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Current weekly ad Redner's Markets - Valid from 10/06 to 10/12 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Redner's Markets 10/06/2022 - 10/12/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Nabisco Snak-Saks 8 oz. "5 Gold Peak Iced Tea 59 f.oz. Dai Nature Valley = Crunchy or Crunchy Dipped or Sweet & Salty, General Mills Cereal or Chex Mix Treat Bars 6-8 2 Hormel Mary Kitchen Corned Beef Hash Moz. Roast Beef Hash Included 4 oo Sn Betty Crocker Betty cr i 2 jetty Crocker Brownie Mix Favorites or Delights @ 16184 me |S Cake Mix Supreme 2/2 ~ Delights = 2/33 b 18.3-19.9 oz 4 Favorites $4 79 6256.50. —— Be Rice A Roni Ml a or Pasta Roni @itehl ide Di Rice A Roni Side Sate fee Bea 3 /s Zz Rice 3b 2/8 2 07. Rice A Roni Cups incuded S89 — 8.802. pouch 4c Panko Bread Crumbs $2.79 & 1302. Kellogg's ‘Ce Cereal 8-18 07, Exclusions Apply Pepsi, Mtn Dew or Pepsi Zero " 2/33!" 2 10 pk./7.5 fl.oz. DAIRY Pepsi Zero or Mtn Dew 12 pk /12 fl.oz Kellogg's pop*tarts 12. Nabisco 12 oz. Pinwheels or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps REDNER ae) c Grated Cheese 6 oz. Betty Crocker = 12-16 o2. Frosting “AG Nestié or Quaker ea Coffee-mate » 1.51-2.18 oz. Creamer Oatmeal Cups > 3 $6. 49: 3/*5 ed °6. Bumble Bee Teint * Chunk White 5 07. #8 vie $279 $3.99, 5.59 39s Leica) os 20-24 oz. Bt. r uote ~y Iced Tea Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk./16.9 fl.oz. 8 pk/12 floz. *S GROCERY Glacéau smartwater 700 mL =p POWERADE Sports Drink 28 fl.oz. Honest Beverages Organic Drinks 16.9 fl.oz. plastic bottle 2/2112 3/*10= Melitta Wraems' European Indulgenc Coffee jaca *3.99 99 10.5-11.5 oz. Mini Muffins, Snack Cakes, Mega Buns gat ~ Albacore Tuna or Bars 4.6-5.5 02. Kear Wh Potato Crisps 22 or 30 fl.oz. Ny 3/*1C 0, 3/%5 Mayonnaise 2/8 8-18 07, 9 oF 30 fl.oz. Ercsions Ay Ein CD Miracle Whip 2 $10 [am ips Mia E -11 02. Nestlé E ngewe ay Splits or Shells. Toll House isis Ken Kel orn i + ‘ellogg's: Pretzels 4 Morsels Nutri-Grain Bars! or Nature’s Own 2002. Butterbread » 2/*6 ® Amold — WR Whole Grain @ or Country Bread 5 $3.99 FROZEN» Tropicana Furlani Pure Premium or Trop 50 en Garlic Bread Grapefruit or Daisy Daisy” OF Texas Toast ‘ Orange Juice Sour Cream fighze SightaDaisyma iS = — = 7 \(=) $9992 28 2/53 s! CREAM 4 = 6.75-10 oz. 4 52 floz. 24 02. £8.85 02. Cheddar Biscuits or Garic Knots 2°5 Crystal Farms Haagen-Dazs Eek Shredded or Maggio WNAGGIO; 14floz. le Cream Chunk Cheese: 16 oz. Mozzarella or3pk. Regular or. 4 or 32 oz. Ricotta 6 pk. Minis Ice Cream Bars 2/%5: Cheese —— 2/7 acest St ~ ge 34.49 6 *” 12 oz. Singles Included t 6 pk. Regular Ice Cream Bars ‘5.99 10-13 02. o Freschetta ree 20,28-30.88 oz. Rising Crust, 4 Brick Oven or Thin Crust or —==™~ Red Baron 20.67-28.79 oz. io Stuffed Crust or Fully Loaded 2/912 a °* Tide 46-50 fl.oz. Liquid, 0r 15-20 ct. Pods Wage Pal Ga $6.99) Exclusions Apply Brawny 4-6 Roll a Paper Towels *, Quilted Northern B 6 Mega Rolls Bathroom Tissue $6.59 & }-8 Mega Rolls 4.9mm Bathroom Tissue . or Sparkle # 6 Double Rolls 2 32 Paper Towels = (5.99 Always 60-120 ct. Liners or 20-48 ct. Pads Sanitary Products ay $5.99 Exclusions Apply 2) Lay Downy 32-51 fl.oz. Liquid ‘9r Bounce 50 or 105 ct. Sheets Fabric Softener = 74:99. : 8.6 oz. Downy Scent Beads *5.99 =f Nivea Body Lotion $4.99 16.9 fl.oz. Exclusions Apply Degree Men's or Women's Motion Sense Deodorant $4.99 2.6-2.7 oz. Dawn Dishwashing Liquid 2.99 16-19.4 fl.oz. Crest Cavity or Tartar Protection or Baking Soda & Peroxide § | montanaste Redners_Vi_P3_10062022

