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Current weekly ad Sentry - Valid from 09/15 to 09/21 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Sentry 09/15/2022 - 09/21/2022


Products in this weekly ad

j j . j E : 7 IN AND Nant CLIPLESS SUPER COUPON O08400 DISS EVERYDAY, MAPLE & | APPLES & SRST aT Leer er wl e a eae = _ ie | i — — “ahs ail pe — ae ao r - 4 a — a _ = _ —_- _ a ell si a _ i - ‘ Ps - ar al F av ' Qi a i PJ j a f :- r i r : & ; th ’ 1 T-Bone Steaks \\ USDA Choice, J] \ Sentry Angus Beef ~—~ Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Cereal Instant Oatmeal 11.5-13 o7 box, 10 ct box, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties — ai Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Complete Pancake & Waffle Syrup | Mix PA ozbtl 32 07 BOX, , Selected Varieties Selected Varieties ASSORTED ee ei ee a pope WE) = A Pal 2/ 4 J Gold n Plump Essential Everyday Essential Everyday : Fruit & Grain or Granola B Fruit Snack Boneless Skinless Ti) emai bot “oat, 2 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Chicken Breasts Fresh, Small Pack 96% Extra Lean Ground Beef USDA Inspected Center Cut Pork Rib Chops USDA Inspected, lender & Juicy wa ee | a GRAPE «> concon “@ 1/8 : Das ie PRODUCE Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Concord Grape Jelly 100% Grape Juice 18 o7 jar ) 64 97 btl. Selected Varieties Cz 79 oT Red Seediess ° Clementines ° ° Salad Kits 49 Grapes : 3 lb bag, ; Carrots . 8,4-13,25 oz pkg, 4 realy Caer ° Fresh, Sweet é 1 Ib oka ° Selected Varieties | Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Coffee Coffee 1? ct box K-Cups. 10-1? o7 bag, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties FAMILY SIRE Ee FAMILY SIZE *®) Chobani. 2 pa Waits é ‘ : F a FAMILY SIZE Pee te (\ Seiccrey AW \7aey [aco Bell “4 ae : ans CCTM Shredded Cheese 0 Chobani ee Me ~~“ or Kraft Chunk, Crumbles Chobani. ; Greek Yogurt aoe Less Sugar Greek Yogurt’ ’ 5 3 oz cup baa f ce tate or Shredded Cheese Nnamesteiaaaay Zehesieet doris ———— 7 oz Taco Bell, 8 oz Chunk, = ae See VCS Ge 5 oz Crumbles or 7-8 oz Shredded, Selected Varieties Essential Everyday Essential Everyday BESS SESSSSESSESSSESESESSESSSESSSSSESSEESSESSEESPESSSSSSSSESSESSSSSESESEHSESSSSESSSCRESSSSESESSESESSEESEPESSRSSECREERSSSEESSeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeseeeeeees Waffles Fruit ?4 ct box, 40-46 o7 pkg Selected Varieties : Selected Varieties Three Cheese 2h Marinara a : a, . RS “ = = a _ — GUR Cl vt ees S Five co Blue Bunny Ice Cream smart Ones Rice A Roni or Frozen Yogurt oe Entrees 5 / or Pasta Roni 46-48 oz ctn, 6.49-10,25 oz pkg, 1.97-7.2 oz pkg, Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Blended Yogurt Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls BBBSBSBESSGSSESSSSERCESGSSGSSSBERSERSERCGERSGSRBERBSRBERBBRB RB BBB RBBBEBEREBE EB EB BESS RB BBB BRBRBRBRBRSBRB RBBB RBRBRBRBRB BBB RBRBRBRBRBBSEBERBERB EBB EB BaREBBSRB RBBB BRB RBBB RBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBBRBRBRBERBRBRBBBRBERBEBERBEBSE ESE SB 3207 tub, 3-12 4 07 pkg, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties f kt - bh ef tl tas } eb erat) it wi | ) os & i SAVE Be srleelenbeal iceman. ite ik : ir RYE t Teg MUTT UT] aay —_ = ——_— -_ . > . iu : Wag Sale Price $1749 SSBB SBS SES SSRSSRSSERBSESRSSRSSERSSSSSRSSERSSSSEHSHS SRST SSHRPRO SEES SESSSRSSERS SESS SSSERBSESRSSRSSERSSSRBSRB ERB RBSBSSBSES SSSSSBSBSSSSSSESSSEESSEESRSSSSSSESSSESSESRSEEE MESES ESSESSSSESSESSESESSESSRSESSSESEEEE BBE SSSS Frito-Lay c Cheetos Cheese Snacks ia OF Ruffles Potato Chips 2 / p Bu dweiser 49 Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 6.5-8,5 oz Cheetos roducts Cream Cheese Orange Juice or 7,25-9 oz Ruffles, 6 pk, 16.9 oz btls, Beer AFTER Soztub, 5? oz bt! Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 20 pk, 12 oz btls COUPON serene Selected Varieties PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 15 THRU SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 Limit Rights Reserved. Some Items or Varieties Not Available In All Stores. We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities And Correct All Printed Errors. © 2022 UNFI INC, all rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without expressed written permission. No Rain Checks. ant ateent St, visit us online at hoe, Sate tate 608-752-0501 1ZOO_OIK_852 SENTRY_O9QI15 eoZ2-U915

