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Current weekly ad Hannaford - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Hannaford 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

64 07. Select Varieties Mott's Juice toda 2/85 us Deposit Where fm 17-4.4 02. Select Varieties Lindt Chocolate Bars 2 2/85 16-172 02 Serer Varieties 4-Pack my Dole EM Fruit Bowls ns a 2/5 - 1216.8 02 Select Varieties General Mills Cereal ~ 399 real savings every day low prices you can count on - every day, in every aisle! 12 02. Cans Select Varieties Sprite or 622 Plus Deposit Where Applicable Iter -Setect Varieties, Hannaford Flavored Sparkling Water “ 89 = Plus Deposit re Applicable 750 mt Select Varieties Barefoot 54 fF Tew aly) Rem en ie) rua , (ss — Er: Hite yn 6 MEAG MEBG PEBG 09/25/22 aes 4-41 02. Pouch Select Varieties Idahoan Instant Potatoes 3469 3202. Select Varieties Nature's Promise Organic Stock 225 750 mL Select Varieties Meiomi Pinot Noir 1899 Plus Deposit Where Applicable Ajax ee Pera Yi Blue Buffalo Crees Yad om 45-5 02, - Select Varieties SJ 22-2407 Select Varieties + Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread 349 6.3-6.8 Or. - Select Varieties 14515225 02 Select Varieties Hannaford Hannaford Del Monte Seasoned Chewy Granola Canned Vegetables Coating Mix Bars 13445 02 ‘ 14515 oz <= ce. Select Varieties > Select Varieties Select Varieties Hannaford » Chef Boyardee NS Hannaford Oats & More Canned Pasta Peanut Butter Cereal > 1202. Cons 12.02, Cans Select Varieties 12 08 Bottles or Cans Select Varieties 9-Pack I sohect Varieties | 8-Pack Downeast I 12-Pack jighnoon Cider “y Shipyard fl Seltzers 15° tenn 17 4a 159 Plus Deposit Where Applicable Plus Deposit Where Applicable 200 Pea C Cen = Cog ae Select Varieties Napkins Cue Tide or Gain fae 49 Laundry Detergent = 8 999 Select Varieties 4 02, Select Varieties 22-28 02.-5t MET Pup-Peroni Milk-Bone iwi oi) eMac) [0 tee CS Dog Biscuits 339 325 Pre) a!

Latest weekly ads

64 07. Select Varieties Mott's Juice toda 2/85 us Deposit Where fm 17-4.4 02. Select Varieties Lindt Chocolate Bars 2 2/85 16-172 02 Serer Varieties 4-Pack my Dole EM Fruit Bowls ns a 2/5 - 1216.8 02 Select Varieties General Mills Cereal ~ 399 real savings every day low prices you can count on - every day, in every aisle! 12 02. Cans Select Varieties Sprite or 622 Plus Deposit Where Applicable Iter -Setect Varieties, Hannaford Flavored Sparkling Water “ 89 = Plus Deposit re Applicable 750 mt Select Varieties Barefoot 54 fF Tew aly) Rem en ie) rua , (ss — Er: Hite yn 6 MEAG MEBG PEBG 09/25/22 aes 4-41 02. Pouch Select Varieties Idahoan Instant Potatoes 3469 3202. Select Varieties Nature's Promise Organic Stock 225 750 mL Select Varieties Meiomi Pinot Noir 1899 Plus Deposit Where Applicable Ajax ee Pera Yi Blue Buffalo Crees Yad om 45-5 02, - Select Varieties SJ 22-2407 Select Varieties + Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread 349 6.3-6.8 Or. - Select Varieties 14515225 02 Select Varieties Hannaford Hannaford Del Monte Seasoned Chewy Granola Canned Vegetables Coating Mix Bars 13445 02 ‘ 14515 oz <= ce. Select Varieties > Select Varieties Select Varieties Hannaford » Chef Boyardee NS Hannaford Oats & More Canned Pasta Peanut Butter Cereal > 1202. Cons 12.02, Cans Select Varieties 12 08 Bottles or Cans Select Varieties 9-Pack I sohect Varieties | 8-Pack Downeast I 12-Pack jighnoon Cider “y Shipyard fl Seltzers 15° tenn 17 4a 159 Plus Deposit Where Applicable Plus Deposit Where Applicable 200 Pea C Cen = Cog ae Select Varieties Napkins Cue Tide or Gain fae 49 Laundry Detergent = 8 999 Select Varieties 4 02, Select Varieties 22-28 02.-5t MET Pup-Peroni Milk-Bone iwi oi) eMac) [0 tee CS Dog Biscuits 339 325 Pre) a!

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