Latest weekly ads

Nabisco Snak-Saks 8 oz. "5 Gold Peak Iced Tea 59 f.oz. Dai Nature Valley = Crunchy or Crunchy Dipped or Sweet & Salty, General Mills Cereal or Chex Mix Treat Bars 6-8 2 Hormel Mary Kitchen Corned Beef Hash Moz. Roast Beef Hash Included 4 oo Sn Betty Crocker Betty cr i 2 jetty Crocker Brownie Mix Favorites or Delights @ 16184 me |S Cake Mix Supreme 2/2 ~ Delights = 2/33 b 18.3-19.9 oz 4 Favorites $4 79 6256.50. —— Be Rice A Roni Ml a or Pasta Roni @itehl ide Di Rice A Roni Side Sate fee Bea 3 /s Zz Rice 3b 2/8 2 07. Rice A Roni Cups incuded S89 — 8.802. pouch 4c Panko Bread Crumbs $2.79 & 1302. Kellogg's ‘Ce Cereal 8-18 07, Exclusions Apply Pepsi, Mtn Dew or Pepsi Zero " 2/33!" 2 10 pk./7.5 fl.oz. DAIRY Pepsi Zero or Mtn Dew 12 pk /12 fl.oz Kellogg's pop*tarts 12. Nabisco 12 oz. Pinwheels or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps REDNER ae) c Grated Cheese 6 oz. Betty Crocker = 12-16 o2. Frosting “AG Nestié or Quaker ea Coffee-mate » 1.51-2.18 oz. Creamer Oatmeal Cups > 3 $6. 49: 3/*5 ed °6. Bumble Bee Teint * Chunk White 5 07. #8 vie $279 $3.99, 5.59 39s Leica) os 20-24 oz. Bt. r uote ~y Iced Tea Bubly Sparkling Water, 12 pk./16.9 fl.oz. 8 pk/12 floz. *S GROCERY Glacéau smartwater 700 mL =p POWERADE Sports Drink 28 fl.oz. Honest Beverages Organic Drinks 16.9 fl.oz. plastic bottle 2/2112 3/*10= Melitta Wraems' European Indulgenc Coffee jaca *3.99 99 10.5-11.5 oz. Mini Muffins, Snack Cakes, Mega Buns gat ~ Albacore Tuna or Bars 4.6-5.5 02. Kear Wh Potato Crisps 22 or 30 fl.oz. Ny 3/*1C 0, 3/%5 Mayonnaise 2/8 8-18 07, 9 oF 30 fl.oz. Ercsions Ay Ein CD Miracle Whip 2 $10 [am ips Mia E -11 02. Nestlé E ngewe ay Splits or Shells. Toll House isis Ken Kel orn i + ‘ellogg's: Pretzels 4 Morsels Nutri-Grain Bars! or Nature’s Own 2002. Butterbread » 2/*6 ® Amold — WR Whole Grain @ or Country Bread 5 $3.99 FROZEN» Tropicana Furlani Pure Premium or Trop 50 en Garlic Bread Grapefruit or Daisy Daisy” OF Texas Toast ‘ Orange Juice Sour Cream fighze SightaDaisyma iS = — = 7 \(=) $9992 28 2/53 s! CREAM 4 = 6.75-10 oz. 4 52 floz. 24 02. £8.85 02. Cheddar Biscuits or Garic Knots 2°5 Crystal Farms Haagen-Dazs Eek Shredded or Maggio WNAGGIO; 14floz. le Cream Chunk Cheese: 16 oz. Mozzarella or3pk. Regular or. 4 or 32 oz. Ricotta 6 pk. Minis Ice Cream Bars 2/%5: Cheese —— 2/7 acest St ~ ge 34.49 6 *” 12 oz. Singles Included t 6 pk. Regular Ice Cream Bars ‘5.99 10-13 02. o Freschetta ree 20,28-30.88 oz. Rising Crust, 4 Brick Oven or Thin Crust or —==™~ Red Baron 20.67-28.79 oz. io Stuffed Crust or Fully Loaded 2/912 a °* Tide 46-50 fl.oz. Liquid, 0r 15-20 ct. Pods Wage Pal Ga $6.99) Exclusions Apply Brawny 4-6 Roll a Paper Towels *, Quilted Northern B 6 Mega Rolls Bathroom Tissue $6.59 & }-8 Mega Rolls 4.9mm Bathroom Tissue . or Sparkle # 6 Double Rolls 2 32 Paper Towels = (5.99 Always 60-120 ct. Liners or 20-48 ct. Pads Sanitary Products ay $5.99 Exclusions Apply 2) Lay Downy 32-51 fl.oz. Liquid ‘9r Bounce 50 or 105 ct. Sheets Fabric Softener = 74:99. : 8.6 oz. Downy Scent Beads *5.99 =f Nivea Body Lotion $4.99 16.9 fl.oz. Exclusions Apply Degree Men's or Women's Motion Sense Deodorant $4.99 2.6-2.7 oz. Dawn Dishwashing Liquid 2.99 16-19.4 fl.oz. Crest Cavity or Tartar Protection or Baking Soda & Peroxide § | montanaste Redners_Vi_P3_10062022

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