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Current weekly ad Rouses - Valid from 09/21 to 09/28 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Rouses 09/21/2022 - 09/28/2022


Products in this weekly ad

16 OZ CLAMSHELL Carnival Grapes ry Carnival grapes are white seedless grape varieties that have distinctive golden skin. These medium to large grapes also contain more sugar than most other varieties, which accounts for their sweet taste that reminds people of a certain carnival snack they loved as kids. CONVENIENT TO USE e Rouses Fresh Seasoning Mix | _~ NTN Tos geo woz Rouses Kombucha * 80z WHOLE Monterey Organic White or Baby Bella Mushrooms 12 PACK Stella Artois or Blue Moon ae B0r Organic Blueberries | IRPACKIZOZ ' Miller Lite, | Coors Light * or Yuengling 24PACK 207 Natural Light or Busch Light < UGHT ‘ raPACKT202 Miller High Life or Pabst Blue Ribbon 6 PACKI202 Goat Island Mango Weiss or Blood Orange PACK 1202 Back Forty Beer T2PACK 12.02 : Truly Hard Seltzer 18 PACK 1202 : Michelob : Ultra GPACKIZ0Z Ghost Train Gulf Coast IPA 4 PACK IZ0Z Fairhope IPA r Rouses anyone xeon | av? ae T2OUNCE CLAMSHELL Grape Tomatoes ; 3207 JAR Rouses Fresh Minced Garlic SLEEVED Plum Petals Bouquet TSO.ML Joel Gott 815 Cabernet Sauvignon, 750) i Jam Cellars Butter Chardonnay 750ML Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc ear Diet ites are a great may to save money on you tveeit wine varies, Just book for the Cellar Direct logo! 750 ML SELECTED Kendall Jackson VR Chardonnay FRESH CUT INSTORE Asparagus Tips With Lemon ‘Availabe with Caprese, Greek, Southwest, Cheese & Bacon, Pepperonl Pirza or Pesto stuffing. ail): Assonmeo ans 5 Lie Game Day wre 6 Bar Candy Bouquet; 750 ML SELECTED Decoy Red Wine 750 ME SELECTED Five Fetes i Wine fe \ Ww Ad 750 ML SELECTED Cul de Sac Wine Social Bird Prosecco 730 ML SELECTED Custard Chardonnay 56000 SEPTEMBER Quantity rights reserved. None sold to dealers. Not responsible for typographical [AER er Prices good at S WED) THUR) FRE | SAT errors, Some items not available at all stores. Sale prices good in store only. Alabama Locations 21) 22 23 | 24 “Twot : Best Quality, Best Price” —An fi inder 25 26 | 27 | 28 May inc Touch whith Rouses.* + @RousesMarkets + + #Rouses

Latest weekly ads

16 OZ CLAMSHELL Carnival Grapes ry Carnival grapes are white seedless grape varieties that have distinctive golden skin. These medium to large grapes also contain more sugar than most other varieties, which accounts for their sweet taste that reminds people of a certain carnival snack they loved as kids. CONVENIENT TO USE e Rouses Fresh Seasoning Mix | _~ NTN Tos geo woz Rouses Kombucha * 80z WHOLE Monterey Organic White or Baby Bella Mushrooms 12 PACK Stella Artois or Blue Moon ae B0r Organic Blueberries | IRPACKIZOZ ' Miller Lite, | Coors Light * or Yuengling 24PACK 207 Natural Light or Busch Light < UGHT ‘ raPACKT202 Miller High Life or Pabst Blue Ribbon 6 PACKI202 Goat Island Mango Weiss or Blood Orange PACK 1202 Back Forty Beer T2PACK 12.02 : Truly Hard Seltzer 18 PACK 1202 : Michelob : Ultra GPACKIZ0Z Ghost Train Gulf Coast IPA 4 PACK IZ0Z Fairhope IPA r Rouses anyone xeon | av? ae T2OUNCE CLAMSHELL Grape Tomatoes ; 3207 JAR Rouses Fresh Minced Garlic SLEEVED Plum Petals Bouquet TSO.ML Joel Gott 815 Cabernet Sauvignon, 750) i Jam Cellars Butter Chardonnay 750ML Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc ear Diet ites are a great may to save money on you tveeit wine varies, Just book for the Cellar Direct logo! 750 ML SELECTED Kendall Jackson VR Chardonnay FRESH CUT INSTORE Asparagus Tips With Lemon ‘Availabe with Caprese, Greek, Southwest, Cheese & Bacon, Pepperonl Pirza or Pesto stuffing. ail): Assonmeo ans 5 Lie Game Day wre 6 Bar Candy Bouquet; 750 ML SELECTED Decoy Red Wine 750 ME SELECTED Five Fetes i Wine fe \ Ww Ad 750 ML SELECTED Cul de Sac Wine Social Bird Prosecco 730 ML SELECTED Custard Chardonnay 56000 SEPTEMBER Quantity rights reserved. None sold to dealers. Not responsible for typographical [AER er Prices good at S WED) THUR) FRE | SAT errors, Some items not available at all stores. Sale prices good in store only. Alabama Locations 21) 22 23 | 24 “Twot : Best Quality, Best Price” —An fi inder 25 26 | 27 | 28 May inc Touch whith Rouses.* + @RousesMarkets + + #Rouses

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