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Current weekly ad Carrs - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Carrs 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Gourd-geous! SAFEWAY Signature FarmsĀ® Boneless Skinless Pork Loin Assorted Chicken Breasts Chops Bone-in aa or Thighs vaiv Pumpkins merece Signature FarmsĀ® USDA Choice Beet Extra Lean Ground elon ten one Beef 93% + or Waterfront sISTRO* Jumbo Raw Shrimp 2-25 ren : song) caning P 59Ā° Pumpkins Solected Varieties member price Sweet Clementine Red, Orange, Green Mandal INS 2b Bag Russet Potatoes, or Yellow Bell Peppers Yellow Onions, Cabbage or Carrots member price LucerneĀ® Milk or Chocolate MikGaion | \ (% Se Selected Varieties 2ā€ |e member price A) Organic Fall Hard Squash member price coca-Colo, Pepsi 2x) fy Eercomepiuan oot AS vesocers 70P, ABW, Sunkist 2px 12 cecons Fritos Corn [2 ve wipe 78 cco oe g Chips 225-100 . eeepc ā€˜=| =) | Frito-Lay Cheetos General Mills Cereal 7 sole Natura teasecteocn co _|ecszarbetty Crocker Ā«| J Sevcts vores or Cheese Dips oubuy 4 | o Mott's Fruit Snacks when you buy Sz Selected Vorties member price 6-IDct- Selected Varies member price ay Ā« ā€˜ C ; Al Broccoli, i =e Cauliflower, 79 o@ Zucchini or oe i.e 7 Yellow Squash member price S ā€”_ā€” @a ā€˜Ww! O OrganicsĀ® or NET we Signature SELECTĀ® 2x, | Laundry detergent or =" Apothic, Chateau 4 . Coffee 10 oz or Downy Liquid, Beads Ste Michelle 750 mi ~ Coffee Pods 12ct , Rhee bho a | or Yellow Tail 15 tr ea a Selected Varieties co | thersncnter gerempenn | Seed vortas , rember cay nee sane : rere . er _ Signature SELECTĀ® , a French, Sourdough un orltalian Breads. : ā€˜ 99 Selected Varieties wale J cala Apples o Ć© Navel Oranges ā€” member price maka Night ā€” Litehouse Caramel ip member price Prego 23-24 oz or ! Signature SELECTĀ® } Hemplerā€™s Ground } Signature SELECT? 99 | Thinic-220:Wide 29 | Porkor Breakfast 99 ; } Pasta Sauce 25 oz ! Pan Breads 24 oor | Sausage 16 oz i f selectes varieties ea i Giant Buns ect ea selected Varieties eo | ; member price } selected arites\iit2_member price } member price 4 signature FarmsĀ® 99 f ceseyccenmtmmnscnemenicetite | cer : isi. } Apple Cider 12302 ea Ls J selected Varieties member price Earn 7 Rewards |) Earn10 Rewards |) Earn 12 Rewards Bee Get Get Get cei ay 510 OFF 515 OFF 520 OFF your order <U) yourorder yourorder <i) wi 082622 SEA_CIROL SC_S5

Latest weekly ads

Gourd-geous! SAFEWAY Signature FarmsĀ® Boneless Skinless Pork Loin Assorted Chicken Breasts Chops Bone-in aa or Thighs vaiv Pumpkins merece Signature FarmsĀ® USDA Choice Beet Extra Lean Ground elon ten one Beef 93% + or Waterfront sISTRO* Jumbo Raw Shrimp 2-25 ren : song) caning P 59Ā° Pumpkins Solected Varieties member price Sweet Clementine Red, Orange, Green Mandal INS 2b Bag Russet Potatoes, or Yellow Bell Peppers Yellow Onions, Cabbage or Carrots member price LucerneĀ® Milk or Chocolate MikGaion | \ (% Se Selected Varieties 2ā€ |e member price A) Organic Fall Hard Squash member price coca-Colo, Pepsi 2x) fy Eercomepiuan oot AS vesocers 70P, ABW, Sunkist 2px 12 cecons Fritos Corn [2 ve wipe 78 cco oe g Chips 225-100 . eeepc ā€˜=| =) | Frito-Lay Cheetos General Mills Cereal 7 sole Natura teasecteocn co _|ecszarbetty Crocker Ā«| J Sevcts vores or Cheese Dips oubuy 4 | o Mott's Fruit Snacks when you buy Sz Selected Vorties member price 6-IDct- Selected Varies member price ay Ā« ā€˜ C ; Al Broccoli, i =e Cauliflower, 79 o@ Zucchini or oe i.e 7 Yellow Squash member price S ā€”_ā€” @a ā€˜Ww! O OrganicsĀ® or NET we Signature SELECTĀ® 2x, | Laundry detergent or =" Apothic, Chateau 4 . Coffee 10 oz or Downy Liquid, Beads Ste Michelle 750 mi ~ Coffee Pods 12ct , Rhee bho a | or Yellow Tail 15 tr ea a Selected Varieties co | thersncnter gerempenn | Seed vortas , rember cay nee sane : rere . er _ Signature SELECTĀ® , a French, Sourdough un orltalian Breads. : ā€˜ 99 Selected Varieties wale J cala Apples o Ć© Navel Oranges ā€” member price maka Night ā€” Litehouse Caramel ip member price Prego 23-24 oz or ! Signature SELECTĀ® } Hemplerā€™s Ground } Signature SELECT? 99 | Thinic-220:Wide 29 | Porkor Breakfast 99 ; } Pasta Sauce 25 oz ! Pan Breads 24 oor | Sausage 16 oz i f selectes varieties ea i Giant Buns ect ea selected Varieties eo | ; member price } selected arites\iit2_member price } member price 4 signature FarmsĀ® 99 f ceseyccenmtmmnscnemenicetite | cer : isi. } Apple Cider 12302 ea Ls J selected Varieties member price Earn 7 Rewards |) Earn10 Rewards |) Earn 12 Rewards Bee Get Get Get cei ay 510 OFF 515 OFF 520 OFF your order <U) yourorder yourorder <i) wi 082622 SEA_CIROL SC_S5

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