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Current weekly ad Homeland - Valid from 08/23 to 08/29 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Homeland 08/23/2023 - 08/29/2023


Products in this weekly ad

‘Del Fresh TTA Cy Tenders : S rs Burrito’s te = ae 2 x 4 : 10 Oz. 5 , Best Choice ee. Fresh Frstd Cookies Garlic Bread Ki LS _ ay Off The Bone Cheese 4 & Frozen I H, a Z Best Choice: Ag’ — SuurCrean = Ss Comore Paes) Ciro ere eG BEL a Blue Bell : Best Choice Dede Fae Ice Cream frozen Tien 4° Vegetables palates: oe $430 etieest Degree. Deodorant for Bs ‘Aim or Men or Women Pepsodent Invisible Solid Tootipase $70 260r27 02 Dove ‘Shampoo or ao) Conditioner . 7 P . . UNITED We're Your Varcinatien Destination! HOMELAND We offer COVID, Flu, Pneumonia, Shingles, and many more vaccines. PHARMACY SEE YOUR PHARMACIST TODAY! <I

Latest weekly ads

‘Del Fresh TTA Cy Tenders : S rs Burrito’s te = ae 2 x 4 : 10 Oz. 5 , Best Choice ee. Fresh Frstd Cookies Garlic Bread Ki LS _ ay Off The Bone Cheese 4 & Frozen I H, a Z Best Choice: Ag’ — SuurCrean = Ss Comore Paes) Ciro ere eG BEL a Blue Bell : Best Choice Dede Fae Ice Cream frozen Tien 4° Vegetables palates: oe $430 etieest Degree. Deodorant for Bs ‘Aim or Men or Women Pepsodent Invisible Solid Tootipase $70 260r27 02 Dove ‘Shampoo or ao) Conditioner . 7 P . . UNITED We're Your Varcinatien Destination! HOMELAND We offer COVID, Flu, Pneumonia, Shingles, and many more vaccines. PHARMACY SEE YOUR PHARMACIST TODAY! <I

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