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Current weekly ad Pete's Fresh Market - Valid from 09/06 to 09/12 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Pete's Fresh Market 09/06/2023 - 09/12/2023


Products in this weekly ad

La Marca PROSECCO, ROSE, or Kim Crawford SAUVIGNON BLANC x Corona, Amstel Light, Pacifico, Guinness, Lagunitas, Sam Adams, Bells Oberon, Goose Island, Angry Orchard, or Mikes Hard Lemonade : OF Aperol i J®e LIQUEUR LA MARCA & APEROL SPRITZ A dolicate and sophisticated apéritif (before-dinner wine) that delightfully balances a crisp and light Prosecco with Aperol's bittor- sweet citrusy and rhubarb notes. INGREDIENTS PREPARATION 1 part La Marea Add ice into glass Prosoceo thon pour Prosecco 1 part Aperol liqueur 1 dash Club soda Orange slice for garnish Ice and Aperol in equal portions. Add a splash of club soda and top with ‘orange slice. CHICAGO BEARS SCHEDULE Sun 9/10 vs Packers 3:25 PM (F) Sun 10/1 vs Broncos 12:00 PM (C) Sun 10/15 vs Vi Sun 10/22 vs Raiders 12:00 PM (F) 12:00 PM (F) Thurs 11/9 vs Panthers Sun 11/19 at Lions 7:15 PM (AP) 12:00 PM (F) Sun 12/10 vs Lions 12:00 PM (F) Sun 12/24 vs Cardinals Sun 12/31 vs Falcons 3:25 PM (F) 12:00 PM (C) MHOME (F)FOX (C) CBS (AP) Amazon Prime (N) NBC (E) ESPN ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? | Jose Cuervo Pri ES Buchanan’ s Especial aia TEQUILA | TEQUILA Hondmade a : ‘114 10g | Nowe i Jameson Jack Daniels Ha | amsterdam BINT LE IRISH i | Black C On tho Rocks ew VODKA bear wriskey a | wuiskey COCKTAILS | Assorted * | Roncho ski | LaGloria | ae Chi-chi's READY ~ fie | Reavy TOORINK | ae TO DRINK Assorted J | Assorted Dale i Ok if Stella Rosa @; | Bota Bo: Yellow Tail or i WINE ~==5 | or Black Box Woodbridge | aA Assorted C¥4| wine WINE ——_ 24 pk cans or bls Bud or Bud Light White Claw, .— wii Ce Qa or Bud Light a SELTZERS Topo Chico Spirited SELTZER Pilsner Urquell

Latest weekly ads

La Marca PROSECCO, ROSE, or Kim Crawford SAUVIGNON BLANC x Corona, Amstel Light, Pacifico, Guinness, Lagunitas, Sam Adams, Bells Oberon, Goose Island, Angry Orchard, or Mikes Hard Lemonade : OF Aperol i J®e LIQUEUR LA MARCA & APEROL SPRITZ A dolicate and sophisticated apéritif (before-dinner wine) that delightfully balances a crisp and light Prosecco with Aperol's bittor- sweet citrusy and rhubarb notes. INGREDIENTS PREPARATION 1 part La Marea Add ice into glass Prosoceo thon pour Prosecco 1 part Aperol liqueur 1 dash Club soda Orange slice for garnish Ice and Aperol in equal portions. Add a splash of club soda and top with ‘orange slice. CHICAGO BEARS SCHEDULE Sun 9/10 vs Packers 3:25 PM (F) Sun 10/1 vs Broncos 12:00 PM (C) Sun 10/15 vs Vi Sun 10/22 vs Raiders 12:00 PM (F) 12:00 PM (F) Thurs 11/9 vs Panthers Sun 11/19 at Lions 7:15 PM (AP) 12:00 PM (F) Sun 12/10 vs Lions 12:00 PM (F) Sun 12/24 vs Cardinals Sun 12/31 vs Falcons 3:25 PM (F) 12:00 PM (C) MHOME (F)FOX (C) CBS (AP) Amazon Prime (N) NBC (E) ESPN ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? | Jose Cuervo Pri ES Buchanan’ s Especial aia TEQUILA | TEQUILA Hondmade a : ‘114 10g | Nowe i Jameson Jack Daniels Ha | amsterdam BINT LE IRISH i | Black C On tho Rocks ew VODKA bear wriskey a | wuiskey COCKTAILS | Assorted * | Roncho ski | LaGloria | ae Chi-chi's READY ~ fie | Reavy TOORINK | ae TO DRINK Assorted J | Assorted Dale i Ok if Stella Rosa @; | Bota Bo: Yellow Tail or i WINE ~==5 | or Black Box Woodbridge | aA Assorted C¥4| wine WINE ——_ 24 pk cans or bls Bud or Bud Light White Claw, .— wii Ce Qa or Bud Light a SELTZERS Topo Chico Spirited SELTZER Pilsner Urquell

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