Latest weekly ads

j j . j E : 7 IN AND Nant CLIPLESS SUPER COUPON O08400 DISS EVERYDAY, MAPLE & | APPLES & SRST aT Leer er wl e a eae = _ ie | i — — “ahs ail pe — ae ao r - 4 a — a _ = _ —_- _ a ell si a _ i - ‘ Ps - ar al F av ' Qi a i PJ j a f :- r i r : & ; th ’ 1 T-Bone Steaks \\ USDA Choice, J] \ Sentry Angus Beef ~—~ Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Cereal Instant Oatmeal 11.5-13 o7 box, 10 ct box, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties — ai Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Complete Pancake & Waffle Syrup | Mix PA ozbtl 32 07 BOX, , Selected Varieties Selected Varieties ASSORTED ee ei ee a pope WE) = A Pal 2/ 4 J Gold n Plump Essential Everyday Essential Everyday : Fruit & Grain or Granola B Fruit Snack Boneless Skinless Ti) emai bot “oat, 2 Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Chicken Breasts Fresh, Small Pack 96% Extra Lean Ground Beef USDA Inspected Center Cut Pork Rib Chops USDA Inspected, lender & Juicy wa ee | a GRAPE «> concon “@ 1/8 : Das ie PRODUCE Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Concord Grape Jelly 100% Grape Juice 18 o7 jar ) 64 97 btl. Selected Varieties Cz 79 oT Red Seediess ° Clementines ° ° Salad Kits 49 Grapes : 3 lb bag, ; Carrots . 8,4-13,25 oz pkg, 4 realy Caer ° Fresh, Sweet é 1 Ib oka ° Selected Varieties | Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Coffee Coffee 1? ct box K-Cups. 10-1? o7 bag, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties FAMILY SIRE Ee FAMILY SIZE *®) Chobani. 2 pa Waits é ‘ : F a FAMILY SIZE Pee te (\ Seiccrey AW \7aey [aco Bell “4 ae : ans CCTM Shredded Cheese 0 Chobani ee Me ~~“ or Kraft Chunk, Crumbles Chobani. ; Greek Yogurt aoe Less Sugar Greek Yogurt’ ’ 5 3 oz cup baa f ce tate or Shredded Cheese Nnamesteiaaaay Zehesieet doris ———— 7 oz Taco Bell, 8 oz Chunk, = ae See VCS Ge 5 oz Crumbles or 7-8 oz Shredded, Selected Varieties Essential Everyday Essential Everyday BESS SESSSSESSESSSESESESSESSSESSSSSESSEESSESSEESPESSSSSSSSESSESSSSSESESEHSESSSSESSSCRESSSSESESSESESSEESEPESSRSSECREERSSSEESSeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeseeeeeees Waffles Fruit ?4 ct box, 40-46 o7 pkg Selected Varieties : Selected Varieties Three Cheese 2h Marinara a : a, . RS “ = = a _ — GUR Cl vt ees S Five co Blue Bunny Ice Cream smart Ones Rice A Roni or Frozen Yogurt oe Entrees 5 / or Pasta Roni 46-48 oz ctn, 6.49-10,25 oz pkg, 1.97-7.2 oz pkg, Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Blended Yogurt Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls BBBSBSBESSGSSESSSSERCESGSSGSSSBERSERSERCGERSGSRBERBSRBERBBRB RB BBB RBBBEBEREBE EB EB BESS RB BBB BRBRBRBRBRSBRB RBBB RBRBRBRBRB BBB RBRBRBRBRBBSEBERBERB EBB EB BaREBBSRB RBBB BRB RBBB RBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBBRBRBRBERBRBRBBBRBERBEBERBEBSE ESE SB 3207 tub, 3-12 4 07 pkg, Selected Varieties Selected Varieties f kt - bh ef tl tas } eb erat) it wi | ) os & i SAVE Be srleelenbeal iceman. ite ik : ir RYE t Teg MUTT UT] aay —_ = ——_— -_ . > . iu : Wag Sale Price $1749 SSBB SBS SES SSRSSRSSERBSESRSSRSSERSSSSSRSSERSSSSEHSHS SRST SSHRPRO SEES SESSSRSSERS SESS SSSERBSESRSSRSSERSSSRBSRB ERB RBSBSSBSES SSSSSBSBSSSSSSESSSEESSEESRSSSSSSESSSESSESRSEEE MESES ESSESSSSESSESSESESSESSRSESSSESEEEE BBE SSSS Frito-Lay c Cheetos Cheese Snacks ia OF Ruffles Potato Chips 2 / p Bu dweiser 49 Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 6.5-8,5 oz Cheetos roducts Cream Cheese Orange Juice or 7,25-9 oz Ruffles, 6 pk, 16.9 oz btls, Beer AFTER Soztub, 5? oz bt! Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 20 pk, 12 oz btls COUPON serene Selected Varieties PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 15 THRU SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 Limit Rights Reserved. Some Items or Varieties Not Available In All Stores. We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities And Correct All Printed Errors. © 2022 UNFI INC, all rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without expressed written permission. No Rain Checks. ant ateent St, visit us online at hoe, Sate tate 608-752-0501 1ZOO_OIK_852 SENTRY_O9QI15 eoZ2-U915

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