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Current weekly ad Redner's Markets - Valid from 10/06 to 10/12 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Redner's Markets 10/06/2022 - 10/12/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ICE Due to the COVID-19 virus and unexpected sales volume, sales prices and items cannot be guaranteed and will this inconvenience, and thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work through this unexpected challen arn your trust by providing you with honest pricing, fresh products and a rewarding exp We will continue todo Hatfield R Old Fashioned 277 REDNER SINCE 1970 < Nature's Candy $4 i 7 Por ] ier, Whole Pineapple oneless Por pl NN $ Ah ee Roast MS: A-99 ye each see 2 Gat eer oa -Cola rAR| R \ lassic, Diet, Sprite aK = White io 4 4 or. — Zero Sugar Bone-In Beef Medium Shrimp i 6 pk./16.9 fl.oz. Porterhouse or 3 5 °10.98 7 ; . T-Bone Steak 32 oz. bag $9 98 (Canada Dry, 7- Up, = family pack, Ib. Kretschmar Ze . K _ Land O'Lakes § Sliced Fresh’ : | "Deli Sliced" a oe Spiral = © White, Yellow or Reduced Sodium moked Ham . American Cheese In-Store Baked! PanĂ© Rolls Mailers Italian Bread 20 oz. == *6.98 | Turkey Hill Ellio's i 4 Iced Tea Pizza 1: 5 Ice Cream - im or Drinks Ciitty 2/*6 2/*3 = 14.76-19.64 oz. 1/2 gallon D> sopostonne 10-47-3804 + Levspr 610-926-329» Palmyra 717-734054 | URE ON ERS ance CONNECT WITH US fe =) ‘ON SOCIAL MEDIA @ ‘ost Stores Open 6am-I0pm Daiy + We Reserve The Fight To Limit Quantities» No Dealers Please «Not Al rodctsAvalabie I Al Stores «Not Response For Typographical rors «kmages are or usrave purpeses, and may na represent the product in stores. «Prices Effective Thrsday SAM. Redners_V1_P1_10062022

Latest weekly ads

ICE Due to the COVID-19 virus and unexpected sales volume, sales prices and items cannot be guaranteed and will this inconvenience, and thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work through this unexpected challen arn your trust by providing you with honest pricing, fresh products and a rewarding exp We will continue todo Hatfield R Old Fashioned 277 REDNER SINCE 1970 < Nature's Candy $4 i 7 Por ] ier, Whole Pineapple oneless Por pl NN $ Ah ee Roast MS: A-99 ye each see 2 Gat eer oa -Cola rAR| R \ lassic, Diet, Sprite aK = White io 4 4 or. — Zero Sugar Bone-In Beef Medium Shrimp i 6 pk./16.9 fl.oz. Porterhouse or 3 5 °10.98 7 ; . T-Bone Steak 32 oz. bag $9 98 (Canada Dry, 7- Up, = family pack, Ib. Kretschmar Ze . K _ Land O'Lakes § Sliced Fresh’ : | "Deli Sliced" a oe Spiral = © White, Yellow or Reduced Sodium moked Ham . American Cheese In-Store Baked! PanĂ© Rolls Mailers Italian Bread 20 oz. == *6.98 | Turkey Hill Ellio's i 4 Iced Tea Pizza 1: 5 Ice Cream - im or Drinks Ciitty 2/*6 2/*3 = 14.76-19.64 oz. 1/2 gallon D> sopostonne 10-47-3804 + Levspr 610-926-329» Palmyra 717-734054 | URE ON ERS ance CONNECT WITH US fe =) ‘ON SOCIAL MEDIA @ ‘ost Stores Open 6am-I0pm Daiy + We Reserve The Fight To Limit Quantities» No Dealers Please «Not Al rodctsAvalabie I Al Stores «Not Response For Typographical rors «kmages are or usrave purpeses, and may na represent the product in stores. «Prices Effective Thrsday SAM. Redners_V1_P1_10062022

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