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Current weekly ad Super Dollar Stores - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Super Dollar Stores 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Super Dollar Great Low Prices! = icecream $250 75% Lean 48 Oz. Ground Beef S 2 95 . Value Pack, Per Lb. : i on : Frito; Chicken y Leg Quarters , \ Rae _ x ~ Per Lb. 2S . ; \ ¢ Selected Varieties ——! Fritos or Cheetos $ 2 95 6.5-10 Oz. Selected Varieties Carolina Pride y of Bacon e324 Seediess Red or White Grapes Per Lb. ae... a , ee Beefsteak Coca-Cola pple $395 Tomatoes $175 Products 3/$1 95 7 we When you buy 3 in the some transaction. Lesser quantities are 7.95 each. Limit J transaction (3 total items.) Discount applied as o coupon. Custamer pays sales tax. w e Hot Dog or Hamburger ik K % j ern’s Crue Buns } ws 2 act. i 95*| = Selected Varieties Hellmann’s * = _, Mayonnaise 4 "24-3002. - 2 Selected Varieties, Deli-Style Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 1 Food Club Siiced Cheese HomeMakar Juice Food Club Dip ses 68 0; 16 02, | $395 $95 $195 $195 TN - Rogersville « KY - Pikeville « Prestonsburg Ey ys = Wednesday, September 7 - Mae Arle users) Pinas Lice Ears (eu mel}

Latest weekly ads

Super Dollar Great Low Prices! = icecream $250 75% Lean 48 Oz. Ground Beef S 2 95 . Value Pack, Per Lb. : i on : Frito; Chicken y Leg Quarters , \ Rae _ x ~ Per Lb. 2S . ; \ ¢ Selected Varieties ——! Fritos or Cheetos $ 2 95 6.5-10 Oz. Selected Varieties Carolina Pride y of Bacon e324 Seediess Red or White Grapes Per Lb. ae... a , ee Beefsteak Coca-Cola pple $395 Tomatoes $175 Products 3/$1 95 7 we When you buy 3 in the some transaction. Lesser quantities are 7.95 each. Limit J transaction (3 total items.) Discount applied as o coupon. Custamer pays sales tax. w e Hot Dog or Hamburger ik K % j ern’s Crue Buns } ws 2 act. i 95*| = Selected Varieties Hellmann’s * = _, Mayonnaise 4 "24-3002. - 2 Selected Varieties, Deli-Style Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 1 Food Club Siiced Cheese HomeMakar Juice Food Club Dip ses 68 0; 16 02, | $395 $95 $195 $195 TN - Rogersville « KY - Pikeville « Prestonsburg Ey ys = Wednesday, September 7 - Mae Arle users) Pinas Lice Ears (eu mel}

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