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Current weekly ad Lunardi's Market - Valid from 06/06 to 06/12 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Lunardi's Market 06/06/2023 - 06/12/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Suite simply = « seed , ieastena en Reipones ‘onthe tree for, peak fin Goan Wvith sweetness! SA. Bet you'can't ea justone laa ‘ ORGANIC STRAWBERRIES Beautiful crop! Very sweet, plump berries. famous quality. 1 Lb. Clamshell the best! ORGANIC X-LARGE HASS AVOCADOS 685 LARGE 40 SIZE! Very rich flavor. 0 Terific for salads or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE!!! R ORGANIC BLUEBERRIES 399 New Crop! Very favortul and sweet Ripened on the te for peak favor, Sucruen, intensely wee! meat Certified Org: ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES ° FEW ORWEITE 4” STRAWBERRIES New Crop. Lunch Box size, ‘Tree-ipened beauties, Full blush coor, Tamous aly Svcculen sweet yelow meat. SAVE Ls v Lb Ciamshel. = YELLOW OR WHITE 99 BLUEBERRIES a7 NECTARINES Oar bare re ey pump & sweet. Nor Ste Wraith St ne ca Sie ORANGE FLESH eS 49 HONEYDEW MELONS |= ‘So sweet and eee ae Delicious crop. All thick, sweet succulent meat. eres mn ie Messer APRICOTS, 49 “SEEDLESSGRAPES 9.99 on 99 paps oe eer ee ac, ‘sin Seon tee oon meet poociectita ts SE TS ec, - Sets, ug tng 1 ie Fit lo rome YELLOW OR ORANGE ENGLISH . BELL PEPPERS, = 30 CUCUMBER 2 4 Aol Bikwoled Gel fs, Individual cao wrapped R " GREEN ONIONS . ORGANIC BROWN OR WHITE MUSHROOMS 99 ‘Medium size. Hot house grown. Extra fancy caps. Delivered fres Magnificent sautéed with veal scallopini. SAVE!" 8 Oz. Cello Peaae E ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE NECTARINES 2. Ripened on the tre for peak favor Suton intooay sweet met Cored Organic BB Witre CORN HASS AVOCADOS Fg ary pnp greet rol. Tender eas Vert ray or @ Uecker in He HUSK Fanta forwecand salts antasti for weekend cookout SQUASH SALE SetOW WHITE SUAS New Crop. Extra fancy. Als TOMATOES ITALIAN SALADETTE, EXTRALARGE so 7 ROMA 1” 12d onthe vine for peak fi BRR Nobiterateraste! es) “BABY BROCCOLINI pe Farm fresh, Freshy tmmed. F 0, ‘Large, FULL, FULL, BUNCHES R Magnificent sautéed wih ieoualtalia sausage Freshly trimmed every & So versal, Fresh, ull bunches, ‘Rrmust for weekend relish ays, 26 San Jose 4650 Metidion Belmont 1085 Alameda de las Pulgos San Bruno 2801 Son ro Avenue (comet of San Gro & Seine Bia) Ope 7 AM PM Dat (ot Rolston Avenue) (ot Branham tone) (Open 7:30 AM -8 PM Dally Cariment Vilage Open 7:30 AM -8 PM Dolly Meridion Park lara Phone: (650) 591-5768 Phone: (#08) 266-9101 All Lunardi’s stores accept the followi ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Los Gatos 720 Blossom Kl Rood 0s Gatos Blvd.) Walnut Creek 1600 Polos Verdes Mal Danville 345 Roitood Ave. Burlingame 1828 Comin el (et ouole Dive) (Open 7:30 AM 8 PM Daly Burlingame Pazo one (2 Prone: (650) 6 (Geary & Pleasant Hil Rood) Open 7:00 AM -8 PM Dally Phone: (925) 999-6477 Open 7:00 AM - 8PM Daily Lunardi’s 6/6/2023 - Page |

Latest weekly ads

Suite simply = « seed , ieastena en Reipones ‘onthe tree for, peak fin Goan Wvith sweetness! SA. Bet you'can't ea justone laa ‘ ORGANIC STRAWBERRIES Beautiful crop! Very sweet, plump berries. famous quality. 1 Lb. Clamshell the best! ORGANIC X-LARGE HASS AVOCADOS 685 LARGE 40 SIZE! Very rich flavor. 0 Terific for salads or weekend guacamole recipes. SAVE!!! R ORGANIC BLUEBERRIES 399 New Crop! Very favortul and sweet Ripened on the te for peak favor, Sucruen, intensely wee! meat Certified Org: ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES ° FEW ORWEITE 4” STRAWBERRIES New Crop. Lunch Box size, ‘Tree-ipened beauties, Full blush coor, Tamous aly Svcculen sweet yelow meat. SAVE Ls v Lb Ciamshel. = YELLOW OR WHITE 99 BLUEBERRIES a7 NECTARINES Oar bare re ey pump & sweet. Nor Ste Wraith St ne ca Sie ORANGE FLESH eS 49 HONEYDEW MELONS |= ‘So sweet and eee ae Delicious crop. All thick, sweet succulent meat. eres mn ie Messer APRICOTS, 49 “SEEDLESSGRAPES 9.99 on 99 paps oe eer ee ac, ‘sin Seon tee oon meet poociectita ts SE TS ec, - Sets, ug tng 1 ie Fit lo rome YELLOW OR ORANGE ENGLISH . BELL PEPPERS, = 30 CUCUMBER 2 4 Aol Bikwoled Gel fs, Individual cao wrapped R " GREEN ONIONS . ORGANIC BROWN OR WHITE MUSHROOMS 99 ‘Medium size. Hot house grown. Extra fancy caps. Delivered fres Magnificent sautéed with veal scallopini. SAVE!" 8 Oz. Cello Peaae E ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE NECTARINES 2. Ripened on the tre for peak favor Suton intooay sweet met Cored Organic BB Witre CORN HASS AVOCADOS Fg ary pnp greet rol. Tender eas Vert ray or @ Uecker in He HUSK Fanta forwecand salts antasti for weekend cookout SQUASH SALE SetOW WHITE SUAS New Crop. Extra fancy. Als TOMATOES ITALIAN SALADETTE, EXTRALARGE so 7 ROMA 1” 12d onthe vine for peak fi BRR Nobiterateraste! es) “BABY BROCCOLINI pe Farm fresh, Freshy tmmed. F 0, ‘Large, FULL, FULL, BUNCHES R Magnificent sautéed wih ieoualtalia sausage Freshly trimmed every & So versal, Fresh, ull bunches, ‘Rrmust for weekend relish ays, 26 San Jose 4650 Metidion Belmont 1085 Alameda de las Pulgos San Bruno 2801 Son ro Avenue (comet of San Gro & Seine Bia) Ope 7 AM PM Dat (ot Rolston Avenue) (ot Branham tone) (Open 7:30 AM -8 PM Dally Cariment Vilage Open 7:30 AM -8 PM Dolly Meridion Park lara Phone: (650) 591-5768 Phone: (#08) 266-9101 All Lunardi’s stores accept the followi ‘Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Los Gatos 720 Blossom Kl Rood 0s Gatos Blvd.) Walnut Creek 1600 Polos Verdes Mal Danville 345 Roitood Ave. Burlingame 1828 Comin el (et ouole Dive) (Open 7:30 AM 8 PM Daly Burlingame Pazo one (2 Prone: (650) 6 (Geary & Pleasant Hil Rood) Open 7:00 AM -8 PM Dally Phone: (925) 999-6477 Open 7:00 AM - 8PM Daily Lunardi’s 6/6/2023 - Page |

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