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Current weekly ad IGA - Valid from 12/11 to 12/17 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad IGA 12/11/2024 - 12/17/2024


Products in this weekly ad

GREEN BEANS 4 MILK CHOCOLATE , BALING CHIPS a ‘eal E RLS r = Sd —_ | Tears ota 1 sit} DIGITAL COUPON MPPCHMALLOWS WW] B : 5 | ee <i: geil ¥ SOUR CREAM { 1°° @ MTC j6y BS

Latest weekly ads

GREEN BEANS 4 MILK CHOCOLATE , BALING CHIPS a ‘eal E RLS r = Sd —_ | Tears ota 1 sit} DIGITAL COUPON MPPCHMALLOWS WW] B : 5 | ee <i: geil ¥ SOUR CREAM { 1°° @ MTC j6y BS

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