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Current weekly ad Hannaford - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 11

Weekly ad Hannaford 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

16 Oz. Pkg. Select Varieties Castle Wood Sliced Lunch 622 2/$4 5-1 Oz. Made In-Store 402. Made Right Here 1402. Spence & Co. Hannaford a Fresh Yellow Corn Smoked Sockeye Meat ‘Snack Cups => Tortilla Chips Salmon 8°92 Pkg, Fresh From OUR Ovens - 8 Oz. 24 Oz. Pkg, 10 Ct. - Blueberry, Raspberry or Hatfield 2 Lb. Pkg. 12 02. Pky. ey Apple Strudel Quarter Bi-Color Hannaford Bites ye WS Pre-Sliced Ham Grapes Ahi Tuna wa = \ » 99 2 40 99 99' A499 a + ’ eer el = 3.415 Oz. 18-32 Oz. Pkg. 100 Ct. - Select Varieties 10 Ct. - Select Varieties Select Varieties PP snow Select Varieties Excedrin Nuun Sprout Organic voll Cooked Perfect Migraine Caplets Immunity ‘ Wafflez Snack . Frozen Meatballs or Tablets Supplement Tablets > 399 799 575 : oz Select Varieties 22.5 Oz. 13.5-22 Oz. wv Dove 1Ct. / Select Varieties Select Varieties Shampoo Dow’ Body Benefits 6-Pack Dove Dove or Conditioner Exfoliating Pouf é Bar Soap Daa Body Wash Be cr (SS fo Sy sh 2122.47 02 502 Select Varieties 14 02. Select Varieties 1202. Pig. Reveal Kayem Newman's Own Hatfield Classic Pouch Cat Food Polska Kielbasa Dog Treats Smoked Bacon 148 8 MEBG 09/25/22 399 AUGUSTA: Whitten Rd « BANGOR: Broadway, A and Hogan Rd, * BAR HARBOR + BELFAST + BOOTHBAY HARBOR + BREWER + BUCKSPORT « ‘CAMDEN « CARIBOU + CHINA » DAMARISCOTTA « DEXTER * ELLSWORTH + FARMINGTON + GARDINER » HAMPDEN « HOULTON « JAY LINCOLN + MACHIAS © MADISON MILLINOCKET + NEWPORT + OLD TOWN» ROCKLAND * RUMFORD * SKOWHEGAN * WALDOBORO + WATERVILLE: Eim Plaza, JFK Plaza « WINTHROP Please visit us online at for store information. Some items not available in all stores. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical and photographic errors. Guiding Stars® rating shown may vary by product variety. Please refer to shelftag for offical rating, Products that contain less than five calories per serving are not rated by Guiding Stars. © 2022 Hannaford Bros. Co.

Latest weekly ads

16 Oz. Pkg. Select Varieties Castle Wood Sliced Lunch 622 2/$4 5-1 Oz. Made In-Store 402. Made Right Here 1402. Spence & Co. Hannaford a Fresh Yellow Corn Smoked Sockeye Meat ‘Snack Cups => Tortilla Chips Salmon 8°92 Pkg, Fresh From OUR Ovens - 8 Oz. 24 Oz. Pkg, 10 Ct. - Blueberry, Raspberry or Hatfield 2 Lb. Pkg. 12 02. Pky. ey Apple Strudel Quarter Bi-Color Hannaford Bites ye WS Pre-Sliced Ham Grapes Ahi Tuna wa = \ » 99 2 40 99 99' A499 a + ’ eer el = 3.415 Oz. 18-32 Oz. Pkg. 100 Ct. - Select Varieties 10 Ct. - Select Varieties Select Varieties PP snow Select Varieties Excedrin Nuun Sprout Organic voll Cooked Perfect Migraine Caplets Immunity ‘ Wafflez Snack . Frozen Meatballs or Tablets Supplement Tablets > 399 799 575 : oz Select Varieties 22.5 Oz. 13.5-22 Oz. wv Dove 1Ct. / Select Varieties Select Varieties Shampoo Dow’ Body Benefits 6-Pack Dove Dove or Conditioner Exfoliating Pouf é Bar Soap Daa Body Wash Be cr (SS fo Sy sh 2122.47 02 502 Select Varieties 14 02. Select Varieties 1202. Pig. Reveal Kayem Newman's Own Hatfield Classic Pouch Cat Food Polska Kielbasa Dog Treats Smoked Bacon 148 8 MEBG 09/25/22 399 AUGUSTA: Whitten Rd « BANGOR: Broadway, A and Hogan Rd, * BAR HARBOR + BELFAST + BOOTHBAY HARBOR + BREWER + BUCKSPORT « ‘CAMDEN « CARIBOU + CHINA » DAMARISCOTTA « DEXTER * ELLSWORTH + FARMINGTON + GARDINER » HAMPDEN « HOULTON « JAY LINCOLN + MACHIAS © MADISON MILLINOCKET + NEWPORT + OLD TOWN» ROCKLAND * RUMFORD * SKOWHEGAN * WALDOBORO + WATERVILLE: Eim Plaza, JFK Plaza « WINTHROP Please visit us online at for store information. Some items not available in all stores. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical and photographic errors. Guiding Stars® rating shown may vary by product variety. Please refer to shelftag for offical rating, Products that contain less than five calories per serving are not rated by Guiding Stars. © 2022 Hannaford Bros. Co.

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