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Current weekly ad Key Food - Father's Day 2023 - Valid from 06/16 to 06/22 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Key Food 06/16/2023 - 06/22/2023


Products in this weekly ad

vA 46 02.80% Avo oian 180270 40.502 cont “$r10%8u..0rinl Spry 18.02 Box reprised Raver 5.602 Pig. Assorted Salted or Unsalted Assorted With Ofive Oi “TE gsc 414 Lb Sticks 5:80zPkg.. Shredded or _Prepriced or Regular fone Shedd’s Country Crock ont Assorted Imperial boa Chunks Borden =t © Country Crock Plant i Can't Believe Spread Cheeee amg Sliced sys Spread Butter -_—_2»_, its sot Butter heese 8 Natural Serf pupsteeor cqunnroogy — SPrEAG oe Ee Cheese Land 0 Lakes oe $ $ sated suver “aa $999 $999 — $939 lee 2 ciel re ef se Fe ee Boe ee eee MGR eae $508con Sharp Cradéne, 5.402 Pg 4502 Pkg 4.28 02 Pkg 702 Pkg... cheddar 105802049 .chadéaror 802 Pg Extra Sharp Gheddar or ort ine Resorted Original oF Light Babybel Mozzarelia| Siyle Sheds or Smoked Prowione Siced or Assorted Thick Cut Sliced, Kaukauna The Laughing Cow __Babybel Plantbaeed ‘Cheddar Style Slices Cheddar Shreds Shredded or Chunk Spreadable Cheese Mini jase Vitalite Violife Tillamook Cheese = $9399 x Cheese view Plant Based Vegan Cheese GS Cheses a Cheese Cheese 933 pe $90 $3903 sang Wh Cu Car, Lint fers. th ON Car Ut ofr. WOM Car Ut one Yh cub Cr, Lint fers. 4502 Cont 4202 Pkg 100 Pkg 40-12 02 Pkg 4002PKg Whole or Skim Milk Whole Milk Disney z Original or Light Low Moisture Part Skim Cc Galbani Galbani Frozen é j Frigo Weight Watchers —— Ricotta Mozzarella String Cheese CheeseHeads Mozzarella Cheese “252 String meio 9 9 String String THE COTTAGE CHEESE Cheese eae __ Cheese Cheese Cottage Cheese lovers sas Nickelodeon “3s ‘SpongeBob 4 | $49 Ld m* String Cheese ie ae $999 x) _— = . é te Pig rsh ecare:690 ee Tostig;Reawea rat smpmetssecanip owe tapi Cnce ot Wc Dan 8.02 Cont... Regular or Light 64Floz Bt 24 F103 Cont Dozencrin..PastureRalzed 42 FOZ soriozpu = ee ee! es Bey cieeys a ForesNaurat [EL Beteezmeawnse : 7 or Strawberry Guava Mojito Daisy Coffee-Mate Chobani : Organic Tea Lemonade ®) Simply Cottage Cheese Creamers Coffee Co $ Mixol Creamers [pig 6 — PeOnOUy, 16 F10z Cont... Egg Whites: $4.99 Juice r Bays fete Re or rnc Lh fea 5 P= 99 English Muffins ropicana lewman's Own $ $ 99 i GPack geass, Twister Lemonade | Tae * For | sinmtmccomnn | 2) Qe) 250 ax 578 Oe cores BasssonPig S50; Sieve | | Baa merete tee | SSP $.30z Cont. Assorted Bae owene New Rut Sauerkraut or Assorted mores or Chocolate or Salted Caramel nly Probitig Drink 6 Pack or \ssorted Low Fat raditional, Light & Fitor . ns oct, e Fruit Onin Botton Lifeway Ba-Tampte Hershey's Philadelphia Sreerekoumcumenee — Yoplait Low Fat Kefir Pickles i Dannon Puddini Cheesecake ord ry Bari GoGurt Yogurt A Pack» 2 Pack _, Chobani SOP acKee Yogurt $349 sq = Greek Yogurt = ‘ ae 4 Pack ozcon soozoap ; S41: ce Saree sus Ten Simply Potatoes $999 99 $ faizeger'§ = YOurt 4 Potatoes for 3 10:Pa Aste ont 2 eee ~» 210 5 A ea sya 8 sgu9 12 Cont 6.36-16 02 Pkg... Assorted 7.502809 4002 Box 42.2002 Pkg 5-14 02 Pha Protein Tropical or Original {Getiden Repti Orie Tus) Assorted Chopped or Leat Select Varieties Assorted Dole Dole = Totino’s Birds Eye Italian Village Amy’s Acai Bowl With Fruit Pizza Rolls Plain Select Pasta Full Line Sale! Fruit & Granola Spinach Wy WY ape ray ai ui For Fer Fe fer Witch card. Umit Ofers. Must By2, WICK Card Lit fers. Must By2.