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Current weekly ad IGA - Valid from 12/11 to 12/17 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad IGA 12/11/2024 - 12/17/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Family Pack, All Natural Prairie Fresh Bone-In Assorted or Boneless Sirloin USDA Choice Black Canyon Angus Pork Chops Boneless Beef 249 Top Sirloin Steaks 4 \ Sy? ” ‘ ‘AUNatural i} : , Prairie Fresh ee 3 Boneless Pork Cutlets ty % ew Ag Family Pack, All Natural Prairie Fresh Bone-In Center ~\ Cut Pork Chops All Natural Prairie Fresh 20 Texas Style Pork Ribs 20 02, Select Varieties tens Bees 3b. Chub setae Land 0° Frost sire » Honeysuckle White Smithfield m aco ry ) Fresh 93% Lean Marinated Pork = or 22.0 Mega Pack Ground Turkey Fillets or Tenderloins Premium Thin Sliced = .999 99 Ham or Turkey \ } 6 79 qguaeaea ne oe be 21402. Select | Varieties 12-1402. mo Ba ; 3b. Eckrich pent Selec Varieties a Field Sliced am Lil are Eckrich American Cheese 229 ) Smoked Sausage 3 iN CS 13 — = ‘ SI 402 — - } ae Se] Select Varieties peeeeesieee_) >) Armour =p wee % Meatballs 20 0z., Select Varieties ea oy 399 Armour 599 Summer Sausage Single Serve, Atlantic r e_. Select Varieties 1002,,51-60t. 10.02. Ring Mow! 2 “TEES Sea Best oR sae SeaBest Salmon Portions = ak Cooked Shrimp eS a Cocktail Shrimp 599 Deli Meals: Cheeses-SuicED-T0 ORDER ONLY AVAILABLE IN SELECT STORES PARTY TRAY ‘ 1 Catering for all your By ex, . e Kretschmar SR ag home or office *Yretschmar } Fr me a = —- eel yee Kretschmar entertaining needs! ie oe as uy Provolone Cheese ——_pplicigys Peppered or a Platters & More! Oven Roasted Letus handle the food Kretschmar Turkey Breast 4 l6 = Bakelil TREATS pad on Ct. reg King’s Hawaiian Chocolate or Vanilla Pretzel Bites 2 Bite Mini Cupcakes A 6°9 IGA South - IGA South Page 2

Latest weekly ads

Family Pack, All Natural Prairie Fresh Bone-In Assorted or Boneless Sirloin USDA Choice Black Canyon Angus Pork Chops Boneless Beef 249 Top Sirloin Steaks 4 \ Sy? ” ‘ ‘AUNatural i} : , Prairie Fresh ee 3 Boneless Pork Cutlets ty % ew Ag Family Pack, All Natural Prairie Fresh Bone-In Center ~\ Cut Pork Chops All Natural Prairie Fresh 20 Texas Style Pork Ribs 20 02, Select Varieties tens Bees 3b. Chub setae Land 0° Frost sire » Honeysuckle White Smithfield m aco ry ) Fresh 93% Lean Marinated Pork = or 22.0 Mega Pack Ground Turkey Fillets or Tenderloins Premium Thin Sliced = .999 99 Ham or Turkey \ } 6 79 qguaeaea ne oe be 21402. Select | Varieties 12-1402. mo Ba ; 3b. Eckrich pent Selec Varieties a Field Sliced am Lil are Eckrich American Cheese 229 ) Smoked Sausage 3 iN CS 13 — = ‘ SI 402 — - } ae Se] Select Varieties peeeeesieee_) >) Armour =p wee % Meatballs 20 0z., Select Varieties ea oy 399 Armour 599 Summer Sausage Single Serve, Atlantic r e_. Select Varieties 1002,,51-60t. 10.02. Ring Mow! 2 “TEES Sea Best oR sae SeaBest Salmon Portions = ak Cooked Shrimp eS a Cocktail Shrimp 599 Deli Meals: Cheeses-SuicED-T0 ORDER ONLY AVAILABLE IN SELECT STORES PARTY TRAY ‘ 1 Catering for all your By ex, . e Kretschmar SR ag home or office *Yretschmar } Fr me a = —- eel yee Kretschmar entertaining needs! ie oe as uy Provolone Cheese ——_pplicigys Peppered or a Platters & More! Oven Roasted Letus handle the food Kretschmar Turkey Breast 4 l6 = Bakelil TREATS pad on Ct. reg King’s Hawaiian Chocolate or Vanilla Pretzel Bites 2 Bite Mini Cupcakes A 6°9 IGA South - IGA South Page 2

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