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Current weekly ad Lunardi's Market - Father's Day 2023 - Valid from 06/13 to 06/19 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Lunardi's Market 06/13/2023 - 06/19/2023


Products in this weekly ad

New,Crop%60 si rich flavorsRipe„crea 0 IC STRAWBERRIES Beautiful crop! Very sweet, plump berries. AparaĂ©s famous quality. 1 Lb. Clamshell ‘TTUCE SAI ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE NECTARINES LLarge size. Ripened on the tree for peak flavor. LARGE 40 SIZE! Very rich flavor. Succulent, intensely sweet meat. Certified Organic. “DAD A ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES Rpened onthe tee for peak favor. Succulent, Intensely sweet meat Certified Organi Hothouse grown. Our finest tasting tomato. YELLOW OR WHITE oO 3” BBQ a STRAWBERRIES WHITE CORN New Crop. Lunch Box size. eid ‘sweet, plump berries. ‘ry pnp ceo Very plump, sweet kemels. Tender eas. Loose. IN THE HUSK, _Faniastoforweeterdcookous, RD ‘Tree-ipened beauties, Full blush coor, teonas famous qual Succulent, sweet, yellow meat SAVE!!! HHeaping ful Pint basket ‘Your Choice of RED LEAF or GREEN LEAF. Freshly cleaned rimmed everyday! Fantastic for your favorite weekend salads. ORGANIC X-LARGE HASS AVOCADOS Tertfic fr salads or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE! ORGANIC CLUSTER TOMATOES Vine Ripe. These tomatoes come right on the vine with the vine. {9 185 BROCCOLI CROWNS ony ica TENDER CROWNS, El Wonderful for stir Sraoekend _Prweakensveqeahe dos. ME et 1° YELLOW OR WHITE BLUEBERRIES | “BUTTER qq. ROMAINEHEARTS ~ p Gomy Nom” 99 oe iP 27 PSN ror ae oe ee DR secereirserntororss, AL) iene ee BLACK PLUMS TONG GREEN RO ee et 8 Hore ASPARAGUS, 62 TOMA # Wakes an cegant weston se dish, SAVE TI TROPICAL ssa “MELONSALE, 44 99/ LON SALE iE very weal eat oak ote season! “Thevropeal eat ICEBERG LETTUCE Freshly cleaned and immed everyĂ©a Fortier your vr woke Soa 2°5 Specials Effective: Tuesday, June 13 Through Monday, June 19, 2023 P Fim poe grown sce BELL PEPPERS, 29 D.o, GREEN New Crop large size. Eran fa wae uta iy, sg a San Jose 2666 8. Bascom Ave. (@ascom Ave. & Union Ave.) (Open 7 AM -8 PM Dolly Phone: (408) 377-6661 Cotes Seating Section NOW OPEN San Jose 4680 Merion (ct Branham Lone) Open 730 AM -8 PM Daly Metigion Prk Piaza Phone: (408) 266-9101 Belmont 1085 Alameda de las Pulgos (ot Rolston Avenue) Open 7:30 AM cpa Car Phone: 515 768 San Bruno 2801 Son Bruno Avenue Los Gatos 720 Blossom Hil Rood (ates Gates avd) ‘Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Kings Cout Shopping Center Phone: (08 388-1731 Cote Seating Section NOW OPEN Walnut Creek 1600 Polos Verdes Mal (Geary & Pleasant Hil Rood) Open 7.00 AM -8 PM Dally Phone: (925) 999-6477 All Lunardi’s stores accept the followi ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Burlingame 1625 Comino Real (ot Trousdale Ore) pen 7:30 AM -8 PM Daly Danville 345 Roitood Ave. Open 7:00 AM - 8PM Daily Phone: (92 Lunardi’s 6/13/2023 - Page 1

Latest weekly ads

New,Crop%60 si rich flavorsRipe„crea 0 IC STRAWBERRIES Beautiful crop! Very sweet, plump berries. AparaĂ©s famous quality. 1 Lb. Clamshell ‘TTUCE SAI ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE NECTARINES LLarge size. Ripened on the tree for peak flavor. LARGE 40 SIZE! Very rich flavor. Succulent, intensely sweet meat. Certified Organic. “DAD A ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES Rpened onthe tee for peak favor. Succulent, Intensely sweet meat Certified Organi Hothouse grown. Our finest tasting tomato. YELLOW OR WHITE oO 3” BBQ a STRAWBERRIES WHITE CORN New Crop. Lunch Box size. eid ‘sweet, plump berries. ‘ry pnp ceo Very plump, sweet kemels. Tender eas. Loose. IN THE HUSK, _Faniastoforweeterdcookous, RD ‘Tree-ipened beauties, Full blush coor, teonas famous qual Succulent, sweet, yellow meat SAVE!!! HHeaping ful Pint basket ‘Your Choice of RED LEAF or GREEN LEAF. Freshly cleaned rimmed everyday! Fantastic for your favorite weekend salads. ORGANIC X-LARGE HASS AVOCADOS Tertfic fr salads or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE! ORGANIC CLUSTER TOMATOES Vine Ripe. These tomatoes come right on the vine with the vine. {9 185 BROCCOLI CROWNS ony ica TENDER CROWNS, El Wonderful for stir Sraoekend _Prweakensveqeahe dos. ME et 1° YELLOW OR WHITE BLUEBERRIES | “BUTTER qq. ROMAINEHEARTS ~ p Gomy Nom” 99 oe iP 27 PSN ror ae oe ee DR secereirserntororss, AL) iene ee BLACK PLUMS TONG GREEN RO ee et 8 Hore ASPARAGUS, 62 TOMA # Wakes an cegant weston se dish, SAVE TI TROPICAL ssa “MELONSALE, 44 99/ LON SALE iE very weal eat oak ote season! “Thevropeal eat ICEBERG LETTUCE Freshly cleaned and immed everyĂ©a Fortier your vr woke Soa 2°5 Specials Effective: Tuesday, June 13 Through Monday, June 19, 2023 P Fim poe grown sce BELL PEPPERS, 29 D.o, GREEN New Crop large size. Eran fa wae uta iy, sg a San Jose 2666 8. Bascom Ave. (@ascom Ave. & Union Ave.) (Open 7 AM -8 PM Dolly Phone: (408) 377-6661 Cotes Seating Section NOW OPEN San Jose 4680 Merion (ct Branham Lone) Open 730 AM -8 PM Daly Metigion Prk Piaza Phone: (408) 266-9101 Belmont 1085 Alameda de las Pulgos (ot Rolston Avenue) Open 7:30 AM cpa Car Phone: 515 768 San Bruno 2801 Son Bruno Avenue Los Gatos 720 Blossom Hil Rood (ates Gates avd) ‘Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Kings Cout Shopping Center Phone: (08 388-1731 Cote Seating Section NOW OPEN Walnut Creek 1600 Polos Verdes Mal (Geary & Pleasant Hil Rood) Open 7.00 AM -8 PM Dally Phone: (925) 999-6477 All Lunardi’s stores accept the followi ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Burlingame 1625 Comino Real (ot Trousdale Ore) pen 7:30 AM -8 PM Daly Danville 345 Roitood Ave. Open 7:00 AM - 8PM Daily Phone: (92 Lunardi’s 6/13/2023 - Page 1

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