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Current weekly ad Coastal Farm - Labor Day - Valid from 08/31 to 09/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Coastal Farm 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

449” GRILLFROM THE | vin ! ein — a GMG APP b= ee , v1 a : | Daniel Boone Choice MISS ME* JEANS™ = a = WiFi Pellet Grill ~ Regular to $124.99 " ax foastal ) ; 458 Sq. In. cooking area, 17 Lb. hopper, WiFi control, meat probe. Regular $599.99 [ ee J WATERMELONS as UNLIMITED. UNCONDITIONAL. LIFETIME WARRANTY. v 99” 20" 6 U 2 Wo MEN'S DaWAES: VORTEX’ OFF eae no COPPERHEAD HD MEN'S & LADIES exceptional ft, durabity and 10X42 BINOCULARS WRANGLER® TOPS the comfort you'd expect 10X magnification, includes harness and case! from your favorite brand. #CPH-1042 Regular $199.99 Regular to $112.99 Regular to $134.99 VICI@R Country oan CA, pes BEARMoUNTAI) : AMER BUY 2, GET 4 10" 13” 29” FREE 30-50 Lb. ° 50 Lb. Fortified 50” x 16° All BBQ Pellets Victor Dog Food 12% All Stock Cattle Panel Shop our large selection! Super premium pet nutrition to fuel the Regular $17.99 Regular $39.99 Regular $11.99 adventures of your loyal companion. Discount taken off lower priced item. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SHOP OUR NEWEST HOURS: MON - SAT 8am - 8pm SUN 9am - 6pm LOCATION! Shop 24/7 at NOW OPEN Buy online, pickup curbside or ship to your door. IN LACEY, WA AUGUST/ WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE Sassy of 12 3 4 0831_8 pgt

Latest weekly ads

449” GRILLFROM THE | vin ! ein — a GMG APP b= ee , v1 a : | Daniel Boone Choice MISS ME* JEANS™ = a = WiFi Pellet Grill ~ Regular to $124.99 " ax foastal ) ; 458 Sq. In. cooking area, 17 Lb. hopper, WiFi control, meat probe. Regular $599.99 [ ee J WATERMELONS as UNLIMITED. UNCONDITIONAL. LIFETIME WARRANTY. v 99” 20" 6 U 2 Wo MEN'S DaWAES: VORTEX’ OFF eae no COPPERHEAD HD MEN'S & LADIES exceptional ft, durabity and 10X42 BINOCULARS WRANGLER® TOPS the comfort you'd expect 10X magnification, includes harness and case! from your favorite brand. #CPH-1042 Regular $199.99 Regular to $112.99 Regular to $134.99 VICI@R Country oan CA, pes BEARMoUNTAI) : AMER BUY 2, GET 4 10" 13” 29” FREE 30-50 Lb. ° 50 Lb. Fortified 50” x 16° All BBQ Pellets Victor Dog Food 12% All Stock Cattle Panel Shop our large selection! Super premium pet nutrition to fuel the Regular $17.99 Regular $39.99 Regular $11.99 adventures of your loyal companion. Discount taken off lower priced item. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SHOP OUR NEWEST HOURS: MON - SAT 8am - 8pm SUN 9am - 6pm LOCATION! Shop 24/7 at NOW OPEN Buy online, pickup curbside or ship to your door. IN LACEY, WA AUGUST/ WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE Sassy of 12 3 4 0831_8 pgt

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