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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 08/14 to 08/20 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 08/14/2024 - 08/20/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Black Canyon Angus Choice 251b, Selected 2i\To 32-02, Selected Soldinaatn Boxtors992 Boneless Bottom Prairie Fresh Signature Butterball Round Steaks Shoulder Roast Turkey Patties Flanders Boe Patties 898 998 2.48. ~ i. ss cad & @ Fresh, Small Pack Soldin a 5b Bag fox $12.40, 1OF 1602, 93% Leon Chicken ‘Agro Boneless Chicken | 0r91% lean Seasoned Tenderloins Breasts Or Drummettes _ Butferball Ground Turkey 248. 498 Black Canyon Angus Choice Boneless = Cubed Steak a 3. g) 8.. 1602, Selected Roger Wood ‘Smoked Sausage 2.98 SNe eal ir ree ocucu uu eae es 41g SOx Selecton i 12:02, Selected Sold n a 4tb. Bag for $1892 ‘Armour Benne Carolina Pride Boneless > = Hard Salami Ror Hot Dogs 0 To 24 Or. Selected 10-02, Selected ater Co Key Cred (rs Buffalo Wings = oF 298 Sa 198 3.98, <=" Back To School LUNCH zz LEARN 2104402, Selected ‘Oscar Meyer Lunchables..... 12.02, Selected 137 To 192.02, Selected Carolina Pride Tennessee Pride Sausage Sliced Bologna... a fe OF Chicken BISCUIIS. nme QO mt 252.07, Fully Cooked 77109-02, Selected Thin Siced ‘Oscar Mayer Hillshire Farms Sliced Bacon..... : Deli Meat. = a Wo ' y catch Niggets Sartlace ( ? SASS) Ue 2. 2.48... 4 CATCH aaa 1802002, Selected Land 0* Frost ‘Sub Sandwich Kit... Frozen Or (> 24p, 12.02 Homeradish Remoulade Prev. Frozen Boudreaux's OrSelected Catfish Fillets 4 Whole Cooked Crawfish Kelchner’s Marinade 3.98. © Hot & Delicious Perdue Chicken Tenders........ Li. Qa 21202, 8-02, Round Selected President Brie ‘Whisps Or Camembert Crisps Cheese SAKERY FIRES 48.02 Binch Stawberry Or Double Layer ‘Strawberry Coconut Cake Rhubarb Pie 1-4, Selected lect Gallon, lemonade Or Grandma's Split Top Sunny South > Zon Salads Potato Rolls ‘Sweet Tea = > a a — 3.99 3.98 2.18 avon 120, Selected 5 = Hawaiian Mint ST ra wr ips wis Ring Donut ‘Cupcakes a Ore, Get Ore : a - oe cue FREE 448 a 254: 8. 4.01 Solectoc 461, Solectoa Nikola’s Bakery French Creme as Hot & Delicious 12.0, ecken Sadr u's eos ane „ 98. 598 | 448 255 & 2.98. 5.98 We proudly accept : A . Visa, Discover Card, Mastercard, Grants Supermarkets is committed to serving our Debit Cards, EBT And WIC communities with the highest quality product at the ; lowest possible price. Due to product availability, s Wee we are expecting limited quantities of certain items. Sale prices are good while supplies last. No Rain checks. Apply within store or 0814g4_gs_GMS at

Latest weekly ads

Black Canyon Angus Choice 251b, Selected 2i\To 32-02, Selected Soldinaatn Boxtors992 Boneless Bottom Prairie Fresh Signature Butterball Round Steaks Shoulder Roast Turkey Patties Flanders Boe Patties 898 998 2.48. ~ i. ss cad & @ Fresh, Small Pack Soldin a 5b Bag fox $12.40, 1OF 1602, 93% Leon Chicken ‘Agro Boneless Chicken | 0r91% lean Seasoned Tenderloins Breasts Or Drummettes _ Butferball Ground Turkey 248. 498 Black Canyon Angus Choice Boneless = Cubed Steak a 3. g) 8.. 1602, Selected Roger Wood ‘Smoked Sausage 2.98 SNe eal ir ree ocucu uu eae es 41g SOx Selecton i 12:02, Selected Sold n a 4tb. Bag for $1892 ‘Armour Benne Carolina Pride Boneless > = Hard Salami Ror Hot Dogs 0 To 24 Or. Selected 10-02, Selected ater Co Key Cred (rs Buffalo Wings = oF 298 Sa 198 3.98, <=" Back To School LUNCH zz LEARN 2104402, Selected ‘Oscar Meyer Lunchables..... 12.02, Selected 137 To 192.02, Selected Carolina Pride Tennessee Pride Sausage Sliced Bologna... a fe OF Chicken BISCUIIS. nme QO mt 252.07, Fully Cooked 77109-02, Selected Thin Siced ‘Oscar Mayer Hillshire Farms Sliced Bacon..... : Deli Meat. = a Wo ' y catch Niggets Sartlace ( ? SASS) Ue 2. 2.48... 4 CATCH aaa 1802002, Selected Land 0* Frost ‘Sub Sandwich Kit... Frozen Or (> 24p, 12.02 Homeradish Remoulade Prev. Frozen Boudreaux's OrSelected Catfish Fillets 4 Whole Cooked Crawfish Kelchner’s Marinade 3.98. © Hot & Delicious Perdue Chicken Tenders........ Li. Qa 21202, 8-02, Round Selected President Brie ‘Whisps Or Camembert Crisps Cheese SAKERY FIRES 48.02 Binch Stawberry Or Double Layer ‘Strawberry Coconut Cake Rhubarb Pie 1-4, Selected lect Gallon, lemonade Or Grandma's Split Top Sunny South > Zon Salads Potato Rolls ‘Sweet Tea = > a a — 3.99 3.98 2.18 avon 120, Selected 5 = Hawaiian Mint ST ra wr ips wis Ring Donut ‘Cupcakes a Ore, Get Ore : a - oe cue FREE 448 a 254: 8. 4.01 Solectoc 461, Solectoa Nikola’s Bakery French Creme as Hot & Delicious 12.0, ecken Sadr u's eos ane „ 98. 598 | 448 255 & 2.98. 5.98 We proudly accept : A . Visa, Discover Card, Mastercard, Grants Supermarkets is committed to serving our Debit Cards, EBT And WIC communities with the highest quality product at the ; lowest possible price. Due to product availability, s Wee we are expecting limited quantities of certain items. Sale prices are good while supplies last. No Rain checks. Apply within store or 0814g4_gs_GMS at

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