—-WNCuDCard Limit 20ers. Mut By2. RNC ard Ln fers. Must uy 4. With Card Lit fe Wh Cs Crd, Lin 2 ofr 9.25-10.3 02 Pkg 40.5-1202 9-10 02 Pkg 41-14 02 Pkg 24-24 02 Pkg 183-104 02 Box Assorted , eae, Shihen Parmigiana Assorted , Assorted Bowls or Assorted Assorte Healthy Choice Healthy Choice Healthy Choice Marie Callender’s Yummy Newman’ 's Own até y Simply Entrées All Natural Pizza J soraecoms Classics Steamers Steamers ‘aa $99 5 oe Wt Cu Card Lint 2 ofr 802 Pkg... Crab Cakes or 2402 Pkg 41.7 02 Box 7.76 Oz Box 42.302 Box... Blueberry, 46 F10zCont HEBtige Bales Fonrotow orf E Assorted Sirawberry or Maple Homestyle or Buttermilk Assorted $o2I GrPkg Select Yaretos Yuca (Sea ~Pillsbury Eggo Essential Everyday Planet Oat Gorton’s “= Toaster Grab & Go Waffles Non-Dairy Frozen = Strudel Liege-Style Fs Desserts aE =) Waffles , : ® Ae Pass sys 988 sas 44.7 Floz 36 F102 Box 16:27 F102 Pkg... Reese's 41.1 F102 Pkg 44.8 F10z Box 46F10zCon Assorted Simply Indulgent or Assor or Assorted Sandwiches, Assorted Assorted Assorted Non-Dairy Desserts or Outshine Marino’s crerchaes: Mins) wees Magnum Haagen-Dazs Halo Top Fruit Bars Italian Ices Klondike fea § Mini Butter Ice Cream Pack Kee Cream & Ice Cream Cookie : are = Bars ’ Cones $= 2 = 28 N $gue.a sgee a ee a coi 4 Count Pkg, + Qount Pig... 9 vot 40 Count Pkg 4 Count Pkg, 5 4 Count Pkg £200 Count Pg. jasketor 6 Count Pkg, aoa C2 count big ae Hee Day ae Dawn Mr. Clean D Gount Pkg Assorted Good Cook Byvaiia Energizer Billo Hycstont Ll i Deli Rane ee Jumbo Light Bulb Batteries Soap ‘ottle pry Angle Coffee Corn fom BU Pads Brush Broom Filters Skewers ape su | ge | eS $939 $939 Ere Saee Pion wes 1 Count Pig 1 Cream Sony $4.49 soeemiete anyon aaonete SSE oemimm — RESRARSTRS, oa, “eed ooo Urban Meadow Urban Meadow Urban Meadow Always “Gee tnerc a Suave { j i j Ouenan Gira tnerovomon “EEE Bacuemy im SUAVE | Foil Pans —._ Foil Pans Foil Pans vernight U By Kotex MIASal eet mn vee nvisible e 7; Maxi Pads Pads Nonnconel Solid Baby Oil Deodorant - $g%9 $799 28.102 Cont 22.5 102811 24 Count 24 Count Box 12-16 F102 Bu Assorted Conditioner or Assorted Conditioner or _ feet onoes ee covers: ae aie Stata Ge iginal Regular or | Extra ‘Strength Teens See cnn Sued PE antes” Eee oma Ps y Tablets Tablets ; ee Shampoo Relief $9 $999 gs 33.8 Foz Bt 4 Count Pkg 40280 Pig 5.502 Box 53 SPF 50: Assorted FullSof, Medium or Firm Assorted FRopular Cavity Protection or Cavity Protection or Cavity Protection Giear, Water Babies oF Listerine ga Reach Sensodyne BakingSoda erode” Aim um Oet Pepsodent ea a eae Mouthwash #4 Advanced Toothpaste Crest ou ais Toothpaste ‘or Water Babies Toothpaste Ps Coppertone wenn Toothbrush i Sunscreen £3 Lotion Spray eam sys sone spe DIVB PG3 6-16-23 ‘We reserve the right to imit quantiies fo one can or package on sale tems. lems offered forsale are not available in case lols. We are not responsible for typographical errors. Prices effective Friday thru Thursday June 16th thru June 22nd 2023. 2ploeBl. S039, por Sunséreen Loon: $1299

