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Current weekly ad Pavilions - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Pavilions 03/19/2025 - 03/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Lenten Favorites Fresh Atlantic Salmon Portion 5 or. Form raed Lobster Tail 3 oe, Raw ‘Aloska Cod Porton 599 Member Price 79 99 Chileon Sea Bass Portion Marker riceaiaess waterfront BISTRO” a» 8 few Peeled & Ceveined i or Cooked Shrimp tonto Sancti Eby noe 399800 Str Member Price = Member Price SU at Ae ee Rede eon ed ee Re RO aU Lh a Eastem Idaho. Managing the production process from start to finish, their herd has developed into one of the most highly regarded groups of Wagyu-cross cattle in the world. All of the hard See eee ey eee eee ae ed Eee ae oe aT Beef, found at your local Pavilions 34°? yee dd Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunchmeat or Hoffy Premium Beef Franks 5%? 629 = : Member Price Foster Farms Simply Raised Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Se Cag yea eee Beef New York Fain. Seiad ean eT 3 1 ohne Ua Clery Veena a Open Nature’ or O Organics” Grass Fed 8 ea 85% Lean Ground Beef Member Price \¢ Farmer’s Harvest Zea a1 <3 o9 Harry's Berries Organic Harry's Berries Strawberries 1 lb. package 1499 Member Price w meas » 249 Member Price Envy Apples PG 2, Pt, P2, 2229, 2730, 3237 03192025 Wikt2 SOC PAV WC_CIRO2_P1 3°9 what so 399 Member Price Blueberries Member Price Sonta C Ventura County. The cious farming banks of the consider tl strawberry! Red or Green Seedless Grapes HARRY’S BERRIES Harry Iwamoto . ‘Oxnard, CA Harry's Berries has stayed in the ~ ‘ family since 1967. Today, Harry's >» ~ ~— Joughter and son-in-law Molly and ~ Rick Gean and family live on and \ operate the family farm along the a River in tion plus cactices conditions to grow perfect 399 Member Price Organic Tomatoes on the Vine

Latest weekly ads

Lenten Favorites Fresh Atlantic Salmon Portion 5 or. Form raed Lobster Tail 3 oe, Raw ‘Aloska Cod Porton 599 Member Price 79 99 Chileon Sea Bass Portion Marker riceaiaess waterfront BISTRO” a» 8 few Peeled & Ceveined i or Cooked Shrimp tonto Sancti Eby noe 399800 Str Member Price = Member Price SU at Ae ee Rede eon ed ee Re RO aU Lh a Eastem Idaho. Managing the production process from start to finish, their herd has developed into one of the most highly regarded groups of Wagyu-cross cattle in the world. All of the hard See eee ey eee eee ae ed Eee ae oe aT Beef, found at your local Pavilions 34°? yee dd Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunchmeat or Hoffy Premium Beef Franks 5%? 629 = : Member Price Foster Farms Simply Raised Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Se Cag yea eee Beef New York Fain. Seiad ean eT 3 1 ohne Ua Clery Veena a Open Nature’ or O Organics” Grass Fed 8 ea 85% Lean Ground Beef Member Price \¢ Farmer’s Harvest Zea a1 <3 o9 Harry's Berries Organic Harry's Berries Strawberries 1 lb. package 1499 Member Price w meas » 249 Member Price Envy Apples PG 2, Pt, P2, 2229, 2730, 3237 03192025 Wikt2 SOC PAV WC_CIRO2_P1 3°9 what so 399 Member Price Blueberries Member Price Sonta C Ventura County. The cious farming banks of the consider tl strawberry! Red or Green Seedless Grapes HARRY’S BERRIES Harry Iwamoto . ‘Oxnard, CA Harry's Berries has stayed in the ~ ‘ family since 1967. Today, Harry's >» ~ ~— Joughter and son-in-law Molly and ~ Rick Gean and family live on and \ operate the family farm along the a River in tion plus cactices conditions to grow perfect 399 Member Price Organic Tomatoes on the Vine

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