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Current weekly ad Super Dollar Stores - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Super Dollar Stores 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Super Dollar Great Low Prices! AY SA * LIMITS ARE PER DAY Mix or match any five specially marked meat items for $14.95 after $5 discount. Limit 2. 75% Lean Ground Beef Value Pack, Per Lb. : —\ 4) m Little Debbie $ 65 Boneless Snack Cakes 95-162 02 Chicken Breast Jumbo Pack, Per Lb. ie Selected Varieties caine, $345 $295 12 Oz. Selected Varieties: Kay’s Selected Varieties pas Ice Cream A802 ‘ Lay’s Peru Potato Onions Chips Per Lb. on 5 95S Califo rnia Strawberries £4 16 Oz. ary Selected Varieties ieee $250 Crackers 71-16 Ox Food Club = . yy Spring Water $ 3 45 ma Food Club 2 24 Pk,, 16.9 Oz. Btls. 4 Green Beans I$ 1 a er corn oe Beefsteak N SAV hs J Tomatoes Selected Varieties S 1 45 products 3/$4] 995 Selected Varietie Nabisco 9 5 Rit: rackers PA, Party Size, 27.4 a Nature’s Ss a ‘= < oT Selected Varieties a Go Individually Wrapped 1 CHICKEN ; Progresso Food Club Selected Varieties 5 ea eau iiieas Sou p American Singles Chobani Greek Yogurt Bright & Early Drink w 16-19 Oz. 59 Oz, TN - Rogersville « KY - Pikeville « Prestonsburg SALE DATES na eee BO rane red Cree)

Latest weekly ads

Super Dollar Great Low Prices! AY SA * LIMITS ARE PER DAY Mix or match any five specially marked meat items for $14.95 after $5 discount. Limit 2. 75% Lean Ground Beef Value Pack, Per Lb. : —\ 4) m Little Debbie $ 65 Boneless Snack Cakes 95-162 02 Chicken Breast Jumbo Pack, Per Lb. ie Selected Varieties caine, $345 $295 12 Oz. Selected Varieties: Kay’s Selected Varieties pas Ice Cream A802 ‘ Lay’s Peru Potato Onions Chips Per Lb. on 5 95S Califo rnia Strawberries £4 16 Oz. ary Selected Varieties ieee $250 Crackers 71-16 Ox Food Club = . yy Spring Water $ 3 45 ma Food Club 2 24 Pk,, 16.9 Oz. Btls. 4 Green Beans I$ 1 a er corn oe Beefsteak N SAV hs J Tomatoes Selected Varieties S 1 45 products 3/$4] 995 Selected Varietie Nabisco 9 5 Rit: rackers PA, Party Size, 27.4 a Nature’s Ss a ‘= < oT Selected Varieties a Go Individually Wrapped 1 CHICKEN ; Progresso Food Club Selected Varieties 5 ea eau iiieas Sou p American Singles Chobani Greek Yogurt Bright & Early Drink w 16-19 Oz. 59 Oz, TN - Rogersville « KY - Pikeville « Prestonsburg SALE DATES na eee BO rane red Cree)

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