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Current weekly ad Sentry - Labor Day - Valid from 08/25 to 08/31 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Sentry 08/25/2022 - 08/31/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Southern Style Pork Ribs \\ USDA Inspected, SQq]R ender & Juicy = Half or Whole Trimmed Beef Tenderloin USDA Inspected Essential Everyday ; Butter Quarters | 1502ks, B)) Selected Varieties I =e =" LIMIT 2 PKGS LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD ONLY AT UNFI SUPPLIED STORES. rida’ Natural Floridat Natura], Florida’s Natural Juice S2ozctn, Selected Varieties Stone Ridge Creamery Ice Cream or Sherbet 2 48002 ct, 12 pk, 12. 07 cans, Selected Varieties lected Varieties AND CLIPLESS SUPER COUPON @ D083" BEST PICKED PRODUCE Ground Beef USDA Inspected, Sold in 3 Ib or / more Pe ag Salad Blends 5-12 02 pkg, Selected Varieties : : Gold'n Plump Boneless Skinless Og) Seedless @g) : Chicken Breast Fillets Watermelon : Fresh, Family Pack 4 Fresh a A & Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, Kraft Crumbles, Chunk or Shredded Cheese ¢ 7 02 Taco Bell, 5 oz Crumbles, 802 Chunk or 7-802 Shredded, Bananas Selected Varieties Green or Turning ek 2 ; Simply Lemonade, Limeade or : Nabisco Fruit Juice 2/ 5 Snack Crackers 2/ 5 52ozbti, 3 35-9ozbox, Selected Varieties : Mille Lite, MGD, Pepsi or 7-Up : Miller 64, 2/ Products 3 / Coors Banquet or 2 pk, 1202 cans, } Coors Light Beer ‘99 ected Varieties 3 30pk 12 ozcansor bls couPoN PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 25 THRU AUGUST 31, 2022 Limit Rights Reserved. Some Items or Varieties Not Available In All Stores. We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities And Correct Alll Printed Errors. © 2022 UNFI INC, all rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without expressed written permission. No Rain Checks. ‘WEST 2501 W CourtSt, Janesville, WI 53548-3306 608-752-0501 1200_01K_852 SENTRY_0O825 visit us online at 0 852-0825

Latest weekly ads

Southern Style Pork Ribs \\ USDA Inspected, SQq]R ender & Juicy = Half or Whole Trimmed Beef Tenderloin USDA Inspected Essential Everyday ; Butter Quarters | 1502ks, B)) Selected Varieties I =e =" LIMIT 2 PKGS LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD ONLY AT UNFI SUPPLIED STORES. rida’ Natural Floridat Natura], Florida’s Natural Juice S2ozctn, Selected Varieties Stone Ridge Creamery Ice Cream or Sherbet 2 48002 ct, 12 pk, 12. 07 cans, Selected Varieties lected Varieties AND CLIPLESS SUPER COUPON @ D083" BEST PICKED PRODUCE Ground Beef USDA Inspected, Sold in 3 Ib or / more Pe ag Salad Blends 5-12 02 pkg, Selected Varieties : : Gold'n Plump Boneless Skinless Og) Seedless @g) : Chicken Breast Fillets Watermelon : Fresh, Family Pack 4 Fresh a A & Taco Bell Shredded Cheese, Kraft Crumbles, Chunk or Shredded Cheese ¢ 7 02 Taco Bell, 5 oz Crumbles, 802 Chunk or 7-802 Shredded, Bananas Selected Varieties Green or Turning ek 2 ; Simply Lemonade, Limeade or : Nabisco Fruit Juice 2/ 5 Snack Crackers 2/ 5 52ozbti, 3 35-9ozbox, Selected Varieties : Mille Lite, MGD, Pepsi or 7-Up : Miller 64, 2/ Products 3 / Coors Banquet or 2 pk, 1202 cans, } Coors Light Beer ‘99 ected Varieties 3 30pk 12 ozcansor bls couPoN PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 25 THRU AUGUST 31, 2022 Limit Rights Reserved. Some Items or Varieties Not Available In All Stores. We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities And Correct Alll Printed Errors. © 2022 UNFI INC, all rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without expressed written permission. No Rain Checks. ‘WEST 2501 W CourtSt, Janesville, WI 53548-3306 608-752-0501 1200_01K_852 SENTRY_0O825 visit us online at 0 852-0825

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