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Current weekly ad Your Food Town - Valid from 08/30 to 09/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Your Food Town 08/30/2023 - 09/06/2023


Products in this weekly ad

THE FOOD TOWN SHOPPER PRICES VALID WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30-TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 2023 - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 6A.M.-10P.M. - POPCORN I PN Sy Pilgrim's Popcorn Chicke are or Hot & Spicy Meat Franks Chicken Nuggets 24.2. 1207. Waak's Family Pack : Kountry Boys : Owens aaa : Bi el Smoked Sausage : Bacon : Pork Roll Sausage : Side Dishes 28-36 o7. 2 36 02. 2 16 oz. 2 12-24 oz. mesa SSS 29 = : = amy 2 Relea Bp oleler ae : © = © : it | ; La Vaquita : La Vaquita Grated Cotija, : Bar-S Deli Style : Bar-S Queso Fresco : PanelaFrescaorCremas : Chopped or Smoked Ham_ : Meat Corn Dogs 145 02. 2 846 02 f 2tb. 4202 5 5 eRODUC ES SSIS ose tai SSI ee Os ge g , BEST In| e : | Avocados , , es. So a $499 Z nl Sweet Creamy Hass Large Cantaloupe : Small Avocados ; : a : ’ ¢: : > : 2 es 99% Russet 2: Sib : : Slicer 89 in: Greuis WJ) Ib Potatoes Bag : Gala Apples a3": Tomatoes : Tomatillos = TIL YOUN GAR iia! Wiis Can Decs TN ROM = Royal Oak : Gh es Charcoal Briquets : Cheetos or Cheetos oe $5.69 Size, nore : Lay's or Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips $4.79 size, pi Lobadicnd ae Santitas Tortilla Chips 52.9 size, esquite Charcoal: tTostitos Queso 151575 07. or Dairy Dips 150. ¢: IP _ FOOD TOWN - Digit DENT FREE ‘Limit 1 Coupon with $20 Additional Purchase 4 Gur Niagara Drinking Water Gallon Jug : : Van Camp's : oc shone tare : Pork and Beans or 1 Sonu OO2S RStay : Ranch Style Beans + 2007. Btl. riginal Only 15 oz. Can = America's Tradition Foam Plates 50 ct. Pkg. sa ore ele ose | ‘With digital coupon in FT App* Kraft : Bush's Best : Wolf Brand :s 8/30/23 - 9/5/23 Barbecue Sauce : Baked Beans : Plain Chili > Giant Bread (2407) oF (M2 "tens may anny—see counen for tu det 17-18 oz. Btl, + 28 oz. Can + No Beans 15 oz. Can : Hot Dog Buns (ct) J visa | @D | osc | “arcs, | ceerr | | cneck |rlmsin| -\tlila, —_- Stop by to See Us Online, Neighbor! - We reserve the right to limit quanti eek >. YOURFOODTOWN.COM FOOD TOWN_083023_1

Latest weekly ads

THE FOOD TOWN SHOPPER PRICES VALID WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30-TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 2023 - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 6A.M.-10P.M. - POPCORN I PN Sy Pilgrim's Popcorn Chicke are or Hot & Spicy Meat Franks Chicken Nuggets 24.2. 1207. Waak's Family Pack : Kountry Boys : Owens aaa : Bi el Smoked Sausage : Bacon : Pork Roll Sausage : Side Dishes 28-36 o7. 2 36 02. 2 16 oz. 2 12-24 oz. mesa SSS 29 = : = amy 2 Relea Bp oleler ae : © = © : it | ; La Vaquita : La Vaquita Grated Cotija, : Bar-S Deli Style : Bar-S Queso Fresco : PanelaFrescaorCremas : Chopped or Smoked Ham_ : Meat Corn Dogs 145 02. 2 846 02 f 2tb. 4202 5 5 eRODUC ES SSIS ose tai SSI ee Os ge g , BEST In| e : | Avocados , , es. So a $499 Z nl Sweet Creamy Hass Large Cantaloupe : Small Avocados ; : a : ’ ¢: : > : 2 es 99% Russet 2: Sib : : Slicer 89 in: Greuis WJ) Ib Potatoes Bag : Gala Apples a3": Tomatoes : Tomatillos = TIL YOUN GAR iia! Wiis Can Decs TN ROM = Royal Oak : Gh es Charcoal Briquets : Cheetos or Cheetos oe $5.69 Size, nore : Lay's or Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips $4.79 size, pi Lobadicnd ae Santitas Tortilla Chips 52.9 size, esquite Charcoal: tTostitos Queso 151575 07. or Dairy Dips 150. ¢: IP _ FOOD TOWN - Digit DENT FREE ‘Limit 1 Coupon with $20 Additional Purchase 4 Gur Niagara Drinking Water Gallon Jug : : Van Camp's : oc shone tare : Pork and Beans or 1 Sonu OO2S RStay : Ranch Style Beans + 2007. Btl. riginal Only 15 oz. Can = America's Tradition Foam Plates 50 ct. Pkg. sa ore ele ose | ‘With digital coupon in FT App* Kraft : Bush's Best : Wolf Brand :s 8/30/23 - 9/5/23 Barbecue Sauce : Baked Beans : Plain Chili > Giant Bread (2407) oF (M2 "tens may anny—see counen for tu det 17-18 oz. Btl, + 28 oz. Can + No Beans 15 oz. Can : Hot Dog Buns (ct) J visa | @D | osc | “arcs, | ceerr | | cneck |rlmsin| -\tlila, —_- Stop by to See Us Online, Neighbor! - We reserve the right to limit quanti eek >. YOURFOODTOWN.COM FOOD TOWN_083023_1

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