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Current weekly ad Strack & Van Til - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Strack & Van Til 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ca ee LL When you buy 6 botties Se Lae au Ree r From vineyard to | bottle, the highest standards are set, in order to Inspired by Apabvca, a California wines that are fruit-forward Europe, the wines thic are traly create a wine that overdelivers each and every for everyday California time. ‘enjoyment! ae Bogle Apothic Woodbridge 750 mk. FE 730 mi 15 tte. Sutter Home Select Varieties ‘Select Varieties Select Varieties, Se Our award- has introduced iaoihe aa e er's t #1 selling Josh Cellars red —_ more pattrbestfes ha vdobisiee en wines received Surrer Americans to | sourced from i mitt America, i i pao bi rari “HOME ‘, select vineyards | - and remains 1 Beabddae. wine on the ‘around in $0 to this day pe Emthusiast table than any other, and our Sterling philosophy Vitners remains the same: “a great \= ae ae product for a Jair price.” ee eee eee The finest grapes create our individual wines. Our | Philosophy on making good wine ts simple: focus on flavor For over 100 years, we've Been bringing friends and good times together. = WE, Home od ne 750m Select Varieties: i Michelob Ultra Miller Oberpflaz * | Yuengling High Life 6 pk. @a. | 12 pk. Cans or Bottles a. UM12 02. Bottles ; & Urey a y ie é Amstel B Angry Light, E Orchard, Heineken, ~*~ . Sam Adams p 4 Stella Artois f 12 pk. Cans or Batttes Malibu 12pk. Cans or Bottles a Select Varieties ea. Splash & pk. variety a. Select Varieties ea. Vizzy Blue Moon, Lemonade Variety Sierra Nevada Bells 12 pk. Ca tt 12 pk. Car Botti aes Select Varies ea. | Seecvaiees | Saetvatetes Select Varieties Ice Mountain Zen Bai, To] Mtw. Dew Water YS Water Bai5 “f ‘Upk. 5 ltr, | 15 ltr. | 18x Toor | Mio, Crystal & * | Light, Sst re “Kool-Aid Coca-Cola, | So Gold Peak 6 Tea | 1.6200. Sprite L 59 02. | Select Varieties ‘W202. 24 pk. ea. | Pepsi, Min. Dew, Oi Fenpet ToUP, RC, Faygo Select Varieties 5 ltr. 6 pk. Wow. 12 pk. 1202. 8 pk.

Latest weekly ads

ca ee LL When you buy 6 botties Se Lae au Ree r From vineyard to | bottle, the highest standards are set, in order to Inspired by Apabvca, a California wines that are fruit-forward Europe, the wines thic are traly create a wine that overdelivers each and every for everyday California time. ‘enjoyment! ae Bogle Apothic Woodbridge 750 mk. FE 730 mi 15 tte. Sutter Home Select Varieties ‘Select Varieties Select Varieties, Se Our award- has introduced iaoihe aa e er's t #1 selling Josh Cellars red —_ more pattrbestfes ha vdobisiee en wines received Surrer Americans to | sourced from i mitt America, i i pao bi rari “HOME ‘, select vineyards | - and remains 1 Beabddae. wine on the ‘around in $0 to this day pe Emthusiast table than any other, and our Sterling philosophy Vitners remains the same: “a great \= ae ae product for a Jair price.” ee eee eee The finest grapes create our individual wines. Our | Philosophy on making good wine ts simple: focus on flavor For over 100 years, we've Been bringing friends and good times together. = WE, Home od ne 750m Select Varieties: i Michelob Ultra Miller Oberpflaz * | Yuengling High Life 6 pk. @a. | 12 pk. Cans or Bottles a. UM12 02. Bottles ; & Urey a y ie é Amstel B Angry Light, E Orchard, Heineken, ~*~ . Sam Adams p 4 Stella Artois f 12 pk. Cans or Batttes Malibu 12pk. Cans or Bottles a Select Varieties ea. Splash & pk. variety a. Select Varieties ea. Vizzy Blue Moon, Lemonade Variety Sierra Nevada Bells 12 pk. Ca tt 12 pk. Car Botti aes Select Varies ea. | Seecvaiees | Saetvatetes Select Varieties Ice Mountain Zen Bai, To] Mtw. Dew Water YS Water Bai5 “f ‘Upk. 5 ltr, | 15 ltr. | 18x Toor | Mio, Crystal & * | Light, Sst re “Kool-Aid Coca-Cola, | So Gold Peak 6 Tea | 1.6200. Sprite L 59 02. | Select Varieties ‘W202. 24 pk. ea. | Pepsi, Min. Dew, Oi Fenpet ToUP, RC, Faygo Select Varieties 5 ltr. 6 pk. Wow. 12 pk. 1202. 8 pk.

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