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vA 46 02.80% Avo oian 180270 40.502 cont “$r10%8u..0rinl Spry 18.02 Box reprised Raver 5.602 Pig. Assorted Salted or Unsalted Assorted With Ofive Oi “TE gsc 414 Lb Sticks 5:80zPkg.. Shredded or _Prepriced or Regular fone Shedd’s Country Crock ont Assorted Imperial boa Chunks Borden =t © Country Crock Plant i Can't Believe Spread Cheeee amg Sliced sys Spread Butter -_—_2»_, its sot Butter heese 8 Natural Serf pupsteeor cqunnroogy — SPrEAG oe Ee Cheese Land 0 Lakes oe $ $ sated suver “aa $999 $999 — $939 lee 2 ciel re ef se Fe ee Boe ee eee MGR eae $508con Sharp Cradéne, 5.402 Pg 4502 Pkg 4.28 02 Pkg 702 Pkg... cheddar 105802049 .chadéaror 802 Pg Extra Sharp Gheddar or ort ine Resorted Original oF Light Babybel Mozzarelia| Siyle Sheds or Smoked Prowione Siced or Assorted Thick Cut Sliced, Kaukauna The Laughing Cow __Babybel Plantbaeed ‘Cheddar Style Slices Cheddar Shreds Shredded or Chunk Spreadable Cheese Mini jase Vitalite Violife Tillamook Cheese = $9399 x Cheese view Plant Based Vegan Cheese GS Cheses a Cheese Cheese 933 pe $90 $3903 sang Wh Cu Car, Lint fers. th ON Car Ut ofr. WOM Car Ut one Yh cub Cr, Lint fers. 4502 Cont 4202 Pkg 100 Pkg 40-12 02 Pkg 4002PKg Whole or Skim Milk Whole Milk Disney z Original or Light Low Moisture Part Skim Cc Galbani Galbani Frozen é j Frigo Weight Watchers —— Ricotta Mozzarella String Cheese CheeseHeads Mozzarella Cheese “252 String meio 9 9 String String THE COTTAGE CHEESE Cheese eae __ Cheese Cheese Cottage Cheese lovers sas Nickelodeon “3s ‘SpongeBob 4 | $49 Ld m* String Cheese ie ae $999 x) _— = . é te Pig rsh ecare:690 ee Tostig;Reawea rat smpmetssecanip owe tapi Cnce ot Wc Dan 8.02 Cont... Regular or Light 64Floz Bt 24 F103 Cont Dozencrin..PastureRalzed 42 FOZ soriozpu = ee ee! es Bey cieeys a ForesNaurat [EL Beteezmeawnse : 7 or Strawberry Guava Mojito Daisy Coffee-Mate Chobani : Organic Tea Lemonade ®) Simply Cottage Cheese Creamers Coffee Co $ Mixol Creamers [pig 6 — PeOnOUy, 16 F10z Cont... Egg Whites: $4.99 Juice r Bays fete Re or rnc Lh fea 5 P= 99 English Muffins ropicana lewman's Own $ $ 99 i GPack geass, Twister Lemonade | Tae * For | sinmtmccomnn | 2) Qe) 250 ax 578 Oe cores BasssonPig S50; Sieve | | Baa merete tee | SSP $.30z Cont. Assorted Bae owene New Rut Sauerkraut or Assorted mores or Chocolate or Salted Caramel nly Probitig Drink 6 Pack or \ssorted Low Fat raditional, Light & Fitor . ns oct, e Fruit Onin Botton Lifeway Ba-Tampte Hershey's Philadelphia Sreerekoumcumenee — Yoplait Low Fat Kefir Pickles i Dannon Puddini Cheesecake ord ry Bari GoGurt Yogurt A Pack» 2 Pack _, Chobani SOP acKee Yogurt $349 sq = Greek Yogurt = ‘ ae 4 Pack ozcon soozoap ; S41: ce Saree sus Ten Simply Potatoes $999 99 $ faizeger'§ = YOurt 4 Potatoes for 3 10:Pa Aste ont 2 eee ~» 210 5 A ea sya 8 sgu9 12 Cont 6.36-16 02 Pkg... Assorted 7.502809 4002 Box 42.2002 Pkg 5-14 02 Pha Protein Tropical or Original {Getiden Repti Orie Tus) Assorted Chopped or Leat Select Varieties Assorted Dole Dole = Totino’s Birds Eye Italian Village Amy’s Acai Bowl With Fruit Pizza Rolls Plain Select Pasta Full Line Sale! Fruit & Granola Spinach Wy WY ape ray ai ui For Fer Fe fer Witch card. Umit Ofers. Must By2, WICK Card Lit fers. Must By2.