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Current weekly ad Shaws - Valid from 09/23 to 09/29 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Shaws 09/23/2022 - 09/29/2022


Products in this weekly ad

o& 2 \ just for Uh is. Shaws «U) RK New name, new perks. Shaw's for U™ is everything you love about just for U® with all new deals, rewards & perks.* Download the Shaw's app today. | shopnow | *Visit for program details. Easy en shops It. One app to shop any way you want: in-store or delivery. Enjoy $20 Off + FREE Delivery on your Lia ele: meV AR mle ae “Service avaiable in select areas. Ful terms avalable at albertsonscompaniescomvabout-usfour-policeserms-ot use htm and delveryshaws-com/terms ““THES OFFER: DOES NOT APPLY TO ONLINE ORDERS SCHEDULED FOR DELIVERY AFTER THE OFFER EXPIRATION DATE OR TO ORDERS FULFILLED BY INSTACART. Ofer expres 12/81/2022. Minimum purchase amounts calculated based on subtotal fa qualified items at checkout after deduction of all other coupons savings, discounts taxes/fes and excludes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, ‘and fd dary products. Offer in coupon gallery must be added fo your account prior to purchase Online orders require a minimum purchase. VALID FOR TST TIME ONLINE GROCERY ORDER LIMIT 1 [PER HOUSEHOLD. May not be combined with other ofes and other restrictions may apply We reserve the right fo modly or cance ffersforders andor fo correct typographical pictorial and other ad ‘or pricing erors. ‘ALL ORDERS Service avaiable in select areas. some areas. service may be provided by anther Albertsons Companies store banner (that banners product avalbility, pricing and promotion wll app) ‘or thie party service provider: independently by InstacartOnstacar’s terms and conditions, account registration fees, product aval, prking and promotions app). Online orders require 3 minimum purchase. Online promotions, discounts and ofes may lifer from those in ou physical stores. Clearance single-stre and instore only specials promotions may not be avalable fran online ‘order Prices fr products you order ene are based onthe pric catalog in use a he store that prepres your order. The hme of day that price updates occur may fer between the stove prepating your ‘tder and enn. You wil pay the prices. fees, and other charges. and receive the promotions. offers discounts, and savings applicable to your order on the day and time that your ere is prepared and ‘processed for final payment. which may be diferent fom those shown in the Estimated Total when you place your err enine. Any negative balanelredit amount shown resuting from Promo Codes, ‘coupons or other discounts ane oes wil be adjusted 1 $0. Full terms avaliable at albertsonscompaniescom/abouts/ou-polies/terms-of-usehtml and delvryshawscom/terms.

Latest weekly ads

o& 2 \ just for Uh is. Shaws «U) RK New name, new perks. Shaw's for U™ is everything you love about just for U® with all new deals, rewards & perks.* Download the Shaw's app today. | shopnow | *Visit for program details. Easy en shops It. One app to shop any way you want: in-store or delivery. Enjoy $20 Off + FREE Delivery on your Lia ele: meV AR mle ae “Service avaiable in select areas. Ful terms avalable at albertsonscompaniescomvabout-usfour-policeserms-ot use htm and delveryshaws-com/terms ““THES OFFER: DOES NOT APPLY TO ONLINE ORDERS SCHEDULED FOR DELIVERY AFTER THE OFFER EXPIRATION DATE OR TO ORDERS FULFILLED BY INSTACART. Ofer expres 12/81/2022. Minimum purchase amounts calculated based on subtotal fa qualified items at checkout after deduction of all other coupons savings, discounts taxes/fes and excludes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, ‘and fd dary products. Offer in coupon gallery must be added fo your account prior to purchase Online orders require a minimum purchase. VALID FOR TST TIME ONLINE GROCERY ORDER LIMIT 1 [PER HOUSEHOLD. May not be combined with other ofes and other restrictions may apply We reserve the right fo modly or cance ffersforders andor fo correct typographical pictorial and other ad ‘or pricing erors. ‘ALL ORDERS Service avaiable in select areas. some areas. service may be provided by anther Albertsons Companies store banner (that banners product avalbility, pricing and promotion wll app) ‘or thie party service provider: independently by InstacartOnstacar’s terms and conditions, account registration fees, product aval, prking and promotions app). Online orders require 3 minimum purchase. Online promotions, discounts and ofes may lifer from those in ou physical stores. Clearance single-stre and instore only specials promotions may not be avalable fran online ‘order Prices fr products you order ene are based onthe pric catalog in use a he store that prepres your order. The hme of day that price updates occur may fer between the stove prepating your ‘tder and enn. You wil pay the prices. fees, and other charges. and receive the promotions. offers discounts, and savings applicable to your order on the day and time that your ere is prepared and ‘processed for final payment. which may be diferent fom those shown in the Estimated Total when you place your err enine. Any negative balanelredit amount shown resuting from Promo Codes, ‘coupons or other discounts ane oes wil be adjusted 1 $0. Full terms avaliable at albertsonscompaniescom/abouts/ou-polies/terms-of-usehtml and delvryshawscom/terms.

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