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Current weekly ad Fry's - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 15

Weekly ad Fry's 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

1A07_2235_FFBSE With Card 42 ct Frito-Lay Multipack Select Varieties Select Varieties, 15-Pack, 7.5 fl oz Cans aSlaalaties @ VAPOR DSTILLED e water S ) i. ee ll 7 HERE’S HOW IT WORKS.... 1. LOOK FOR THE SIGNS Look for special D-Backs signs on participating items J S| ( throughout the store. When you purchase Fry's Rewards d items, you earn 1 point for every dollar you spend. a 2. EARN POINTS AND REDEEM FOR... D-Backs apparel, game tickets and more! When You Buy 3 Select Vattieties, Pack, 12 fl oz Cans ‘When you buy 3 orfmore inthe same transaction with Card ‘Quonttes les than 3 are $4.49 each with Cord. pw STED aie, |= fae guns Rockstar Energy 99 Snyder's of Cape Cod Private Selection Drink Pure Zero Hanover Pretzels Potato Chips Ice Cre Variety Pack Select Varieties, Select Varieties Select ‘oretes, Select Varieties, FE er cag (Witt Card 11.2512 oz With Card G8 ce With Card With Card = BLUE BI / ie a) esky ond eouceo rm Mic Ma s 2 , =" LUE, BE Tea) = ERE ei: we |e | aay ¥ wae i Rockstar 99 Blue Bell Pure Leaf Tea Simple Truth Energy Drink Ice Cream 599 Select Varieties, 7 49 Organic Milk / Select Varieties, JEA Select Varieties, 6Pack, 16.9 floz Select Varieties, 4-Pack, 16 fi oz With Card Half Gallon Wan Gad With Cora Half Gallon When you buy 2 or more in the same transaction with Card. Atontiies less than 2 are $6.99 each with Cod. With Card Jameson d bu Select Varieties, 750 mi &* Select Varieties, 750 mi L CUTWATER ALIZ ‘co . Se TEQUILA ' sa $ 99 $ 991 MARGARITA ‘ vy iis. LIGHT ail “ ] 9 ] i /EA JEA with ane or Zi Cara With Card With Card yee 3,00 When purchased in quantities of 2 When purchased in quantities of 15-Pack, 16 fl oz Off in the same transaction with Cord. | in the same transaction with Cutwater Aluminum DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Quontities other than 2 will be cn Cord. Quantities other than 2 will 4-Pack, 12 floz $21.99 eoch wth Cord be $12.99 each with Cod cone Bottles $1499 ~ es JEA Prices good Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

Latest weekly ads

1A07_2235_FFBSE With Card 42 ct Frito-Lay Multipack Select Varieties Select Varieties, 15-Pack, 7.5 fl oz Cans aSlaalaties @ VAPOR DSTILLED e water S ) i. ee ll 7 HERE’S HOW IT WORKS.... 1. LOOK FOR THE SIGNS Look for special D-Backs signs on participating items J S| ( throughout the store. When you purchase Fry's Rewards d items, you earn 1 point for every dollar you spend. a 2. EARN POINTS AND REDEEM FOR... D-Backs apparel, game tickets and more! When You Buy 3 Select Vattieties, Pack, 12 fl oz Cans ‘When you buy 3 orfmore inthe same transaction with Card ‘Quonttes les than 3 are $4.49 each with Cord. pw STED aie, |= fae guns Rockstar Energy 99 Snyder's of Cape Cod Private Selection Drink Pure Zero Hanover Pretzels Potato Chips Ice Cre Variety Pack Select Varieties, Select Varieties Select ‘oretes, Select Varieties, FE er cag (Witt Card 11.2512 oz With Card G8 ce With Card With Card = BLUE BI / ie a) esky ond eouceo rm Mic Ma s 2 , =" LUE, BE Tea) = ERE ei: we |e | aay ¥ wae i Rockstar 99 Blue Bell Pure Leaf Tea Simple Truth Energy Drink Ice Cream 599 Select Varieties, 7 49 Organic Milk / Select Varieties, JEA Select Varieties, 6Pack, 16.9 floz Select Varieties, 4-Pack, 16 fi oz With Card Half Gallon Wan Gad With Cora Half Gallon When you buy 2 or more in the same transaction with Card. Atontiies less than 2 are $6.99 each with Cod. With Card Jameson d bu Select Varieties, 750 mi &* Select Varieties, 750 mi L CUTWATER ALIZ ‘co . Se TEQUILA ' sa $ 99 $ 991 MARGARITA ‘ vy iis. LIGHT ail “ ] 9 ] i /EA JEA with ane or Zi Cara With Card With Card yee 3,00 When purchased in quantities of 2 When purchased in quantities of 15-Pack, 16 fl oz Off in the same transaction with Cord. | in the same transaction with Cutwater Aluminum DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Quontities other than 2 will be cn Cord. Quantities other than 2 will 4-Pack, 12 floz $21.99 eoch wth Cord be $12.99 each with Cod cone Bottles $1499 ~ es JEA Prices good Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

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