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Current weekly ad Strack & Van Til - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Strack & Van Til 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Fay \ 3 | fi] a triscuit Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies 9.5-13 02, Ritz Crackers 11.6137 02. ih Prince ¢ Snack Crackers fasta Kraft 99 1-85 Select Varieties Senet Ves ea. ie & Cheese ea =f 2 2 al a U7 285 i ‘pestle Set -1.00 ral Ae se -1.00 Ruffles as mt 2 | S ; | at 2 / S 125-850 Kellogg's ; . : Tostitos 2 Special K Rice-A-Roni 4 Ken's Tortilla Chips Cereal vanes | OF Pasta- Roni Salad Dressing a 10-1302. 9.6-13.3 07, UMITONE OFFER PER | 4.2-7. LUMIT ONE OFFER PER Select Vatieties Select Varieties REWARDS ACCOUNT | Sect ates Select Vitis REWARDS ACCOUNT od Aunt Millie's ; : j Family Style Chex Mix, Bread 22x Bugles, Entenmann’s Italian 2607 Gardetto’s Mut fins Armour Hillbilly Bread 20 oz. 145-15 ov. Chili with Beans Select Varieties ©. | Setect varieties WHEN YOU BUY 2 Seet its thor s =z | f LLP si . 4 Snyder's : Heinz we Thomas’ 2 | Louisiana EZ Squeeze 99 Twisted Pretzel 2 ae Muffins Brand | x ee ea. Stes | Stet ities sl Sauce -_ Oke Doke ay 3 : * dl , Popcorn we feat if — Ee Pas Y 180 ™ Bumble Bee On The Border oS Brownberry =) | ° fa abe 29 Ready To Eat 3 jertila Chips Breed Hawaiian Salad Kit Sie 6 no Rolls 502 Sauct Varieties Feet faites CA. | chicken or tuna su $99 R A : ee ee coun ~80° . = | Nature Valley, — W a9 49 | Fiber One, — Post General Mills 2 I$ Mott's we 49 Cra | Bar 6 fopleaacs me x E wie | 534-146 02 015-80 Select Varieties REWARDS ACCOUNT | Setect Varieties Select Varieties

Latest weekly ads

Fay \ 3 | fi] a triscuit Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies 9.5-13 02, Ritz Crackers 11.6137 02. ih Prince ¢ Snack Crackers fasta Kraft 99 1-85 Select Varieties Senet Ves ea. ie & Cheese ea =f 2 2 al a U7 285 i ‘pestle Set -1.00 ral Ae se -1.00 Ruffles as mt 2 | S ; | at 2 / S 125-850 Kellogg's ; . : Tostitos 2 Special K Rice-A-Roni 4 Ken's Tortilla Chips Cereal vanes | OF Pasta- Roni Salad Dressing a 10-1302. 9.6-13.3 07, UMITONE OFFER PER | 4.2-7. LUMIT ONE OFFER PER Select Vatieties Select Varieties REWARDS ACCOUNT | Sect ates Select Vitis REWARDS ACCOUNT od Aunt Millie's ; : j Family Style Chex Mix, Bread 22x Bugles, Entenmann’s Italian 2607 Gardetto’s Mut fins Armour Hillbilly Bread 20 oz. 145-15 ov. Chili with Beans Select Varieties ©. | Setect varieties WHEN YOU BUY 2 Seet its thor s =z | f LLP si . 4 Snyder's : Heinz we Thomas’ 2 | Louisiana EZ Squeeze 99 Twisted Pretzel 2 ae Muffins Brand | x ee ea. Stes | Stet ities sl Sauce -_ Oke Doke ay 3 : * dl , Popcorn we feat if — Ee Pas Y 180 ™ Bumble Bee On The Border oS Brownberry =) | ° fa abe 29 Ready To Eat 3 jertila Chips Breed Hawaiian Salad Kit Sie 6 no Rolls 502 Sauct Varieties Feet faites CA. | chicken or tuna su $99 R A : ee ee coun ~80° . = | Nature Valley, — W a9 49 | Fiber One, — Post General Mills 2 I$ Mott's we 49 Cra | Bar 6 fopleaacs me x E wie | 534-146 02 015-80 Select Varieties REWARDS ACCOUNT | Setect Varieties Select Varieties

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