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Current weekly ad Rouses - Valid from 09/07 to 09/14 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Rouses 09/07/2022 - 09/14/2022


Products in this weekly ad

CURBSIDE CONVENIENCE WITH CHOPPA CH XT Naa a ee to) AAO) SBA 4 OF *700 oR moRE- Use promo code at checkout through Markets App or TARY VEY ierrlecm| § ee Catch a new special Saints section in our ad every week! OH YEAH! yr ah BIRD TERY Cee a Se ed Scan OR code for recipe CT erin HALF 3LBBAGULS. #1 GREAT IN SALADS Boneless Fresh Tomatoes Pork Loin LB Yellow Onions On The Vine LB | Olen E| @ Bt ede Se) — GREEK A a LOCAL 4 COUNT PACK SELECTED ) 7.5 - 10.8 OZ SELECTED Fresh Whole Dannon Lean Cuisine Mangrove Snapper LB Yogurt Entrées LOCAL anne Fresh Mangrove Snapper Fillet ¢ ' aD a Tide GITAL DEAL! 4 et F 45 Sale Price $9499 le saggy sie) Ba fo OY co | aoe | a ——— Final Price bi 89-1202 SELECTED 4 GALLON szozuiauio wan Diana Conse Fano. General Mills Arizona ‘hi eid Meiomi Cereal Tea Led Pinot Noir Laundry Detergent i BEST GROCERY STORE/CHAIN | BEST BEER SELECTION - BEST WINE SELECTION |, ” oe . ‘OWS OFGTE2 PAGE TAL a 2022 NAPPIE RT AMAWARD WINNER

Latest weekly ads

CURBSIDE CONVENIENCE WITH CHOPPA CH XT Naa a ee to) AAO) SBA 4 OF *700 oR moRE- Use promo code at checkout through Markets App or TARY VEY ierrlecm| § ee Catch a new special Saints section in our ad every week! OH YEAH! yr ah BIRD TERY Cee a Se ed Scan OR code for recipe CT erin HALF 3LBBAGULS. #1 GREAT IN SALADS Boneless Fresh Tomatoes Pork Loin LB Yellow Onions On The Vine LB | Olen E| @ Bt ede Se) — GREEK A a LOCAL 4 COUNT PACK SELECTED ) 7.5 - 10.8 OZ SELECTED Fresh Whole Dannon Lean Cuisine Mangrove Snapper LB Yogurt Entrées LOCAL anne Fresh Mangrove Snapper Fillet ¢ ' aD a Tide GITAL DEAL! 4 et F 45 Sale Price $9499 le saggy sie) Ba fo OY co | aoe | a ——— Final Price bi 89-1202 SELECTED 4 GALLON szozuiauio wan Diana Conse Fano. General Mills Arizona ‘hi eid Meiomi Cereal Tea Led Pinot Noir Laundry Detergent i BEST GROCERY STORE/CHAIN | BEST BEER SELECTION - BEST WINE SELECTION |, ” oe . ‘OWS OFGTE2 PAGE TAL a 2022 NAPPIE RT AMAWARD WINNER

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