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Current weekly ad Ocean State Job Lot - Valid from 09/15 to 09/21 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Ocean State Job Lot 09/15/2022 - 09/21/2022


Products in this weekly ad

¥ 23 4 Daven 4 t imbo lowering Bulbs : Gaus, ups Sl, a S » Muscor Puschkinia & Boffodis ine 1S i ite lagsor Men's & Women’s Sherpa : pullovers Lined Fleece Hoodies D Dutch Bulbs eomp.525530 Conpessoe ip 4 j 35. Hyacinth 15 Alum 35 C0. Tuli 35 Ct Doffoits 50 Iris Mix 7 7 ‘Afity Rainbow Sle j | y SLIDE SANDALS my = 5 $40 a Bias | LONYSUDE SANDALS SQ) Come 80 RT l Me ] 210) 8) : : J = 21° PREMIUM Pocket a ( onset Dormiganty bee J % ait Grass Seed lend. comp ibees Comp lee Conphaeia 4 Sis, — ORE Wire ree Bras 49 fecgralgoen had eg ‘0x20 in id InGround Pool Covers Above Ground PoolCovers + a5 Satin.) PEO 1 12x24 (17529 cover 12328 pool..44” Includeswinch &coble + 3 S21 + sesae 1329 cover 16128 pot 59 Round cove pot" | it Pah oe 2 6432! (21537 cover 16132 pool..74% 24° Round (24 cover21 po). .69% lis 365 4 f ae. £16396 (rxdt*cover 1636 poo). 79! 2 Reund(7 cover2¢poo)-79 2030 Bird Food £ 18x36' (23.4 cover 18136 poo!..89% _ 28 Round 31'cover 28 poo).99" + Grohe + 20'x40" 25145 cover20%40'poo).. 09” Standard Grade Above Ground : + asnas ors cover spe). 189 Poo! Covers includes wich & able + SS 30780" 35155 cover30360 poo). 174% 15 Round 18 cover : ; ( -Round 2 cover : aa ao Berg 21° Round (24 cover). ; Pk Suet Cake Pel 24 Round (27 cover) ey cy get ae rE Tar rely 28’ Round (31' cover)..... + MixSeed =e ‘Ice Equalizer er pn Famous Maker Performance Skorts Comp 40858 (Quick-drying & stain resistant! Light Filtering-6¢7 69-2499 resness - Poo! Pillows rage 3? 4x5' Single... 1x8' Double... | 46x8'Heavy Duty. 14” 1x40 Double..8”* 19°34" Maximum Blackout-72°L } Yaiaies Kits =~ . 39 Ma i ey ee ata erg Soing Bath Bath. WasheotN SP : tb, | 1Gal.. Bi SOF . Soe a Sis Fo Powder~ Liquid OR 1 Gal Winterizer 2 See $43 sg tecingor = 149) aie i) = sarenck te i 479% * eT] $40 + Atle Heavy>i ad A sere. oy : y uty ‘Sheer Drapes prrmerrer /( a | aoe i t aarxare..599 Decorative E27! | seo cotton 1 ange ete > ble Stand-up pe eee rag = er |) scat 1 ein : Paddleboards [it Riana 38 = —e } AQ! Toten top Tote ichates pny, pill | phate d, pc LED Shop Ligh other accessories | + Heawy Duty { ' Passa] ee] aun maun-onecnonaa ugnTs | SE | ee ; ” rT oo. | .; de ee ae er Blanket ee | ATerAustabiecz Weer 34S gg) SH a, | Got a $100 Crazy Deal is SAGO TS Rages itertenbaykdmaesrnsriiens4® 20W,8200tumen sunny > Gift Card, Free! Card of Equal Vale!” Soe advertised ems ray note aalale na ses Whe Ocean Sate) Latte to prone accrtefrmaton ona averting Unetenon eos my CC, In SX aS we reserve Te TEND CTE ay ry postg xh foe OU oes. Arr oes ot ecesaly represent tes on sc Ko pay purpose ony.

