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Current weekly ad Western Beef - Valid from 09/15 to 09/21 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Western Beef 09/15/2022 - 09/21/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Jamestown FRESH RATS Ma TV ee Sausage Rolls - - MILD 08 BOT 16 OZ. = y : “453 Dole Fruit Gels or Bowls wats SEAFOOD 3/540 fags oe zt a_i |: ata Gms leat. le cletiiy em & Face oa y Pangan be oh Pie Bumpkins QUAKER bess. OATS OATS "3% caumemsen | | Tomatoes Butter Cookies — c2 a 48) ian 2° b. | | Gaumbers: ung b. Apples. 88 ric ot aes a | 7 47-6 mena oa RIDGEWOOD areas a Ta un, Ba (710) 17-1600 1081 puaseest Me ‘WWESI0I0 UNION AYE, ‘GROW (718) 883-3131 Paes au, SAMAICA Ne BROOKLYN, wv ttea ch 1") 200 2785 Ses MYRTLE AVE BRDOKLVRC WY 11200 (ATy se0-sie0 QW MwA Retsesprsihe fr guage erws. oe: cen nace sine ty tebe. nee Be pb Regain bes desirate won se lance porated bts caps. Petcare ar fc pre ety a fe netrocvenay pementb sn

Latest weekly ads

Jamestown FRESH RATS Ma TV ee Sausage Rolls - - MILD 08 BOT 16 OZ. = y : “453 Dole Fruit Gels or Bowls wats SEAFOOD 3/540 fags oe zt a_i |: ata Gms leat. le cletiiy em & Face oa y Pangan be oh Pie Bumpkins QUAKER bess. OATS OATS "3% caumemsen | | Tomatoes Butter Cookies — c2 a 48) ian 2° b. | | Gaumbers: ung b. Apples. 88 ric ot aes a | 7 47-6 mena oa RIDGEWOOD areas a Ta un, Ba (710) 17-1600 1081 puaseest Me ‘WWESI0I0 UNION AYE, ‘GROW (718) 883-3131 Paes au, SAMAICA Ne BROOKLYN, wv ttea ch 1") 200 2785 Ses MYRTLE AVE BRDOKLVRC WY 11200 (ATy se0-sie0 QW MwA Retsesprsihe fr guage erws. oe: cen nace sine ty tebe. nee Be pb Regain bes desirate won se lance porated bts caps. Petcare ar fc pre ety a fe netrocvenay pementb sn

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