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Current weekly ad CTown - Valid from 01/24 to 01/30 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad CTown 01/24/2025 - 01/30/2025


Products in this weekly ad

AND WHEN YOU BUY & *Phas Depot in CT 4 DALE | ( sme KRASDALE KRASDALE =, KRASDALE KRASDALE| LEAR) GRANULATED PINEAPPLE APPLEJUICE > SUGAR juice vga] 64 Oe. Bats. ! Sagat 0B. Bag 46.02. Cas . bos E wv = J a pS es 1For Ga | & Cconprnest vo 180 Ss aiconte| KRASDALE KRASDALE KRASDALE KRASDALE UTD | ASSORTED ASSORTED ASSORTED RED 3 » BLEACH 4 10" PLASTIC 9° PLASTIC PLASTIC PLASTIC P PLATES BOWLS . CUPS | + AMMONIA ee a BS me au, AON aol -— - rene eenes — — - con Cut or French Style Green Bears, ep Toe = Sacra Mt sue isu UID Wt acrat morules STARS (eek “PALMOL é YEWWEETA | GLUTEN FREE Sa SMUCKER'S SOLID WHITE (3... ESSENTIAL & se ase = GRATE ail JUNA DISH LIQUID acest 94-1400 fous 12 0: Boek 320d =, Y ONE.GET ONE ae pod F~aQaQg oe = Oe % Cc > ; I *Phus Deposit in CT: a CHEE cosas iF 4 Gescer ‘wise SMUCKER'S@bed> — BOYARDEE : ‘ : | cK STRAWBERRY Pee MICROWAVE eee | VEGETABLE a4 MEALS ING JUICE Noa i a er ane Ss Veal px 6c 99 ba 99/22 4959 ba A 4: janes Vartebes: : ae a re eben . NESCAFE aha sreieatee Tf] metre) ae Soe, NESCAFE CLASICO Pocock en gt vn CLAS! INSTANT ROUND SS eee OEROTEIN, ECA Le rOFFEE 5 ANOLA iets COFFEE ote 16-2000 Ban 30:32 02. igh : sane ston ose tenga MAXWELL FE NESCAFE MAXWELL HOUSE GOLD HOUSE INSTANT Assorted Varieties TAZO. Assorted Varieties, INSTANT INSTANT DECAF TAZO TAZO ESPRESSO COFFEE - TEA BAGS CHAI LATTE ESS irre EEE frazo eine sansa ot ft } omartmeae og as CRETORS EY zs P MIGROWAVE oes 99 Me Tip CRISPS POPCORN iat onus IFor 7635 ‘lam hice BGs. BY <a is CAROLINA mee ESFsiectes JASMINE gems CAROLINA RICE RICE 20S 5 FILIPPO BERIO ae 4 EXTRA VIRGIN cALSAMG VIRGIN PURE Ou | OLIVE OIL OLNE ol MESA e A cont an oe cea ")BERTOLL Fe COLAVITA xa S053 i a __TuTToROsso Se WINE QMJEXTRA VIRGIN pes@pROGRESSO PASTA TOMATO fm TOMATO VINEGAR OLIVE OIL BEANS, SAUCE Hee Bas ree <n es ne en KOSHER cS wordt teens DIL PICKLES eit DRESSING 1: GHERKINS _ 902, Bu. = on eons; econigk 2 KENSINGTON'S eosieie gp MAYONNAISE we AR : SEASONINGS esa ‘Assorted Vaseties CHOY 9 LIVES SOY CAT SAUCE Eg. FOOD 1064. Bos, es 47% 5.501 Cans on poets am GOOD SENSE -DRAWSTING

Latest weekly ads

AND WHEN YOU BUY & *Phas Depot in CT 4 DALE | ( sme KRASDALE KRASDALE =, KRASDALE KRASDALE| LEAR) GRANULATED PINEAPPLE APPLEJUICE > SUGAR juice vga] 64 Oe. Bats. ! Sagat 0B. Bag 46.02. Cas . bos E wv = J a pS es 1For Ga | & Cconprnest vo 180 Ss aiconte| KRASDALE KRASDALE KRASDALE KRASDALE UTD | ASSORTED ASSORTED ASSORTED RED 3 » BLEACH 4 10" PLASTIC 9° PLASTIC PLASTIC PLASTIC P PLATES BOWLS . CUPS | + AMMONIA ee a BS me au, AON aol -— - rene eenes — — - con Cut or French Style Green Bears, ep Toe = Sacra Mt sue isu UID Wt acrat morules STARS (eek “PALMOL é YEWWEETA | GLUTEN FREE Sa SMUCKER'S SOLID WHITE (3... ESSENTIAL & se ase = GRATE ail JUNA DISH LIQUID acest 94-1400 fous 12 0: Boek 320d =, Y ONE.GET ONE ae pod F~aQaQg oe = Oe % Cc > ; I *Phus Deposit in CT: a CHEE cosas iF 4 Gescer ‘wise SMUCKER'S@bed> — BOYARDEE : ‘ : | cK STRAWBERRY Pee MICROWAVE eee | VEGETABLE a4 MEALS ING JUICE Noa i a er ane Ss Veal px 6c 99 ba 99/22 4959 ba A 4: janes Vartebes: : ae a re eben . NESCAFE aha sreieatee Tf] metre) ae Soe, NESCAFE CLASICO Pocock en gt vn CLAS! INSTANT ROUND SS eee OEROTEIN, ECA Le rOFFEE 5 ANOLA iets COFFEE ote 16-2000 Ban 30:32 02. igh : sane ston ose tenga MAXWELL FE NESCAFE MAXWELL HOUSE GOLD HOUSE INSTANT Assorted Varieties TAZO. Assorted Varieties, INSTANT INSTANT DECAF TAZO TAZO ESPRESSO COFFEE - TEA BAGS CHAI LATTE ESS irre EEE frazo eine sansa ot ft } omartmeae og as CRETORS EY zs P MIGROWAVE oes 99 Me Tip CRISPS POPCORN iat onus IFor 7635 ‘lam hice BGs. BY <a is CAROLINA mee ESFsiectes JASMINE gems CAROLINA RICE RICE 20S 5 FILIPPO BERIO ae 4 EXTRA VIRGIN cALSAMG VIRGIN PURE Ou | OLIVE OIL OLNE ol MESA e A cont an oe cea ")BERTOLL Fe COLAVITA xa S053 i a __TuTToROsso Se WINE QMJEXTRA VIRGIN pes@pROGRESSO PASTA TOMATO fm TOMATO VINEGAR OLIVE OIL BEANS, SAUCE Hee Bas ree <n es ne en KOSHER cS wordt teens DIL PICKLES eit DRESSING 1: GHERKINS _ 902, Bu. = on eons; econigk 2 KENSINGTON'S eosieie gp MAYONNAISE we AR : SEASONINGS esa ‘Assorted Vaseties CHOY 9 LIVES SOY CAT SAUCE Eg. FOOD 1064. Bos, es 47% 5.501 Cans on poets am GOOD SENSE -DRAWSTING

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