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Current weekly ad Winn-Dixie - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Winn-Dixie 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

= 7 o 5 ~ —, SE Grocers White Olstiled Vinegar 16 or o mustard 14 0: Hormel Bacon Topping 4.3 oz Save upto $1.99.0n2 Saveup te $2.5 Equals lesser value Glue Plate Squeere Mayonnaise Mix & match Y Sauce Yetvocta shells & Cheese or Kraft roni & Cheese Big Bow! SE Grocers Assorted Spices ror Tere Bell eee soz O1- $£Grocers Vegetable Oil 48 02 epte $3.38 0m Saveupte $2.580n2 Sure opto 906 or ‘ i pe w a \ fsa & Shake ‘N Bake or Oven Fry Wolf Brand Chill 1502 o- SE Grocers Pure Cane omeree Coating Mix 4.2-Sor kite chen Hash 14 oz Granulated Sugar 4 i EE Srerars Comes Fruit Peter! Peanut Butter 16.307 Save upto $1.18 on2 Save upto $1.10 -15,25 07 Saveupto$ = 5 Hin Somatch GY. s Quaker Quick or OldFashioned SE Grocers Cereal 1!-18.7 02 +Select Mamburger sper 8 7.6.02 Anderson's Pure Maple Syrup Sox SEGrocersSyrup 240: Oats 42 oz ‘varieties or toaster pastries 12ct Saveuptesz 77 eea Seveupee Siveupto steer’ Serevptos2 Saveuptoss $EGrocers Tomatoesor Green Mountain, Met mate Sauce 14 5-15 02 riopy Kreme or swiss Mis Cocoa sEGr roth or Stock 32 02 Detomators th geen chiles or to" 12 ct pods ave wp to $1.58 6 Save upto $2.14 on ove wp to $2. ~] Yel nac! muta a Bg |= Mix & match Mix & match ( When you bey an — Pk Mestlé Pure Life Water Little Debbie Seasonal Cakes rm 16.9 or Btls or TL SE Grocer Saveupte 74¢on2 Reali Sparkling Water Saveupte $3.38 00 Mix & match ez Hk Crackers 8-13.402,Pull’é TUSE Grocers Sparkling Water : S7ororSnapd scr, or 8 (ER Lacrel Sparhiren Weta — . rs Snack Crackers Peanuts ot or Nabiace Milla Wafers Ror SE Grocers Chocolate Chip or yeetos 7-8.5 02 or Snyder's 5-13.7 or or Pepperidge Farm Tazor Premium crackers 9-1602 ye Cookies 11.7-15.3.02 Faraly Ste Pretzels 160z Bagged Gold Iaftsh G02 Save upto $1.98 on? pte 53.280 Save upto 51.78.00 eee pou Buy any 4+ Limit 2. Whee you bey any Maxwell House or Yuban Coffee Pk bey Products 16~ Ae dozbtls | 8Pk Powerade 200zbtis or 12PkO1 epper i202 cans Pepperidge Farm SwirlBread oz 24,5-3102 cans Excluding decaf pins venta ‘12Pk Lipton Tea0.5 | btls Gqualer looses veh Saveupte’ Save upte i a Gatorade Fit — —_ = = a Electrolyte Drink a a G eet ; HEALTHY REAL © . HYDRATION NO ADDED SUGAR G G i} = ll? “iilits BCI lec) eens Vi Tat vy what 9 LS) ples of2 hips 5-8 oz or iquid Laundry Detergent Popcorn 4.51002 138-154 oz or pods S4-81.ct ralid with rewa eee RC RT aa Wiis, tla Bb CM aa

Latest weekly ads

= 7 o 5 ~ —, SE Grocers White Olstiled Vinegar 16 or o mustard 14 0: Hormel Bacon Topping 4.3 oz Save upto $1.99.0n2 Saveup te $2.5 Equals lesser value Glue Plate Squeere Mayonnaise Mix & match Y Sauce Yetvocta shells & Cheese or Kraft roni & Cheese Big Bow! SE Grocers Assorted Spices ror Tere Bell eee soz O1- $£Grocers Vegetable Oil 48 02 epte $3.38 0m Saveupte $2.580n2 Sure opto 906 or ‘ i pe w a \ fsa & Shake ‘N Bake or Oven Fry Wolf Brand Chill 1502 o- SE Grocers Pure Cane omeree Coating Mix 4.2-Sor kite chen Hash 14 oz Granulated Sugar 4 i EE Srerars Comes Fruit Peter! Peanut Butter 16.307 Save upto $1.18 on2 Save upto $1.10 -15,25 07 Saveupto$ = 5 Hin Somatch GY. s Quaker Quick or OldFashioned SE Grocers Cereal 1!-18.7 02 +Select Mamburger sper 8 7.6.02 Anderson's Pure Maple Syrup Sox SEGrocersSyrup 240: Oats 42 oz ‘varieties or toaster pastries 12ct Saveuptesz 77 eea Seveupee Siveupto steer’ Serevptos2 Saveuptoss $EGrocers Tomatoesor Green Mountain, Met mate Sauce 14 5-15 02 riopy Kreme or swiss Mis Cocoa sEGr roth or Stock 32 02 Detomators th geen chiles or to" 12 ct pods ave wp to $1.58 6 Save upto $2.14 on ove wp to $2. ~] Yel nac! muta a Bg |= Mix & match Mix & match ( When you bey an — Pk Mestlé Pure Life Water Little Debbie Seasonal Cakes rm 16.9 or Btls or TL SE Grocer Saveupte 74¢on2 Reali Sparkling Water Saveupte $3.38 00 Mix & match ez Hk Crackers 8-13.402,Pull’é TUSE Grocers Sparkling Water : S7ororSnapd scr, or 8 (ER Lacrel Sparhiren Weta — . rs Snack Crackers Peanuts ot or Nabiace Milla Wafers Ror SE Grocers Chocolate Chip or yeetos 7-8.5 02 or Snyder's 5-13.7 or or Pepperidge Farm Tazor Premium crackers 9-1602 ye Cookies 11.7-15.3.02 Faraly Ste Pretzels 160z Bagged Gold Iaftsh G02 Save upto $1.98 on? pte 53.280 Save upto 51.78.00 eee pou Buy any 4+ Limit 2. Whee you bey any Maxwell House or Yuban Coffee Pk bey Products 16~ Ae dozbtls | 8Pk Powerade 200zbtis or 12PkO1 epper i202 cans Pepperidge Farm SwirlBread oz 24,5-3102 cans Excluding decaf pins venta ‘12Pk Lipton Tea0.5 | btls Gqualer looses veh Saveupte’ Save upte i a Gatorade Fit — —_ = = a Electrolyte Drink a a G eet ; HEALTHY REAL © . HYDRATION NO ADDED SUGAR G G i} = ll? “iilits BCI lec) eens Vi Tat vy what 9 LS) ples of2 hips 5-8 oz or iquid Laundry Detergent Popcorn 4.51002 138-154 oz or pods S4-81.ct ralid with rewa eee RC RT aa Wiis, tla Bb CM aa

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