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Current weekly ad Lunardi's Market - Back to School - Valid from 08/08 to 08/14 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Lunardi's Market 08/08/2023 - 08/14/2023


Products in this weekly ad

e& C= Quité’simply.™ the best! 2 \4 , 2 CHOICE we f j 2 Ga” wns Y _F, ‘elle TFBONE LONDON PORKBU LE PORK STEAK. (E>. BROIL ROAST STEAK es 19 SS) SE) Se Taste the difference! in Lunardi's meat lockers. Outstanding under the broiler Lb, ‘SAVE!!! SAVE!!! SAVE!!! Makes a wonderful Lb. flakes right off the bone. Lb, or on the barbecue, weekend roast. || PORTERHOUSE STEAK 7 BEEF SCALLOPINI ey 49 Aged to perfection in Lunardi’s meat lockers. Tender, lean slices. Delightful sautéed Thick, very tender cuts. The ultimate for ee Gaisaee Lb. or try stir-fried in your wok. So convenient. Finest Full Service ssFishs&: &:Poultry RGANIC™ ~~ BONELESS, SKINLESS: = MARINATED = LARGE CHICKEN Sena ‘CHICKEN art SALMON*FILLETS COOKED CRA Raised in low density Mays 100% Natural, Marinated with Large size, Delicate, srt flavor. the antibiotic free, sAiparedis own teriyaki sauce. con ee lorie READY COOK‘ EaicKENY no homones, all natural Excellent on the barbecue. Rakin adenine eal ones PEELED AND OEVENED imo Lb, Lb, ‘nin aed a oe a ust ip into your favorite seafood sauce. Lb rand cul sit Breet Ideal for weekend entertaining. to start ing heathy SQUID STEAKS l 49 GROUND TURKEY BREAST _ 49 || ai i «, Fresh ground daily! Extra lean. Squid is lean and slightly sweet. The meat is firm yet tender. ALL WUE MEAL NO SKIN. NO FAT. Low in fat and cholesterol.) Outstanding pan-fried, deep-fried, breaded or try Dore style. Lb. ‘Tasty for burger patties or stuffings. “Quite simply...the best! {| Printed by FISHER + (833) 572-1578 + Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only =~ “Wnarai's'8/6/2023 - Page 4 10 Sp weinBoy 10 0¢ 96167 exxg 20 82 20 9b Wed sonauen ‘aiqesopay ‘aqesojey ‘Kyounug 40 Awieasd ‘Kephuang jenuass3, 20 8b OL ZL IV 60 I ‘KepKieng jenuess3 60 al ‘KepKieng ae 666 ‘RepKiang jequess3 666 SdNo G ‘Kepkuang jenuess3 SOVE. WaLLA Linus F s] TVA ua9) HOIMGNVS HOIMGRS -=_ LOANVad — o 3 ye:| "Pe: mae | exe

Latest weekly ads

e& C= Quité’simply.™ the best! 2 \4 , 2 CHOICE we f j 2 Ga” wns Y _F, ‘elle TFBONE LONDON PORKBU LE PORK STEAK. (E>. BROIL ROAST STEAK es 19 SS) SE) Se Taste the difference! in Lunardi's meat lockers. Outstanding under the broiler Lb, ‘SAVE!!! SAVE!!! SAVE!!! Makes a wonderful Lb. flakes right off the bone. Lb, or on the barbecue, weekend roast. || PORTERHOUSE STEAK 7 BEEF SCALLOPINI ey 49 Aged to perfection in Lunardi’s meat lockers. Tender, lean slices. Delightful sautéed Thick, very tender cuts. The ultimate for ee Gaisaee Lb. or try stir-fried in your wok. So convenient. Finest Full Service ssFishs&: &:Poultry RGANIC™ ~~ BONELESS, SKINLESS: = MARINATED = LARGE CHICKEN Sena ‘CHICKEN art SALMON*FILLETS COOKED CRA Raised in low density Mays 100% Natural, Marinated with Large size, Delicate, srt flavor. the antibiotic free, sAiparedis own teriyaki sauce. con ee lorie READY COOK‘ EaicKENY no homones, all natural Excellent on the barbecue. Rakin adenine eal ones PEELED AND OEVENED imo Lb, Lb, ‘nin aed a oe a ust ip into your favorite seafood sauce. Lb rand cul sit Breet Ideal for weekend entertaining. to start ing heathy SQUID STEAKS l 49 GROUND TURKEY BREAST _ 49 || ai i «, Fresh ground daily! Extra lean. Squid is lean and slightly sweet. The meat is firm yet tender. ALL WUE MEAL NO SKIN. NO FAT. Low in fat and cholesterol.) Outstanding pan-fried, deep-fried, breaded or try Dore style. Lb. ‘Tasty for burger patties or stuffings. “Quite simply...the best! {| Printed by FISHER + (833) 572-1578 + Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only =~ “Wnarai's'8/6/2023 - Page 4 10 Sp weinBoy 10 0¢ 96167 exxg 20 82 20 9b Wed sonauen ‘aiqesopay ‘aqesojey ‘Kyounug 40 Awieasd ‘Kephuang jenuass3, 20 8b OL ZL IV 60 I ‘KepKieng jenuess3 60 al ‘KepKieng ae 666 ‘RepKiang jequess3 666 SdNo G ‘Kepkuang jenuess3 SOVE. WaLLA Linus F s] TVA ua9) HOIMGNVS HOIMGRS -=_ LOANVad — o 3 ye:| "Pe: mae | exe

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