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Current weekly ad Your Food Town - Valid from 08/09 to 08/16 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Your Food Town 08/09/2023 - 08/16/2023


Products in this weekly ad

THE FOOD TOWN SHOPPER PRICES VALID WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9-TUESDAY, AUG. 15, 2023 - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 6A.M.-10P.M. - R 9 Kountry Boys Jimmy Bah —! Smoked Sausage Pork Roll Sausage or Bacon =r i Hy . : E ae Cacique Ranchero ! Cacique Ranchero Queso _ : State Fair 16 ct. Classic : Buddig Premium Deli Queso Fresco : Fresco, Panela, Queso or 12 ct. Beef Corn Dogs : or Deli Thin Lunch Meats Kilo : Fresco or Cremas 10-15 oz 3 32-42 07, 3 9oz. aS 22 John Soules Fully Cooked : John Soules Fully Cooked Breaded Chicken Patties, : Fresh Family Size : Kountry Boys : Tenders or Dino Nuggets : Chicken Fajitas or ; Bacon : Kountry Boys 24 02. : Grilled Chicken Strips 160z. : 3602. : Shank or Butt Portion Ham = TH Vere SI a Teo eon . =~ : _ pes9: 211 Sweet : Mild Large Mangos : White Onions ? oc oc ¥s 29 umn ctory 99% 99% seaseere,, MAES Apples : Red Potatoes : Grapes oT $333) Fritos Ozarka Spring Corn Chipsor_ : awiater Cheetos Crunchy, : or Pure Life Puffs or Popcorn : Drinking Water All Varieties $5.69 Size . - - - = 28 pk., 16.9 oz. Btls. 199% ince. 9! - FOOD TOWN: - FREE ‘Limit 1 Coupon with $20 Additional Purchase of Chet Boyardee —_— : Red Gold Tomatoes : pilisbury Narecun eras nead : Kraft Macaroni + All Varieties 14.5 02. Can : Brownie Mix setwcd tees Cheese Dinner : or Tomatoes & > Milk Chocolate or & Meatballs 14.5-15 oz. Can iginal Only 7.25 oz. Box : Green Chilies 10 0z.can : Chocolate Fudge 18.4 oz. box Ozarka Spring Water 12 pk., 8 oz. Mini Btls. ‘With digitat coupon in FT App* 8/9/23 - 8/15/23 : > Fudge, Moco : Pompeian Extra Energy Drinks : Corn Tortillas : or oa ch Bars : Virgin Olive Oil “some restrictions may apply—see coupon for full details 16 oz. Can 1 90 ct. Pkg. 2 12 pk. Box + Smooth or Robust 16 oz. Btl. Monster : La Ranchera | visa | @@ | | oeorr | scasn J cneck frlso| BE RECOM ee OM tg ie Nee areas reece cece : >. YOURFOODTOWN.COM FOOD TOWN_080923_1

Latest weekly ads

THE FOOD TOWN SHOPPER PRICES VALID WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9-TUESDAY, AUG. 15, 2023 - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 6A.M.-10P.M. - R 9 Kountry Boys Jimmy Bah —! Smoked Sausage Pork Roll Sausage or Bacon =r i Hy . : E ae Cacique Ranchero ! Cacique Ranchero Queso _ : State Fair 16 ct. Classic : Buddig Premium Deli Queso Fresco : Fresco, Panela, Queso or 12 ct. Beef Corn Dogs : or Deli Thin Lunch Meats Kilo : Fresco or Cremas 10-15 oz 3 32-42 07, 3 9oz. aS 22 John Soules Fully Cooked : John Soules Fully Cooked Breaded Chicken Patties, : Fresh Family Size : Kountry Boys : Tenders or Dino Nuggets : Chicken Fajitas or ; Bacon : Kountry Boys 24 02. : Grilled Chicken Strips 160z. : 3602. : Shank or Butt Portion Ham = TH Vere SI a Teo eon . =~ : _ pes9: 211 Sweet : Mild Large Mangos : White Onions ? oc oc ¥s 29 umn ctory 99% 99% seaseere,, MAES Apples : Red Potatoes : Grapes oT $333) Fritos Ozarka Spring Corn Chipsor_ : awiater Cheetos Crunchy, : or Pure Life Puffs or Popcorn : Drinking Water All Varieties $5.69 Size . - - - = 28 pk., 16.9 oz. Btls. 199% ince. 9! - FOOD TOWN: - FREE ‘Limit 1 Coupon with $20 Additional Purchase of Chet Boyardee —_— : Red Gold Tomatoes : pilisbury Narecun eras nead : Kraft Macaroni + All Varieties 14.5 02. Can : Brownie Mix setwcd tees Cheese Dinner : or Tomatoes & > Milk Chocolate or & Meatballs 14.5-15 oz. Can iginal Only 7.25 oz. Box : Green Chilies 10 0z.can : Chocolate Fudge 18.4 oz. box Ozarka Spring Water 12 pk., 8 oz. Mini Btls. ‘With digitat coupon in FT App* 8/9/23 - 8/15/23 : > Fudge, Moco : Pompeian Extra Energy Drinks : Corn Tortillas : or oa ch Bars : Virgin Olive Oil “some restrictions may apply—see coupon for full details 16 oz. Can 1 90 ct. Pkg. 2 12 pk. Box + Smooth or Robust 16 oz. Btl. Monster : La Ranchera | visa | @@ | | oeorr | scasn J cneck frlso| BE RECOM ee OM tg ie Nee areas reece cece : >. YOURFOODTOWN.COM FOOD TOWN_080923_1

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