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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/04 to 09/10 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 09/04/2024 - 09/10/2024


Products in this weekly ad

““Y Hormel Always Tender ©, Family Pack rs Pork Chops Sl Skinless ‘ Boneless — Chicken Breast ¥ < . . ; 1 g 8 a Lb 4 4 Black Canyon Angus Choice ___|Black Canyon Angus Choice $ Boneless Beef we Boneless oe ma Cube Steak se Round Roast tc pone aed Lh. a es, CI. Mini Sub Rolls Or 9-Ct. Smoked Kings Hawaiian Ham Portions Slider Buns —s 3982 ‘Smithfield Sirloin Pork Roast. 118. ® Cotton Candy Farm Fresh : Green . Bell Peppers oub. Bag, All Purpose’ Creamy Russet Potatoes Nee Sdoced sack eee 14510 18-02, Selected Libby Canned bles 2. 28 3.8 pecuacact 100 2,00 Tye fey] 45.02, Selected 1910 32-02, Selected Frozen Country Crock Oreida 12k, Selected 6Pk., Double Roll 12-Ct Double Roll 120. core Scott Soft Drinks Paper Towels Bath Tissue coke Pro Products fora CRAZY LOW PRICE. 10.5-Oz. Breadsticks Or 11.25-Oz. Download your DIGITAL COUPON THURSDAY, SEP. 5- UNDAY, SEP. 8, ONLY! —_ 12To 16-Oz,, Selected Hormel Black abel Bacon York Garlic Texas Toast TAPpRCE 1,98 1,00 TT Saltine Crackers SARC T 1602. Regular Or Low-Fat Breakstone Sour Cream Salrpnce Bluefield Avenue, Bluewell, Glenwood, GreenValley, Mercer Street, Athens Crossroads, War, Oak Hill, Smithers, Narrows, Rich Creek, Bland & Galax SUN | MON aoe a THUR} FRI | SAT : : 5 16 Ds 8 oD 10 - - = FA shopatgrants ——_ {FREE 2-02. GenmeX Advanced Hand Sanitizer CEU Ra EL Ut Ret Da Load Friday 9/6/24 ONLY and redeem by Sunday 9/8/24 0904g1 gs GSM

Latest weekly ads

““Y Hormel Always Tender ©, Family Pack rs Pork Chops Sl Skinless ‘ Boneless — Chicken Breast ¥ < . . ; 1 g 8 a Lb 4 4 Black Canyon Angus Choice ___|Black Canyon Angus Choice $ Boneless Beef we Boneless oe ma Cube Steak se Round Roast tc pone aed Lh. a es, CI. Mini Sub Rolls Or 9-Ct. Smoked Kings Hawaiian Ham Portions Slider Buns —s 3982 ‘Smithfield Sirloin Pork Roast. 118. ® Cotton Candy Farm Fresh : Green . Bell Peppers oub. Bag, All Purpose’ Creamy Russet Potatoes Nee Sdoced sack eee 14510 18-02, Selected Libby Canned bles 2. 28 3.8 pecuacact 100 2,00 Tye fey] 45.02, Selected 1910 32-02, Selected Frozen Country Crock Oreida 12k, Selected 6Pk., Double Roll 12-Ct Double Roll 120. core Scott Soft Drinks Paper Towels Bath Tissue coke Pro Products fora CRAZY LOW PRICE. 10.5-Oz. Breadsticks Or 11.25-Oz. Download your DIGITAL COUPON THURSDAY, SEP. 5- UNDAY, SEP. 8, ONLY! —_ 12To 16-Oz,, Selected Hormel Black abel Bacon York Garlic Texas Toast TAPpRCE 1,98 1,00 TT Saltine Crackers SARC T 1602. Regular Or Low-Fat Breakstone Sour Cream Salrpnce Bluefield Avenue, Bluewell, Glenwood, GreenValley, Mercer Street, Athens Crossroads, War, Oak Hill, Smithers, Narrows, Rich Creek, Bland & Galax SUN | MON aoe a THUR} FRI | SAT : : 5 16 Ds 8 oD 10 - - = FA shopatgrants ——_ {FREE 2-02. GenmeX Advanced Hand Sanitizer CEU Ra EL Ut Ret Da Load Friday 9/6/24 ONLY and redeem by Sunday 9/8/24 0904g1 gs GSM

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