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Current weekly ad Pete's Fresh Market - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 10

Weekly ad Pete's Fresh Market 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Grown in Mexico CHAYOTES 6.3 02. Cafe Legal INSTANT COFFEE — ee alle 7 < ae = Sinko 2/$ 6: a 299 MULT packs EubéRAooR cooKtes 6-26 02, All Natural Boneless Skinloss CHICKEN BREAST Certified Angus Beef® Boneless 4 USDA Choice Thin Cut Bone-In Ib.| BOTTOM ROUND STEAK Ib. | GRILLING SHORT RIBS 7 (pe. ira V2 Sopom Ramat reac * ‘Queso DEL EES bo | CHORIZO, = ci | pg oe le : =| 59 ¢| fe 2S] Leia 2s 160 Bragg Organic wre coee 5.3 oz. Sig's nernesnens an 8a8eD a : PROBIOTIC ie 9 E @ 259 499 eetncatis A 2 1 * *5724 S. Kedzie * *4700 S. Kedzie * *5838 S. Pulaski ¢ *OPEN DAILY: 7AM-9PM ®. ae #4343 S. Pulaski Rd.* 2526 W. Cermak * OPEN DAILY: 7AM-10PM instacart *WWW.PETESFRESH.COM We now delivel Check ws out on Instacart.comn Sale items while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors. $10 off for first time customers with discount code: 10PETES

Latest weekly ads

Grown in Mexico CHAYOTES 6.3 02. Cafe Legal INSTANT COFFEE — ee alle 7 < ae = Sinko 2/$ 6: a 299 MULT packs EubéRAooR cooKtes 6-26 02, All Natural Boneless Skinloss CHICKEN BREAST Certified Angus Beef® Boneless 4 USDA Choice Thin Cut Bone-In Ib.| BOTTOM ROUND STEAK Ib. | GRILLING SHORT RIBS 7 (pe. ira V2 Sopom Ramat reac * ‘Queso DEL EES bo | CHORIZO, = ci | pg oe le : =| 59 ¢| fe 2S] Leia 2s 160 Bragg Organic wre coee 5.3 oz. Sig's nernesnens an 8a8eD a : PROBIOTIC ie 9 E @ 259 499 eetncatis A 2 1 * *5724 S. Kedzie * *4700 S. Kedzie * *5838 S. Pulaski ¢ *OPEN DAILY: 7AM-9PM ®. ae #4343 S. Pulaski Rd.* 2526 W. Cermak * OPEN DAILY: 7AM-10PM instacart *WWW.PETESFRESH.COM We now delivel Check ws out on Instacart.comn Sale items while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors. $10 off for first time customers with discount code: 10PETES

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