Latest weekly ads

¥ 23 4 Daven 4 t imbo lowering Bulbs : Gaus, ups Sl, a S » Muscor Puschkinia & Boffodis ine 1S i ite lagsor Men's & Women’s Sherpa : pullovers Lined Fleece Hoodies D Dutch Bulbs eomp.525530 Conpessoe ip 4 j 35. Hyacinth 15 Alum 35 C0. Tuli 35 Ct Doffoits 50 Iris Mix 7 7 ‘Afity Rainbow Sle j | y SLIDE SANDALS my = 5 $40 a Bias | LONYSUDE SANDALS SQ) Come 80 RT l Me ] 210) 8) : : J = 21° PREMIUM Pocket a ( onset Dormiganty bee J % ait Grass Seed lend. comp ibees Comp lee Conphaeia 4 Sis, — ORE Wire ree Bras 49 fecgralgoen had eg ‘0x20 in id InGround Pool Covers Above Ground PoolCovers + a5 Satin.) PEO 1 12x24 (17529 cover 12328 pool..44” Includeswinch &coble + 3 S21 + sesae 1329 cover 16128 pot 59 Round cove pot" | it Pah oe 2 6432! (21537 cover 16132 pool..74% 24° Round (24 cover21 po). .69% lis 365 4 f ae. £16396 (rxdt*cover 1636 poo). 79! 2 Reund(7 cover2¢poo)-79 2030 Bird Food £ 18x36' (23.4 cover 18136 poo!..89% _ 28 Round 31'cover 28 poo).99" + Grohe + 20'x40" 25145 cover20%40'poo).. 09” Standard Grade Above Ground : + asnas ors cover spe). 189 Poo! Covers includes wich & able + SS 30780" 35155 cover30360 poo). 174% 15 Round 18 cover : ; ( -Round 2 cover : aa ao Berg 21° Round (24 cover). ; Pk Suet Cake Pel 24 Round (27 cover) ey cy get ae rE Tar rely 28’ Round (31' cover)..... + MixSeed =e ‘Ice Equalizer er pn Famous Maker Performance Skorts Comp 40858 (Quick-drying & stain resistant! Light Filtering-6¢7 69-2499 resness - Poo! Pillows rage 3? 4x5' Single... 1x8' Double... | 46x8'Heavy Duty. 14” 1x40 Double..8”* 19°34" Maximum Blackout-72°L } Yaiaies Kits =~ . 39 Ma i ey ee ata erg Soing Bath Bath. WasheotN SP : tb, | 1Gal.. Bi SOF . Soe a Sis Fo Powder~ Liquid OR 1 Gal Winterizer 2 See $43 sg tecingor = 149) aie i) = sarenck te i 479% * eT] $40 + Atle Heavy>i ad A sere. oy : y uty ‘Sheer Drapes prrmerrer /( a | aoe i t aarxare..599 Decorative E27! | seo cotton 1 ange ete > ble Stand-up pe eee rag = er |) scat 1 ein : Paddleboards [it Riana 38 = —e } AQ! Toten top Tote ichates pny, pill | phate d, pc LED Shop Ligh other accessories | + Heawy Duty { ' Passa] ee] aun maun-onecnonaa ugnTs | SE | ee ; ” rT oo. | .; de ee ae er Blanket ee | ATerAustabiecz Weer 34S gg) SH a, | Got a $100 Crazy Deal is SAGO TS Rages itertenbaykdmaesrnsriiens4® 20W,8200tumen sunny > Gift Card, Free! Card of Equal Vale!” Soe advertised ems ray note aalale na ses Whe Ocean Sate) Latte to prone accrtefrmaton ona averting Unetenon eos my CC, In SX aS we reserve Te TEND CTE ay ry postg xh foe OU oes. Arr oes ot ecesaly represent tes on sc Ko pay purpose ony.

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