—-WNCuDCard Limit 20ers. Mut By2. RNC ard Ln fers. Must uy 4. With Card Lit fe Wh Cs Crd, Lin 2 ofr 9.25-10.3 02 Pkg 40.5-1202 9-10 02 Pkg 41-14 02 Pkg 24-24 02 Pkg 183-104 02 Box Assorted , eae, Shihen Parmigiana Assorted , Assorted Bowls or Assorted Assorte Healthy Choice Healthy Choice Healthy Choice Marie Callender’s Yummy Newman’ 's Own até y Simply Entrées All Natural Pizza J soraecoms Classics Steamers Steamers ‘aa $99 5 oe Wt Cu Card Lint 2 ofr 802 Pkg... Crab Cakes or 2402 Pkg 41.7 02 Box 7.76 Oz Box 42.302 Box... Blueberry, 46 F10zCont HEBtige Bales Fonrotow orf E Assorted Sirawberry or Maple Homestyle or Buttermilk Assorted $o2I GrPkg Select Yaretos Yuca (Sea ~Pillsbury Eggo Essential Everyday Planet Oat Gorton’s “= Toaster Grab & Go Waffles Non-Dairy Frozen = Strudel Liege-Style Fs Desserts aE =) Waffles , : ® Ae Pass sys 988 sas 44.7 Floz 36 F102 Box 16:27 F102 Pkg... Reese's 41.1 F102 Pkg 44.8 F10z Box 46F10zCon Assorted Simply Indulgent or Assor or Assorted Sandwiches, Assorted Assorted Assorted Non-Dairy Desserts or Outshine Marino’s crerchaes: Mins) wees Magnum Haagen-Dazs Halo Top Fruit Bars Italian Ices Klondike fea § Mini Butter Ice Cream Pack Kee Cream & Ice Cream Cookie : are = Bars ’ Cones $= 2 = 28 N $gue.a sgee a ee a coi 4 Count Pkg, + Qount Pig... 9 vot 40 Count Pkg 4 Count Pkg, 5 4 Count Pkg £200 Count Pg. jasketor 6 Count Pkg, aoa C2 count big ae Hee Day ae Dawn Mr. Clean D Gount Pkg Assorted Good Cook Byvaiia Energizer Billo Hycstont Ll i Deli Rane ee Jumbo Light Bulb Batteries Soap ‘ottle pry Angle Coffee Corn fom BU Pads Brush Broom Filters Skewers ape su | ge | eS $939 $939 Ere Saee Pion wes 1 Count Pig 1 Cream Sony $4.49 soeemiete anyon aaonete SSE oemimm — RESRARSTRS, oa, “eed ooo Urban Meadow Urban Meadow Urban Meadow Always “Gee tnerc a Suave { j i j Ouenan Gira tnerovomon “EEE Bacuemy im SUAVE | Foil Pans —._ Foil Pans Foil Pans vernight U By Kotex MIASal eet mn vee nvisible e 7; Maxi Pads Pads Nonnconel Solid Baby Oil Deodorant - $g%9 $799 28.102 Cont 22.5 102811 24 Count 24 Count Box 12-16 F102 Bu Assorted Conditioner or Assorted Conditioner or _ feet onoes ee covers: ae aie Stata Ge iginal Regular or | Extra ‘Strength Teens See cnn Sued PE antes” Eee oma Ps y Tablets Tablets ; ee Shampoo Relief $9 $999 gs 33.8 Foz Bt 4 Count Pkg 40280 Pig 5.502 Box 53 SPF 50: Assorted FullSof, Medium or Firm Assorted FRopular Cavity Protection or Cavity Protection or Cavity Protection Giear, Water Babies oF Listerine ga Reach Sensodyne BakingSoda erode” Aim um Oet Pepsodent ea a eae Mouthwash #4 Advanced Toothpaste Crest ou ais Toothpaste ‘or Water Babies Toothpaste Ps Coppertone wenn Toothbrush i Sunscreen £3 Lotion Spray eam sys sone spe DIVB PG3 6-16-23 ‘We reserve the right to imit quantiies fo one can or package on sale tems. lems offered forsale are not available in case lols. We are not responsible for typographical errors. Prices effective Friday thru Thursday June 16th thru June 22nd 2023. 2ploeBl. S039, por Sunséreen Loon: $1299

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