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Current weekly ad Menards - Valid from 01/22 to 02/02 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Menards 01/22/2025 - 02/02/2025


Products in this weekly ad

20-Gallon’ Point-of-Use #120v, 2,000W element © 6-Year tank and 2-1/2-Gallon Point-of-Use *120V, 1,440W element 6-Year tank and parts, 2-year parts, 2-year Tabor warranty Fabor warranty Sale Price 369% Sale Price 219% ECTRI WATER HEATER GF) 50-Gallon Heat Pump © 240V, 4,500W elements * 10-Year warranty and parts, 2-year 2-year in-home labor labor warranty p 1,599.99 Sale Price ae 479% 50-Gallon # 38,000 BTU * Self-Cleaning to reduce sediment buildup © 9-Year tank and parts, 2-year bor warranty 683-5190 Sale Price 699%" 40- Gallon Power Vent © 36,000 81 Vents ert re or 3" PVC, ABS, (or CPVC vent pipe up to 100 ft either horizontally or vertically + 6-Year tank and parts, 2-year labor warranty 683.5168 Sale Price 1,099°° TANKLESS WATER HEATERS BY Richmond Whole Home Electric #240, 27,0000 * Delvrs upto 4 gallons per minute temperature rise * S-Yar heat exchanger, 1-year parts waranty Sale Price 479° ‘each High Een Natural Gas or Liquid Propane + 199,900 B1 * Delivers up . 9.5 gallons per minute at 35°F temperature rise ‘© 15-Year heat exchanger, 5-year parts, and sol; 3@t labor warranty 653-116, 1167 139999 Richmond Thermostatic Point-of-Use © 240V, 6,500W * For one bathroom faucet or up to two low flow faucets running simultaneously 683-5452 sure 179% TEAS OMNIFLTER Mavens: erioan Pr calaai noe ee © Bottom Load | Bottom Load Sanitizing f Hot, room: fe Hot, room 1. _ Top Load Seni temperatur ~ households * Good for + Hot or cold or cold water and cold water of up to five households water delivery felivery delivery system people of up to six ‘system ‘system fe Automatic UV Self-Cleaning people © Fits 3-5 ‘its 3-5. LED sanitization sediment fitter + Self-Cleaning ‘= gallon water gallon water * Fits 3-5 gallon pees sediment fitter bottles les water bottles en2-40e2 02-4085 ee2-a052 salepnce _s4a.00| ; : : MAIL-IN REBATE® se Sale Price Sale Price ale Price Sale Price me. 4gg%' 649% | 109% 179° 249° REBATE" ‘each each each each each * “Price After Rebate” is the Price or Sale Price, minus the savings you can receive from a Mail-In Rebate* in the form of an in-store merchandise credit check. The Mail-In Rebate* is not a point-of-sale discount on the advertised items. See page 11 for details. '— Mary Augustine “We become happier, much happier, when we realize that life is an opportunity rather than an obligation.”

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20-Gallon’ Point-of-Use #120v, 2,000W element © 6-Year tank and 2-1/2-Gallon Point-of-Use *120V, 1,440W element 6-Year tank and parts, 2-year parts, 2-year Tabor warranty Fabor warranty Sale Price 369% Sale Price 219% ECTRI WATER HEATER GF) 50-Gallon Heat Pump © 240V, 4,500W elements * 10-Year warranty and parts, 2-year 2-year in-home labor labor warranty p 1,599.99 Sale Price ae 479% 50-Gallon # 38,000 BTU * Self-Cleaning to reduce sediment buildup © 9-Year tank and parts, 2-year bor warranty 683-5190 Sale Price 699%" 40- Gallon Power Vent © 36,000 81 Vents ert re or 3" PVC, ABS, (or CPVC vent pipe up to 100 ft either horizontally or vertically + 6-Year tank and parts, 2-year labor warranty 683.5168 Sale Price 1,099°° TANKLESS WATER HEATERS BY Richmond Whole Home Electric #240, 27,0000 * Delvrs upto 4 gallons per minute temperature rise * S-Yar heat exchanger, 1-year parts waranty Sale Price 479° ‘each High Een Natural Gas or Liquid Propane + 199,900 B1 * Delivers up . 9.5 gallons per minute at 35°F temperature rise ‘© 15-Year heat exchanger, 5-year parts, and sol; 3@t labor warranty 653-116, 1167 139999 Richmond Thermostatic Point-of-Use © 240V, 6,500W * For one bathroom faucet or up to two low flow faucets running simultaneously 683-5452 sure 179% TEAS OMNIFLTER Mavens: erioan Pr calaai noe ee © Bottom Load | Bottom Load Sanitizing f Hot, room: fe Hot, room 1. _ Top Load Seni temperatur ~ households * Good for + Hot or cold or cold water and cold water of up to five households water delivery felivery delivery system people of up to six ‘system ‘system fe Automatic UV Self-Cleaning people © Fits 3-5 ‘its 3-5. LED sanitization sediment fitter + Self-Cleaning ‘= gallon water gallon water * Fits 3-5 gallon pees sediment fitter bottles les water bottles en2-40e2 02-4085 ee2-a052 salepnce _s4a.00| ; : : MAIL-IN REBATE® se Sale Price Sale Price ale Price Sale Price me. 4gg%' 649% | 109% 179° 249° REBATE" ‘each each each each each * “Price After Rebate” is the Price or Sale Price, minus the savings you can receive from a Mail-In Rebate* in the form of an in-store merchandise credit check. The Mail-In Rebate* is not a point-of-sale discount on the advertised items. See page 11 for details. '— Mary Augustine “We become happier, much happier, when we realize that life is an opportunity rather than an obligation.”

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