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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 08/07 to 08/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 08/07/2024 - 08/13/2024


Products in this weekly ad

rac Jumbo Pack, Fresh & Boneless Skinless ‘we Chicken Breast J 2» Hormel AlwaysTender Ji Family Pack “ Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops THURSDAYS Download your DIGI Liole- met ree CSE) USDA Inpected Hormel Always Tender Black Canyon Angus Choice ‘St. Louis Style Boneless Boneless GCL Mini Sub Rols Or9.ct Pork Ribs Country Style Ribs Chuck Roast Kings Hawaiian Slider Buns 298. 188. 398. 396 120 14-02, Selected Kielbasa Or Hillshire Farms ‘Smoked Sausage 12-02, Selected Butt Or Shank Black Canyon Angus Choice Hormel Always Tender Carolina Pride Smithfield Smoked Boneless Beef Boneless Center Cut Sliced Bacon Ham Portions Ribeye Steaks Pork Roast 58 148. 9.98. 1.88. 2” Eastem Grown “y California A Yellow Flesh /-Red, White Or Black "i Peaches : Seediess Grapes 16-Oz, Selected LD Food Club = } A Jumbo Biscuits 8 sree Pa : 12-02, Shols Or 1402 8810 13.702, Selected 1170 16602, Solected Mini Wheat, iron yi Food Club Macaroni & Ritz Risin Bran Or Honey Bunches Of Oot Post Or Kellogg's Cereal 2.98 eo ‘Pack, Selected —\ Jello Temptations, ca ze Gelatin Or Pudding Cups = = | Gar 12802, Lemonade Or Solocted 10% 1802, Soteced 14510 1850 Selected Milo’s Famous Marie Callender’s Food Club Canned ‘Sweet Tea Bowls Or Pot Pies Vegetables 108 348 fs 1,00 _——_— ro ) af aah aa vm eta n fe) od 5 11 aiggg 3 T1SBggg = @ 4 nae wee cc tanore teeta a ~ i mere | Sean, 285 & SE = 2°10 a9 Charmin Bath Tissue Tide Liquid Detergent 13.98 12,98 [Bona couron 1.00 3.00 OUR——_ Paws ‘ipey simply puREEER topcare. SELECTBRANDS #0 YESS “done. HARMONY Bluefield Avenue, Bluewell, Glenwood, GreenValley, Mercer Street, Athens Crossroads, War, Oak Hill, Smithers, Narrows, Rich Creek, Bland & Galax I FREE 25-02. Silver Palate Pasta Sauce (Selected) DEC Lee UVa AG Cee a Me Le uD RS Ras 0807g1_gs_GSM HI© shopatgrants

Latest weekly ads

rac Jumbo Pack, Fresh & Boneless Skinless ‘we Chicken Breast J 2» Hormel AlwaysTender Ji Family Pack “ Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops THURSDAYS Download your DIGI Liole- met ree CSE) USDA Inpected Hormel Always Tender Black Canyon Angus Choice ‘St. Louis Style Boneless Boneless GCL Mini Sub Rols Or9.ct Pork Ribs Country Style Ribs Chuck Roast Kings Hawaiian Slider Buns 298. 188. 398. 396 120 14-02, Selected Kielbasa Or Hillshire Farms ‘Smoked Sausage 12-02, Selected Butt Or Shank Black Canyon Angus Choice Hormel Always Tender Carolina Pride Smithfield Smoked Boneless Beef Boneless Center Cut Sliced Bacon Ham Portions Ribeye Steaks Pork Roast 58 148. 9.98. 1.88. 2” Eastem Grown “y California A Yellow Flesh /-Red, White Or Black "i Peaches : Seediess Grapes 16-Oz, Selected LD Food Club = } A Jumbo Biscuits 8 sree Pa : 12-02, Shols Or 1402 8810 13.702, Selected 1170 16602, Solected Mini Wheat, iron yi Food Club Macaroni & Ritz Risin Bran Or Honey Bunches Of Oot Post Or Kellogg's Cereal 2.98 eo ‘Pack, Selected —\ Jello Temptations, ca ze Gelatin Or Pudding Cups = = | Gar 12802, Lemonade Or Solocted 10% 1802, Soteced 14510 1850 Selected Milo’s Famous Marie Callender’s Food Club Canned ‘Sweet Tea Bowls Or Pot Pies Vegetables 108 348 fs 1,00 _——_— ro ) af aah aa vm eta n fe) od 5 11 aiggg 3 T1SBggg = @ 4 nae wee cc tanore teeta a ~ i mere | Sean, 285 & SE = 2°10 a9 Charmin Bath Tissue Tide Liquid Detergent 13.98 12,98 [Bona couron 1.00 3.00 OUR——_ Paws ‘ipey simply puREEER topcare. SELECTBRANDS #0 YESS “done. HARMONY Bluefield Avenue, Bluewell, Glenwood, GreenValley, Mercer Street, Athens Crossroads, War, Oak Hill, Smithers, Narrows, Rich Creek, Bland & Galax I FREE 25-02. Silver Palate Pasta Sauce (Selected) DEC Lee UVa AG Cee a Me Le uD RS Ras 0807g1_gs_GSM HI© shopatgrants

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