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Current weekly ad Rouses - Valid from 09/21 to 09/28 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Rouses 09/21/2022 - 09/28/2022


Products in this weekly ad

9.25.02 BAG Doritos Tortilla Chips wor Calypso Lemonade one ss70z Pringles Potato Crisps Final Price with Digital Coupon : Variety Pack 10-12COUNTSINGLE SERVE gy @ 7.28 OZ SLICED SINGLES f ¥ v3 Kraft Natural ¥ Community Coffee Sliced Cheese | BOZ ORIGINAL BOZORIGINAL OR UNSALTED Cajun Two Step \ Kerrygold ‘ Seasoning Butter 4002 : Kraft L | Red Diamond | BBQ Sauce Tea ah 7 ‘ + TRPACKI6 OZ 6502 ‘ Body Armor Rouses : TG! Friday's : Appetizers : Lean Cuisine ‘Entrées $ BCOUNT PACK : Wabced (oe ead aa ae H Founder ! Rouses %a IF ‘Frozen Fruit 8 16-1002 Pillsbury ” Toaster Strudel °°. save 23 02 SQUEEZE Always Save Ketchup ‘8 COUNT Always Save Waffles 8-10 COUNT 9 /e Best Choice o/% Tortillas T2COUNT Taco Bell Taco Shells 8.07 ORIGINAL OR LIGHT Daisy w=Daisyaum Sour Cream SOUR CREAM . Poe & Natl ¥ 7 mDaisyamn “pace » 450ZTUB woz : Always Save . Always Save : Spread \ Italian Dressing ‘ | 420m | mor : + Always Save | Always Save ‘Old Fashioned Oats Dish Liquid { a 2S SN ane cite San isin . bis ' ee , == 1-1402 « f 5 N-1202 Taco Bell j Y — Cadia 7 6 Seasoning Mix Cereal | Or 8-902 Pace Cadia ea is Picante Sauce Organic Mustards, — 7 - < eel ‘ADI y j 4 y 2 é CADIA | @ : * ty a, Yellow, Whale Grain, Dijon or Spicy Brown. : woz W602 : Best Choice 5 Cadia Almond or Sliced Jalapenos Cashew Butter . Always Save Quality products at everyday low prices. That’s what the Always Save brand means. With budget-friendly low prices on hundreds of staple items across our store, you're sure to find an Always Save product at a price you can smile about, guaranteed! 6402 Apple Juice 1GALLON Always Save Kitchen Bags ert No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, ever. All to provide thoughtfully made [oducts that don’t skimp on satistactin. Cadia YG 7 - Jelly or Preserves wor Organic Mayonnaise / . ti é | CADIA = 70 eens Cadia rH Baked Cheeze Curls CADIA ‘8 MEGA ROLLPACK Af Fiora Bath Tissue i\ nor é& T 35-5407 SELECTED Clorox ¥ .2 Crest Complete Bleach Toothpaste => new Rouses shopping 24. CT CAPLETS OR GELCAPS- Tylenol Acetaminophen Fy the san Jie a ‘ROUSES OBZ122 PAGE SALL VERSIONS,

Latest weekly ads

9.25.02 BAG Doritos Tortilla Chips wor Calypso Lemonade one ss70z Pringles Potato Crisps Final Price with Digital Coupon : Variety Pack 10-12COUNTSINGLE SERVE gy @ 7.28 OZ SLICED SINGLES f ¥ v3 Kraft Natural ¥ Community Coffee Sliced Cheese | BOZ ORIGINAL BOZORIGINAL OR UNSALTED Cajun Two Step \ Kerrygold ‘ Seasoning Butter 4002 : Kraft L | Red Diamond | BBQ Sauce Tea ah 7 ‘ + TRPACKI6 OZ 6502 ‘ Body Armor Rouses : TG! Friday's : Appetizers : Lean Cuisine ‘Entrées $ BCOUNT PACK : Wabced (oe ead aa ae H Founder ! Rouses %a IF ‘Frozen Fruit 8 16-1002 Pillsbury ” Toaster Strudel °°. save 23 02 SQUEEZE Always Save Ketchup ‘8 COUNT Always Save Waffles 8-10 COUNT 9 /e Best Choice o/% Tortillas T2COUNT Taco Bell Taco Shells 8.07 ORIGINAL OR LIGHT Daisy w=Daisyaum Sour Cream SOUR CREAM . Poe & Natl ¥ 7 mDaisyamn “pace » 450ZTUB woz : Always Save . Always Save : Spread \ Italian Dressing ‘ | 420m | mor : + Always Save | Always Save ‘Old Fashioned Oats Dish Liquid { a 2S SN ane cite San isin . bis ' ee , == 1-1402 « f 5 N-1202 Taco Bell j Y — Cadia 7 6 Seasoning Mix Cereal | Or 8-902 Pace Cadia ea is Picante Sauce Organic Mustards, — 7 - < eel ‘ADI y j 4 y 2 é CADIA | @ : * ty a, Yellow, Whale Grain, Dijon or Spicy Brown. : woz W602 : Best Choice 5 Cadia Almond or Sliced Jalapenos Cashew Butter . Always Save Quality products at everyday low prices. That’s what the Always Save brand means. With budget-friendly low prices on hundreds of staple items across our store, you're sure to find an Always Save product at a price you can smile about, guaranteed! 6402 Apple Juice 1GALLON Always Save Kitchen Bags ert No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, ever. All to provide thoughtfully made [oducts that don’t skimp on satistactin. Cadia YG 7 - Jelly or Preserves wor Organic Mayonnaise / . ti é | CADIA = 70 eens Cadia rH Baked Cheeze Curls CADIA ‘8 MEGA ROLLPACK Af Fiora Bath Tissue i\ nor é& T 35-5407 SELECTED Clorox ¥ .2 Crest Complete Bleach Toothpaste => new Rouses shopping 24. CT CAPLETS OR GELCAPS- Tylenol Acetaminophen Fy the san Jie a ‘ROUSES OBZ122 PAGE SALL VERSIONS,

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