded or Summer Sausage, Select Varieties, 14.02, Lunchables ee Select Varieties, e Deli 9 9 * 14.1-15.6 oz inn J a na ———. 1 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. COUPON OFFER - > Freschetta Pizza cen! ») ? 17.65-30.88 07 or 599 win, 2.49 bits 3 Farm Rich Appetizers, TTA 16-24 oz or Dannon -1.00 on Kool Aid, -1.00 on: Haagen-Dazs Danimals Smoothie, DIGMALCOUPONOFFER CountryTime,or _ DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. coffee I as 12-Pack, 3.1 fl.oz or Tang Power Drink me ce Cream Red Baron Stuffed Crust S 19-20 07 or Bang 14 fi oz or Ice Cream Bars, 3 ct Pizza, 20.68-21.9 oz; Energy Drink, 16 fi oz; iS or Dreyer's Ice Cream, 1.5 qt; Select Varieties 99 Select Varieties 1 49 Select Varieties I 6 With s AD Cara -1.00 i DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 6.99 Bir $599 Samp, D “1.00 on: a DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. Don A 599 JEA* DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 2,00 oo 124 J 16: on 07 Bottles Dannon Greek Dove Body Wash original 22 fi oz or Bar Soap, Yogurt ———_= 4 ct; Select Varieties oe 2 5.3 0; ) Lipton Tea ier: } Seat Varieties, ) vit Ee Card } 300... ay DIGITAL COUPON OFFER yw ed with, with Ne . 1 , Pampers Diapers 26.99 ors = aaa! eres Downy Unstopables 2.00 on: Super Pack -3.00 on: Tide Liquid = or Gain Fireworks | DIGMTALCOUPON OFFER 50-104.ctor _DIGITAL COUPON OFFER = $F 20.1 0z or Downy Liquid Easy Ups Training La undry 115 fl oz or Pods or Power Pods, or Infusions Fabric s Pants Super $ Dete rgent 32-57 ct or Gain Liquid Laundry Softener, 101-164 fl oz; Pack, 56-74 ct; Detergent, 154 fi oz: Select Varieties Select Varieties 9 99 Select Varieties 99

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