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Current weekly ad Homeland - Valid from 08/23 to 08/29 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Homeland 08/23/2023 - 08/29/2023


Products in this weekly ad

: hale ; ; FE ee = i —3 6 pe Eee. LU JBIOWNN Serve, Prime; = e -- x Ses) 2 oS. B Cresent : & S ae ae iis f = = ¢ Oscar Mayer z — a $599 Smithfield Prime Tilapia Fillets Fresh Deli Meats am oh Pick of the Week}, = Ae Ty . 63 ce cet Mixed Fruit Cucumbers 1 Lb Bag Natural Light or lee or Natty Daddy Beer mn * ya a ees: | i y 3 $3°° pepsi, Diet Pepsi Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Mtn De Sur betes BE OUEI orecizece ze 5)99 lead aoe Menage A Trois Wines Michelob Ultra Energy Drink 750 Mi . Beer Prices Effective August 23 Thru August 29, 2023

Latest weekly ads

: hale ; ; FE ee = i —3 6 pe Eee. LU JBIOWNN Serve, Prime; = e -- x Ses) 2 oS. B Cresent : & S ae ae iis f = = ¢ Oscar Mayer z — a $599 Smithfield Prime Tilapia Fillets Fresh Deli Meats am oh Pick of the Week}, = Ae Ty . 63 ce cet Mixed Fruit Cucumbers 1 Lb Bag Natural Light or lee or Natty Daddy Beer mn * ya a ees: | i y 3 $3°° pepsi, Diet Pepsi Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Mtn De Sur betes BE OUEI orecizece ze 5)99 lead aoe Menage A Trois Wines Michelob Ultra Energy Drink 750 Mi . Beer Prices Effective August 23 Thru August 29, 2023

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